Distance to the Sun / Myths and reality. How we actually measure it. Crepuscular rays.

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Nowadays there are some people who claim that the Sun is only a few thousand kilometers away. In this video we are going to find out how distance to the sun and some other bodies is measured, and why those conspitacy claims are false.


derivative work: Herby
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You merish distance to sun lineykoy?)))


Купи рекламу у какого нибудь иностранного блогера)


Лет ми спик фром май хард!
А, вообще, молодцы старайтесь, пробуйте.


Actually the reason we see the tracks converge is due to light entering into the spherical shape of our eyes. With the sun this physics works in reverse. Light rays leaving a lit up sphere will converge to their point of origin, thus causing the cerpuscular rays that you see. I hate to say it but the Sun has to be relatively local. Nice unscientific try though.


You just use terminology like parallax and triangulation but don’t actually explain anything!!!

So where exactly are we getting the baseline to triangulate the sun???

And since the sun and the moon are both the same apparent size in the sky if we are using triangulation wouldn’t they come out to be the same distance???

And when you’re talking about parallax you have no idea how many assumptions you’re making in order to gain any sort of baseline…

If you don’t know the baseline you cannot triangulate it’s that simple!!!


You are just a parrot of the system that uses no critical thinking whatsoever

When you mentioned the laser in the beginning I was literally laughing out loud because of how ridiculous that is… You show me a laser that doesn’t diverge past a couple miles yet you think we actually have lasers that would be able to travel at the bare minimum hundreds of thousands of miles without diverging??? 😂😂😂


As a physicist and mathematician I suggest to study some projective geometry ( the theory behind perspective ) because it doesn't work the way you show! Convergence of parallel lines appears from the point of observation to the vanishing point and not on a plane lying already on a great distance. So when you show the rails and compare it to the light rays you are seriously mistaken geometrically. You created a whole vanishing plane in a three- dimensional space and embedded it to assist the syllogism but it really breaks down to lack of real geometric knowledge....This is not how it works....So unfortunately your reasoning is not mathematically legitimate brother. I suspect you haven't study geometry at all on an advanced level! This is acceptable in science to make errors but what is not acceptable is to try to convince others after your faulty syllogism has been shown to you. I would suggest Brannan, Esplen and Gray's Geometry (Cambridge University Press ) to start some serious study in mathematics. It is on an easy level as a Geometry course but will clear things for your geometric understanding!


The sun is inside the atmosphere(firmament), go read the book of genesis


Cool. Pls don't stop to share your material for whole the world.


I thought the earth was roundish and the sun was about 93 million miles away but now that you have explained it to me like this I'm questioning if that true. This left me with questions that I never had before.


Лучше говори с нескрываемым русским акцентом как fpv russia. Когда пытаешься произносить правильно - получается хуже и думаю носителям языка такое меньше нравится. Чувствуется натужность произнесения. Нужна наоборот легкость и скорость чем правильность. Пусть нескрываемый русский акцент будет твой фишкой. Это намного лучше и легче будет смотреться, естественней


Thumbs up (on the video, not my comment) if you also think, that it actually might be great if people like this guy would really be paid or sponsored by NASA), or at least by some science society that cares about bringing Real knowledge to the world.
And yes, that's a proof that Russians don't just drink vodka with bears the whole day...


Can you measure the distance to the sun using 2 locations on earth?


for some peoples knowledge who think sanatan dharmas believe in mythology as history but in reality they actually knew the distance of earth from the sun as its written in HANUMAN CHALISA for many years you should check it


The rail track example is false Sun Light Cant Bend!


Great video! But I have one math problem that I can not figure out. Maybe you can help. I love how you calculated the distance to the tree in the video using a triangle! I love studying geometry.

Cairo, Egypt is approximately 7580 miles from Los Angeles, California. On March 26, 2022 the sun is in Cario’s western sky in the evening at 5pmEET at the same moment it is in Los Angeles’ eastern sky at 8amPST. Both cities are approximately on the same latitude line. Their line of sight to the sun makes a triangle. They are both looking at the sun at the same moment of time with the bottom leg of the triangle being @7580 miles. Angle alpha and angle beta must acute angles……probably close to 20 degree angles or less.
How can the other two legs of the triangle be approximately 93, 000, 000 miles with this empirical evidence?
Thanks in advance!


Basic trigonometry debunks perspective in this instance


As long as Earth's speed is around 66, 600 mph, the distance doesn't matter. We just made it up for a bit of mockery. Not unlike earths tilt of 23.5 or 66.5 degrees. Just like the distance to the stars, its all based on theoretical nonsense.


Comparing light refraction to a railroad 😂😂😂😂 that’s not how it works


Its much easier to believe how they measured the sun before I watched this video. Im still waiting on how they find the distance to the sun


Everything that we observe are illusions, only what they state is fact
Real science inded😊
