How Did Mike Tyson Get On The Inside | Mike Tyson Footwork

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If you're a short guy wanting to know how did Mike Tyson get on the inside? On this video I'm going to breakdown the footwork he used to close the distance on his opponents

One of the things that Peek-a-boo boxing enthusiasts want to know is how to close the distance like Mike Tyson.

Mike Tyson was one of the most feared heavy weights of all time but what's crazy is, he was much shorter with an inferior reach to most of his opponents.

And in the video I explain how Tyson would get on the inside and deal damage to his opponents.

The first technique Mike Tyson would use to get on the inside was the backfoot step. Traditionally boxers are taught footwork where they will always step forward with their front foot first and follow with their back foot. They do this so they can always maintain a perfectly balanced stance.

But to close the distance faster Mike Tyson would step forward with his backfoot first, temporarily rendering himself flat footed. But from that position, when he stepped his front foot forward, he could cover twice the distance of a normal step, thus closing the distance faster and catching his opponents off guard.

Mike Tysons footwork was definitely unique but what made it so effective was the head movement he used with it. Which brings me to the next technique, the slip step.

Tyson would use the slip step on opponents that would back up as they threw punches. The reason for this move was that the opponents would be out of reach for counter punches, so instead of slipping and countering, Tyson would slip a jab then step in closer to his opponent before throwing the counter.

As simple as this footwork technique may seem. It actually takes a lot of timing and setting up to actually pull it off.

Which brings us to the final technique Mike Tyson would use to get insidel. If you're a short guy wanting to know how to box against taller opponents. This one is important.

The final technique was to put opponents in to a rhythm.

While most boxers try to stop their opponents from building a rhythm and beat them to the punch. Tyson would do the reverse. He would actually try to get his opponents punching in a rhythm, so that he could set up counter punches.

Although this technique can usually be quite subtle. The best example of this is when Tyson fought Donnie Long.

In this fight you can clearly see where Tyson was putting Long in to a rhythm. How he set him up and capitalised on it.

So there you have it,

Those are 3 techniques that answer the question. How did Mike Tyson fight tall guys?


0:00 Mike Tyson, one of the most feared heavyweights of all time
0:18 Mike Tyson's backfoot step to close the distance
1:30 The slip step.
2:10 How Mike Tyson put his opponents in to a rhythm

#miketysonfootwork #howtogetontheinside #miketyson #jabthetallguy #peekaboojab #boxingbreakdown #loganbrownboxing #miketysonboxing

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So many years Mike is retired but we still watching and alazyng videos his perfect style. For me he and cus dmato was the best team ever ever! Unstoppable


If you had to build a fighter in a laboratory to be the perfect fighter for the peekaboo style you would build Mike Tyson. I can only imagine what was going through Cus's mind when he first saw Tyson. Probably thought he found his Holy Grail.


Your understanding of peek a boo style is out of this world, everytime i watch you i learn something new, it must be great for people who you train personally.


Best explanation of what Tyson actually did on YouTube. Good work, Logan. Thanks for the content.


High boxing IQ, coupled with the perfect physical structure for his style, and all fused with a relentless drive to destroy his opponent.


"Man, that was a beautiful video", is what I said out loud just now.


Ahhh finally. People are finally starting to see the science of Mike Tyson. I always said do not watch the the punches only. Watch the feet and you see the secret of Mike Tyson. His foot speed was insane! He was on you before you could think. So most fighters decided to back up straight. Fight over!


Please do more videos like this on Mike Tyson, it's very educational 👍


Ive been practicing peek a boo for 4 years and even i learnt something from this video. The amount of analyzing you did is crazy even i after watching his old fights many times didnt see the back foot step and it makes so much sense


Wow I just learned so much in 3 minutes. Thank you 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪


Can you do a training series? From
Basic to advanced? Paid is fine. Wanna learn this style but no one teaches this style in Sydney. Thanks brother!


Best video I've seen on Mike Tyson for a long long time!

Great analysis!


Closing the distance as a shorter fighter helped me a lot in Kick Boxing, they can't kick properly when they're inches away from me so all that's left then is knowing how to destroy their knee strikes


Just stumbled onto your channel dude. Great content! Keep up the hard work!


The best ever at combination punches and getting inside! 🥊💪🏼


Просто шикарное видео, большое Вам спасибо!


It also helped that he had big feet for his size at 15'+.


Good analysis 🤙 will try it in my next sparring 😅


They dont make trainer's like that any more. It's the truth
