One Of The Most Violent Games I've Ever Seen ft. Vincent Rothuis (opperwezen)

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Vincent Rothuis vs Henk Karssen
Club Competition (2008),
Reti Opening (A04)
1. Nc3 Nf6 2. Nf3 d6 3. g3 e5 4. d3 Be7 5. Bg2 O-O 6. O-O c6 7. b3 Nbd7 8. e4 h6 9. Bb2 Re8 10. Nd2 Nf8 11. f4 Ng4 12. Qe2 d5 13. fxe5 Bc5+ 14. Kh1 Ne3 15. exd5 cxd5 16. Qh5 Ng6 17. Rxf7 Kxf7 18. Nxd5 Bg4 19. Rf1+ Nxf1 20. Qxg4 Qg5 21. Qd7+ Re7 22. Nxe7 Nxg3+ 23. hxg3 Qh5+ 24. Bh3 Qd1+ 25. Nf1 Qf3+ 26. Kh2 Qf2+ 27. Bg2 Nxe7 28. d4 Qxc2 29. e6+ Kf8 30. Qxb7 Rd8 31. Qf3+ Kg8 32. Qf7+ Kh8 33. dxc5 Qxb2 34. Qxe7 Rd5 35. Qe8+ Kh7 36. Qf7 Qe2 37. e7 Rh5+ 38. Kg1 Re5 39. Qf3 Qb5 40. Kh2 Qxc5 41. Qe4+ g6 42. e8=Q Rh5+ 43. Bh3 Qf2+ 44. Qg2
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