When Autism Grows Up

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Autism is a lifelong disorder, and adults struggle finding their place in society once they grow up. Hear Brett and his family talk about what it was like for him growing up and what the future holds.

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My son is autistic and 23 years old. He is in his own world. He will never have a job or anything. I fear because he not really vocal but he is the kindest loving and happiest person I know. He has no friends and he has no idea what a friend is.I just pray everyday and do the best I can. I Love him so much.


I am very proud of my gf she have autism too.We are in a LDR but I never give up on her.I love her so much.


My son has Autism and other loved ones do too. My son is married to a girl he met in the 6th grade. He is looking for work and he is pursuing a music career. He takes life one moment at a time.


I`m autistic, 33 years old, and doing very good, with even becoming a model and having my own son ( who is not autistic ). I only have some problems with making IRL friends, controlling myself and maturity.


My son is 27 and he was diagnosed at 2.. I was not prepared for him to grow up 😩 He is high functioning but he aged out and then I was left with a broken heart. He works and he's functional. He just moved in with his older brother who agreed to be his person at 9y old.. I miss Autism in my house. As a parent I was not prepared for the questions! They are never taught sex education and experience with relationships and knowing the difference between healthy relationship and not.


seeing autistic people healing, and making friends is soo wholesome


Wonderful video presentation about the challenges for our autism community, and need for programs passed 'when the school bus stops coming'.


I'm so glad that I told the school system how I felt, I'm so glad that I was a Home Health Aide my training helps me with my son. My so is mastering all his ADL'S. He keeps me and my husband young and actived. My heart is broken 💔 because some family members don't have the skills that I have. I try so hard to help parents that have special needs Family members. I work with DEMENTIA patients and that what help me alot with my son.


One solution for autistic people is to show every thing which is required for a normal life in a video format along with explaining them the video and relating them with the person in the video and then asking questions based on scenarios.
By doing this delligently adults can grasp essential skills for a low skill or static jobs along with mingling socially.
Visualization works for autistic people and it helps to change thinking when they can't think naturally.


This is so sad he could be so much more than this. He just seems like he's treated like a kid into his 30s. I'm 19 I have a job I live away from my parents with my brothers and I have autism. And this is not because they've taken me on to look after me or I've been given some simple job to make me feel special its because I've been raised. Raise autistic children so they become adults don't just treat them like they'll never grow up


I have an autistic twin brother. I feel so sad most times cos I really want his friendship but I don't know how to be friends with him. We are 24 years old now. He still have difficulties in reading and writing but he is trying his best. I wish there's something I can do to be his best person. He really is lovely and helps me out in the house most times


Also, not only am I autistic, my mother is too, and she was able to care very well for 5 kids, one of which has autism ( Yes, I inherited mine from her. )


Thats great.. He still can grow independently although has so much burden.. Its beautiful..


As an adult with autism, I am a statistic.


the statement made about turning 22....so true. My nephew is 22 and it's like he is in a holding pattern...now what?? School is over.


I have not been getting help. I have been getting bullied and discriminated against by the people who could have helped me.


After his parents pass away, how he will handle life's tougher responsibilities like doing his taxes, taking care of his finances, insurance, managing his health and medical care? If he loses his job, how will he find a new job? How will he save money and prepare for retirement? If his parents leave their house to him, will he know who to call for house repairs? Does he know how to work with police if there's an emergency? I think he'll be fine doing the simpler things in life, but what about the complex parts of life that even people without autism have a tough time dealing with? I hope he'll be okay when he gets older.


I have a twin son with autism no verbal . They are 23 years old now . I am worrying what will happen when I am not around .


More BAFA businesses (By Autistics For Autistics) are needed! More long-term/life-term residential facilities are needed! More activity programs to teach Autistics how to be normal are needed! I should know- I’m an Autistic myself!

And what about those that are diagnosed later in life? And those that are suspected of being Autistic but never diagnosed? And those like myself that were diagnosed as kids but didn’t know until years later? We need help too!

(And don’t tell me you’re sorry for what happened to me while I was growing up! You weren’t there at the time and you would have treated me in the exact same way others treated me back then!)


Our son is 24 years old and hasn't moved toward adulthood since he was dropped of the cliff 2 years ago. He's living in a comfortable nest, and does NOTHING but take care of his body and play video games. I want him to grow up, but it's not happening. He is very difficult to live with. Very very messy and very disrespectful. Yelling, verbal threats to hurt us, hiding out in his room or in the basement. As long as he lives in the nest, he will stay in this childish pattern. He knows how to shop, cook, do laundry, and clean. He doesn't drive, and he doesn't do any planning or initiating outside activities. He's stuck. This 62 year old mom is TIRED and FED UP.
