iPhone 5s vs. Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Comparison Smackdown

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....People should not be disrespectful in there comments towards her, with that being said. Samsung has stated that the lack of high-end looking materials is a way to make the phone less of a theft target, but the materials they use are worthy of our market. No ones ever broken the plastic rubber backs of there Galaxy phones on accident. Now broken iphone screens with basic gorilla glass... Also with the processor and "what-not" inside the core, adding leather and even aluminum to the phone would have pushed it easily above $350.


funny how people whine about the material but most people cover the whole phone up with a case anyways... so does it really matter?  I'll take expandable storage and changeable battery over solid construction any day 


I don't understand how she came up with any of these conclusions. The note 3 has more ram 3gb of ram. It has a quad core processor. A much larger screen that is 1920x1080p, It has android so it is 100% customizable. It also has the S-pen features which are an even more added bonus. The note 3s camera also shoots in a much higher resolution. Just to let everyone know im not a fan boy of anything at all. I purchase the device with the best specs and features. The note 3 is the obvious winner here. The only thing she said that was remotely true is there is no need to compare these two devices. the note 3 has way to many features to be compared to a device that is just liked because people think the device is cool. meaning that the majority of iphone users are fanboys/fangirls and the only reason they own the device is because there friend does and there friend seems to be cool. It also kind of reminds me of the beginning intro to the show weeds. in the beginning intro everyone has the same car same looking house. Apple/MAC would be equivalent to being in prison. Apple tries to get you to use there device exactly like they want you to use it. The iphone doesn't offer anything that you cant experience on another device better. Apple is also way to much about money and i think that would be okay if they deserved the money but they don't. Another example for the price that you would pay for an apple computer with an I7 in it you could build a computer that would just crush the mac. You could also have windows Linux and snow leopard/ macs OS with like three solid state drives for each OS and a big 7200RPM 1TB hard drive. you could also have like 2 GTX 780s SLI. Point being is Apple/Mac is over rated and definitely over priced. I'm usually impressed with this ladies reviews but she got this one entirely wrong.


The Note 3 completely shits all over the iphone 5s.


For those of you saying she's biased towards Apple.. No she's not she's an android user actually. It's just this her job, and the iphone actually is a great piece of technology


You focus alot on the back of the note looking cheap, however, it's light. That took some serious weight of that thing. And it's texturized. So important for a phone of this size! So it looks differnt not cheap but it's flexible and the technology if the material is far superior.


Samsung's phones are too big. Apple's phones are too old.


I am very unbiased in this situation. I have an iphone 5s as my work phone and I have the note 3 as my personal phone. I use both everyday. To be honest. Ios 7 does not appeal to me. It looks like something for a 7 year old. To be 100% honest, the note 3 is a better device. Charges faster, faster data transfer, less force closed apps, bigger screen, better looking screen, s pen features, wayyy longer battery life, expandable storage, better front and back camera, better app implementation, way more features. My personal note 3 does not lag at running 2 apps at the same time is also pretty cool. Since when is auto overclocking considered cheating when it comes to benchmarks? That's not cheating. "People look dumb holding it to their ear" it's 2013, who actually talks on the phone anymore? Unless its urgent? The flexible back also is good because it wont break. I do think the iphone is right for the right consumer. If you're a smartphone beginner or an elderly or you're just using it as a second phone, the iphone would be perfect for you. Does not meet my standards for everyday use. Both are great phones, I just wish the iphone community didn't shill so hard that they can't even think of valid points about what makes their phone so great. One things for sure. Apple needs to come out with something new and innovative soon. Its getting old seeing the same old thing.


i find this review slightly iPhone based. She says great things about the iPhone and stops there. Then she says something great about the samsung and she immediately follows up with something like "again its all about preference if you want AB and C go with the iPhone, If not stick with the note". 


Its just funny to compare a real smartphone with such a limited, boring and tiny apple handy.


Good grief, ..save a couple of novel features, the iPhone 5s is not even in the same ballpark as the Note 3.  I'm not going to say the 5s is a bad phone but go compare it to an S4 or something closer to it's league.


this video is full with bias she is iphone fan... told nothing about note3 ....first better camera, bigger screen, more cores, more ram, more memory, more features, more bettery life.... and she said in beginning "its a weirdest comparison"... it can tell how much biased this video is...so plz make next time a make a video without ur point point of view other wise its time waisting ....i bought both phones and like note 3 and given iphone to my sis....because note3 has alot of features and u never get bored


iPhone5s.. has lees cores and RAM than this phone and other high-end android phones, yet it kills them in speed CPU/GPU tasks. Even on a 1080p output benchmark tests.. to make it a fare test.. as androids have a 1080p screen.


Lisa forgot the Most Relevant Feature for those hesitating to buy the Note 3 because of the screen size.. so here goes: If you swipe quickly from either side of the screen and back, the display on the Note 3 shrinks for one hand usage! What??! No whay!! well.. Way! Plus, you can easily re-size the display to perfectly fit your palm and comfort. The shrunk display still functions like the full display phone only with a smaller display for one handed operation. Now.. who needs a smaller display. What's more, since the display on the Note 3 is AMOLED, the pixles on the remaining display after the display's been shrunk actually switch off so you conserve battery life too! Smile


Wait 'til the iPhone 6 arrives: It'll have the biggest innovation of all, a squared button :)


Got the Note 3 with the Galaxy Gear for $50 on a 2yr contract. :-D I haven't put it down for a week. I'm in love!


I know chinese phones that are better then iPhone. iPhone was good but now people want POWER and FREEDOM.


I personally am an apple fan but im thinking about switching to the note 3. DAMN That thing looks awesome.


Dumb apple fanboys going APPLE IS DUH BEST.Well incorrect the Note 3 is better than the Iphone 5s.Note 3 is 4 cored 3 gigabytes of ram.Iphone 5s is dual cored with 1 gigabyte of ram.


The Note 3 is a multitasking device with a massive 5.7 inch full HD 1080p screen, the iPhone 5s is not a multitasking device with a paltry 4 inch screen, it doesn't do half of the processing that the Note 3 does, therefore it's not surprising that you don't notice much lag on the iPhone.
