14 Signs A Person Likes You (Even If You Don’t Think So)

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14 Signs A Person Likes You (Even If You Don’t Think So)
In this video we show you 14 signs a person likes you even if you don’t think so. These 14 #psychology signs will reveal if someone likes you even when you think they don’t.

Does he like me? does she like me? how to know if someone likes you? how to know if a person likes you? in this video we answer all these questions and you will learn exactly with the power of social psychology what signs to look for to know if a person likes you or not. These 14 proven #socialpsychology signs will show you if someone likes you but is hiding their feelings.

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No one has a crush on me, I'm too strong to be crushed ~Drax


Never assume anyone likes you and you won't be disappointed


As a shy girl I wanna tell you, how to know if someone likes you or not

1) admires you but when you make eye contact suddenly looks away
2)sit straight yup it's correct 😂
3) tries to stay quiet or talk alot depends on the person
4) touch their hair
5) touches their cloth
6) change in behaviour
7) wants you to make the first move
8) maybe calls you bro infront of their friends 🗿


You're here just because you want to realise that your crush doesn't like you at all. I know... Me too.


Also they flirt in subtle ways. A lot of the time, girls tend to look away when they have a crush on someone, and boys will tend to look their crush in the eye. Love is complicated


I remember meeting a girl and she basically did all these signs and I felt pretty sure about her intentions so I asked her out and after few dates we actually kissed. One week later after asking her out again she stopped doing all of these signs and instead in some cases she did the complete opposite so I told her that I knew she was hiding something and I was right... She told me she was losing feelings and she didn't want to be in a relationship, end of the story 👤👤


1. They try to get close to you
2. Casual touches
3. Their body language is open to YOU
4. They use the same body language and words as you
5. They sit up straight around you
6. They blink less around you
7. They remove all physical barriers
8. Pay attention to how they walk
9. They stand taller pull their shoulders back and suck their stomach in.
10. They blush around you
11. They are preening themselves
12. Changes in their personality
13. They are acting weird
14. They remember the weirdest things


The person you don't like, likes you.
The person you like, don't like you.

I experienced this throughout my life, trust me. I can confidently say that I am attractive. I met many girls that shown their interest for me. But that one girl I like ended up rejecting me.
I always ask myself why almost every girl in our school likes me but not my crush.

And I also just wanna say to anyone who got rejected, It is better that you know now that a person doesn't like you instead of wasting your time wondering if that person likes you back.


1. stares
2. she always says hi to you even tho she haves a boyfriend
3. just complements you
4. she plays with her hair around you
5. she sometimes bumps into you for no reason
6. she starts up a conversation
7. she smells good around you


This doesn't always have to be about love! I came here to find out if my friend really cares about me. So remember, if your special someone applies to most of these, but they don't like you, maybe they just want to be really good friends with you because they trust you, they just don't want anything more


Before I married my husband he invited me out for lunch and brought his Mom..I figured if he was good to his Mom he was a keeper..I've known him 30 years and been married to him 25 years. and he's definitely a keeper


The best thing to do (from what I have observed and learned so far) to start the first step to greatness is finding the underlying cause to many of the stuff that happens to you, instead of bitching about it. We must begin improving and working for our own selves before inpiring and loving others. Be honest with yourself. We must acknowledge that the hard accepting facts actually exist first. Take an hour everyday and use it for reflection, and piss on your insecurities for some time. Delve deep into the subconcious weakness. There you will find the underlying cause of why certain bad stuff happens. Once you find the root, take the first step towards rooting it out. Hitting the gym, socialising in some way, or some kind of exercise is one of them (some things can even be related to the way we look, which we can definitely improve, like posture and physique). Fail better everyday. Find something motivating that keeps you on track consistently and helps you push yourself hard (and yes that may include certain instant gratification stuff like music if it helps in the long run). Aim to surpass the person you were yesterday. Study people's behaviour to learn from them, without aiming your goals to surpass people specifically (people are not gods and you may be following weak steps at the time) or to look down on them. (Motivating and pushing them hard instead of bullying them inspires respect). Be part of the change you want in the world. Do everything for the sake of strength and greatness. The greatest things in life come along with it (including women's attention, but do not make it your absolute priority). Greatness from small beginnings 💪


My Crush did the opposite of all the stuff in this video, but there was this one girl who I did like, who portrayed all these behaviours towards me, the sad thing is she didn't just portray them to me alone.


I'm a dancer(literally my whole life and a psych. Scholar), and all we do is read is body language. Even down to reading color combinations. Everything this video is explaining and highlighting, is hella accurate and spot on.👍🏾


I transferred to this school and came from the nearest school to it, so I knew a lot of people already. I was on the bus for kids who lived in the boundaries of my old school. I met a boy there and he was so sweet. People always assumed we liked each other. there were so many signs falling all over the place from both ends. When he found out about my feelings for him we still spoke a bit but not as frequently. I started to wonder if he was trying to distance himself or thinking of something to tell me. He would look at me in the halls and smile sometimes and I overheard him talk about me to his friends during math. It made me wonder if this was a red flag or not, thanks for helping.. He does sit up straight, move his physical barriers, and I've only seen him blink twice or thrice when we were talking. His blush is pretty obvious to see and he DEFINITELY changed when we started talking all the time.


You've just described me around my crush.


Just realized my crush has 0% interest in me and I'm the one doing all this.. but I'm still gonna tell her how I feel because why not even if I'll get rejected


"Don’t... don't give me hope"
-Clint Barton


Finding a woman who likes me is like finding a jedi after order 66
