Do You Need to Be Rebaptized?

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What does the Bible teach about rebaptism? Does a person ever need to be rebaptized? In this video, Chad Bird discusses common reasons for someone wanting to be baptized again, the two main views of baptism, and whether or not a person can (or should) be rebaptized.

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I was raised in a sect that denies the Trinity. And I was "baptized" aka dunked in water, but really it was a baptism into the community, which viewed itself as the only true believers on earth. Fast forward to now, I believe in a Savior, God the Son, and I'm being baptized, in my eyes for the first time, this Sunday.


Very helpful, thank you brother for sharing this. I was baptized at 12. Then because of faulty understanding on my part, I was re-baptized at a different Church, thinking that I had drifted away from God and this was a chance to "re-enlist"as it were and show my sincerity. I know now, thanks be to God, that I was wrong in thinking this way. So thankful for good teachers like you that help us see great truths of God. Keep up the good work, brother!


Thank you Sir. May peace be with you and your family. ❤


Thank you for this great video. I was baptized in April of this year.


Thank you for making this so beautifully clear!


Thank you for this! An answer to prayer. ❤


I think your analysis falls short of a few aspects. My 1st point of critique is that you talk about Gods will that is expressed in Gods word but you dont mention it. Thats not good.

I personally believe that baptism in the water is just obedience, but fair enough if you see it different. I interpret Mat3 differently, thats not my point.
However, you say that the person that baptizes does that on behalf of Christ, but Jesus Christ not a single time baptized anyone and I see no reason why He should do that after His resurrection.
Especially because of John 5:30, where Jesus makes clear that He OBEYS the Fathers will. Jesus (and you are right that we dont baptize ourselves), was not baptized by Himself. He obeyed the Fathers will (thats why I believe baptism is pure obedience) and got baptized by John the Baptist.
Also, Mat 3:11-17 states the "repentance" as a requirement (maybe more obvious in Acts 2:38), hence if that requirement was not met, the person fooled the pastor, but never baptized him in the first place. You covered a part with your statement about the trinity and you were right to do so. in other words, you need to be saved and accept the blood of Christ on the cross according to Rom3.25 and Rom10:9-10, otherwise you are no disciple, did not repent, not saved - hence never got baptized in the first place - you just got wet.
Now, in regard to Mat3 God sends you gifts of the Holy Spirit, which does not mean the Holy Spirit Himself (we receive that when being saved aka baptized in the Holy Spirit) but gifts of Him (which might be faith (Eph 2:8) or love for His word (1Cor13) etc. Now, we don't know if those gifts come upon us because of obedience or the act of baptism itself. So I am fine with your interpretation as you might be correct.

I think Mat28:19-20 is clear: Make them disciples and baptize them with "them" referring to the disciples and not to the first "them" (people before they became disciples). Its a sequence of actions: becoming disciple first, then getting baptized.
And you become a disciple by being saved, saved by repentance and accepting the Cross and therefore being baptized in the Holy Spirit. The baptism in the water is then the official statement from you in public that you submit to the Lord Jesus Christ (same like Rom10:10). And the aspect of being saved aka being a disciple is emphasized in acts 2:38-41. How to become a disciple is further covered in John 8:31-32, John 13:34-35, Luke 14:33. You can forget about my interpretation of "baptism is just obedience" if you dont want to interpret the verses mentioned above as such, but we need to be disciples.

You are right that re-baptism does not exist, but you are wrong in what you define as baptism. You need to be a disciple to be baptized or you just got wet. Children, especially newborn, cant be baptized. They just got wet because the declaration that you submit to the Lord and repent is missing and I would think (but thats just my opinion) that no-one below the age of 12, maybe even later depending on his development and growth in His word and his faith can make such a declaration.

Since the water baptism is a kind of ceremony (something that is done in the world), and comes after the spiritual aspects of repentance, calling on the name of the Lord, accepting the Cross and the Blood, being baptized in the Holy Spirit, being saved, receiving the ability for faith and love and all that "from glory to glory (2Cor3:18) hence a continuous transformation takes place - thats the reason why I see it as pure obedience.

One day we will find out who is right and who is wrong and fortunately none of us will then even care about it 🙂

God bless you Chad!


I had been wondering. I was in an alternate church that does not affirm the Trinity. Baptized in that church, and now I want to be baptized in a church that does affirm the Trinity. Thank you for the clarification .


Hundred percent agree was trying to join a church and they said that I had to be rebaptized.I told them that I guess I wasn't going to become a member.


Once when I was a kid, I heard a girl in an argument say "I would know. I've been saved 3 times and baptized twice!" It would be hilarious if not so sad. Ironically, this occured in a once saved always saved Southern Baptist


Amen🙏🏽❤. Great explanation, Chad. Thank you🙏🏽❤,


Thank you for this video. It helped me a lot.


Colossians 2 is crystal clear. Baptism is accomplished without human hands in the powerful working of God.


Thats brilliant. I rather foolishly got rebaptised when i went from Catholic monk to evangelical. I wanted a clean break...and total immersion! I think i should commerate and thank God for my first Baptism, which date i remember. What to make of the second baptism? Should i think of it as a sin, sacrilege, a foolish mistake? God be praised i got the Gospel anyway!!


As an infant, I was baptized. Many years later on my way to a Christian event the spirit of God began to impress upon me to be baptized. I had no idea about the venue which turned out to have a pool. My heart was pounding but I was strongly impressed to follow through. I am so glad I did! As I came up out of the water, I knew my sins were behind me and I was free.


So what are your thoughts when Paul meet some believer and he asked them have you receive the Holy Ghost since you believe? They said no, we aren't sure there is a Holy Ghost. Paul asked how we're you Baptisted. They said unto John. Paul then commanded that they be rebaptisted in the name of Jesus Chirst


I was baptised in 2005 when I made a declaration of faith in Jesus. I was then baptized a second time in 2016. The reason for the rebaptism was because in 2005 I decided to change my name by deed poll. I changed it because I was ashamed of the person I was before I made a declaration of faith in Jesus, I was ashamed of the abusive family I was born into. I thought it the right thing to change my name. But, as soon as I changed my name the Lord was very clear with me when He said "that is not your name and you will change back to your original name." I spent 10 years wrestling with my new name change. Stubbornness, pride, anger, control issues etc etc. But in 2016 after I experienced the Lord's Discipline (short prison sentence -long story), I came out of prison and within weeks I reverted back to the name God gave me at birth which I then found out the meaning of which is 'God is God given name is John.

The name I changed to in 2005 was Leon.

Although I've found nowhere in scripture that gives credence to being baptized twice, I felt in my spirit that the first one was not right, I was baptised with the wrong name.

The whole God is gracious meaning to my real name has had such an impact on my life post prison as my pre prison walk with Jesus was one of struggling in my own strength to let go of the hurts, pains, addictions etc in my own strength and continually failing. Learning to trust my Heavenly father as the picture I had of a father was one of vile abuse. Throughout my pre prison walk, Gods Grace was being poured out on me. At no time did I ever use it as a licence to sin, never. God knew what he was doing with me and He knows what he's got left to do in me. I don't and that's how it should be as I continue to learn to walk by faith & not by sight.


Jesus looks at your heart always. What Chad is teaching is clear and spot on! But we ourselves have different understandings and do not understand the truth right away. Jesus understands that. Us making a mistake is not a deal-breaker with Jesus


I was baptized during a Methodist confirmation ceremony. Years later I felt the need to be "baptized for real" and now, again a few years later, realize that I never understood the significance of baptism at all (identifying with Christ in His death and resurrection). I still sin, i still feel guilty ALL the time, I dont feel or act like I honor God and His gift like I should and my conscience is ALWAYS accusing me. I feel disgusting and filthy and useless all the time. I truly struggle with believing I (personally) am truly saved even though I believe Christ is all He said He is and did all He said He did. People talk about coming out of their baptism feeling washed and pure. I've never had that experience. I just feel digusting and filthy all the time. How then can I believe my baptism, any of them is for real? I do firmly believe the Holy Spirit does the work of baptism. Of course, if I truly believed that, I wouldn't feel so disgusting, right? Why isnt my conscience cleansed?


I can attest that when I was 12 I was baptized as I was joining the fellowship in the church. Later after I was born again, I chose to be baptized again due to my change in my heart and the biblical connotation of outward commitment of my heart and life being truly and fully committed to following Christ. My
