Season 1 Episode 1 : ALVINNN!!! and The Chipmunks - Talking Teddy / Principal Interest

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Talking Teddy is an episode of the ALVINNN!!! and The Chipmunks series.

Theodore's new talking-teddy bear is driving Alvin and Simon nuts. So, they decide to rewire the bear's hard drive, so the bear will follow their directions! But when Alvin abuses the privilege, Simon turns the tables on him.

When Theodore gets to pick the show to watch, his bear recommends Talking Teddy TV Fun Time. Unable to stand any more of the bear, Alvin convinces Simon to do something about it. Simon comes up with the idea to rewire the bear so they can control what it says. The next night, Theodore seems a little upset by the change of his teddy. While Alvin starts to abuse his control on the bear, Simon tries to dampen Alvin's actions. After Simon wants to end the charade, Alvin steals the keyboard, hides, and continues to take advantage, to Simon's displeasure, of Theodore. Simon, unable to take any more, rewires the bear once more so he can use Teddy to teach Alvin a lesson. Once he succeeds in freaking out Alvin, Simon convinces Theodore to donate Teddy to a daycare program. In the end, Theodore returns with a new and improved Talking Teddy.

Principal Interest is an episode of the ALVINNN!!! and The Chipmunks series.

Just like every year, Alvin is none-too thrilled about going back to school. That is until he sees the new Principal and then it's whoa! Love at first sight!

Alvin isn't thrilled about going back to school until he sees the new Principal and develops a crush on her. At the bell of his first class, Alvin rushes to Principal Meadows's Office where he discovers Brittany is her assistant. Brittany refuses him admittance until he is sent for back-talking to his teacher. Alvin tells her a long-winded story that concludes with him kissing her hand. After misbehaving in class over and over again just to see her, Principal Meadows talks to Dave which Alvin interprets as competition. To prevent him from seeing the Principal, his teacher states a new rule in which he won't see her anymore. His continued misbehavior ultimately leads to his suspension. Dave, unable to stand Alvin and unaware he followed him, meets Principal Meadows at a cafe. Alvin crashes the dinner before learning she's married. Alvin describes his broken heart to Miss Smith as he cleans his school graffiti and quickly moves past it once he sees a girl outside walking her dog.
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