Jordan Peterson Leaves the Audience SPEECHLESS | One of the Best Motivational Speeches Ever

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Jordan Peterson, professor of psychology, clinical psychologist, YouTube personality, and author, delivers one of the best motivational speeches you will ever hear.

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"There's always people better than you doing far better than you in anything you want to imagine, but it's not a good comparison, because first of all they aren't you. There are CEO's with sportscars that, who knows, maybe they hate their lives. It happens."
― Jordan Peterson

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Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson is North America's most popular psychologist. He is a professor at the University of Toronto and focuses on abnormal, social and personality psychology.

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Epidemic Sound

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This man helped me kick alcohol. No meetings, no chips, no clinics. Just his words letting me know that I was destroying my life. I put the bottle down and never looked back. That was a year and a half ago.


Tell everyone you know about this man. He literally has saved my life and propelled me forward at 65. God Bless Jordan.


I am now an adjunct instructor in Psychology at a community college. I try each lecture to be 10% of what Peterson is, he inspired me to get my masters and now I’m working on my doctorate…he gave me a mission he can help you too


I love this man's message, my favorite human being. Cannot understand how people can try to tear down a man who's only purpose is to lift people up.


My kids will grow up listening to this man lectures as soon as they are old enough to comprehend the topics, his parents should be proud and Jordan should be extremely proud of himself he is one of the few great men left in this world.


This man saved me, gave me peace. Helped me understand aspects of my life that I didn’t know were harming me.


A truly amazing man. We are blessed to have this man at this crucial time in our history.


I become a wiser person each and every time I listen to Dr. Jordan Peterson.


This man saved me from insanity. I shifted my way of thinking based on his views and I managed to reduce my anxiety and suppressed anger significantly. THANK YOU


I came across J Peterson when I was at my lowest earlier this year. I was constantly asking myself: “What is like to be a man nowadays?”. I learned that the major life accomplishment that a man deserves is through the path towards his purpose. I believe that the average man nowadays is focused on things that won’t lead to a long-term satisfaction - which has to be changed.


I feel wrecked after losing my child, i don't know what i'd do without the advice and insight of this man.


Failure is the base line. That’s a great line. Helps me understand a little better why great ideas fail a lot. Makes me wanna keep creating. Thanks Jordan. You’re a boss.


Jordan Peterson has made such an incredible and important impact on humanity. As a man that grew up with many broken men in my life, I was broken and could have easily gone the path they went down and I almost did. What I've found with Jordan Peterson is a guide that I have implemented in my life and that I will also pass on to my children.
To all the men out there that may be broken and trying to find your way, beleive in yourself. You have it within you to overcome and let me tell you society needs as many men as possible to pull through because strong men create a safe and strong society. God bless


Of the many inspirational quotes, The most motivational and easy to comprehend message to me was, "It's very difficult to move from zero to one"


my goals are to be Healthy .. Mentally, Physically, and Emotionally. Listening to Jordan Peterson helped me achieve these goals..


This man help me out of my miserable life and i can live more peaceful and happy than ever. THANK YOU!


I've had the goal of becoming a doctor since I was around 8 years old. I'm currently a senior in college finishing prerequisites to apply for med school. Pretty surreal to be living the dream and having a solid goal for so long. I can't thank my parents enough for helping me the entire time.


This man truly is a legend of this generation. We are lucky to have him.


What made you so strong? Jordan Peterson
I love how you do not hide your true self.


"You need to know that the baseline is failure, otherwise you blame it on yourself"
Dr. J. Peterson
