Hand Bound Books by The Chelsea Bindery.

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Adam Douglas explores some of the process, details and features of The Chelsea Bindery's work, using a hand bound first edition copy of Gone With The Wind, by Margaret Mitchell.
This library binding is in Goatskin, often referred to as morocco by bookbinders, after it's traditional country of origin. The leather is hand dyed with natural dyes. Gold leaf gilt detailing decorates the edition, and is in this case referred to as all edges gilt.
More information on The Chelsea Bindery, including an in-depth video showing the process of book-binding is to be found here:
All our books hand bound by The Chelsea Bindery are available for perusal both at our shop locations, or here online:
This library binding is in Goatskin, often referred to as morocco by bookbinders, after it's traditional country of origin. The leather is hand dyed with natural dyes. Gold leaf gilt detailing decorates the edition, and is in this case referred to as all edges gilt.
More information on The Chelsea Bindery, including an in-depth video showing the process of book-binding is to be found here:
All our books hand bound by The Chelsea Bindery are available for perusal both at our shop locations, or here online:
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