The Epsilon Criterion for Supremum and Infimum | Examples of Sup and Inf | Real Analysis | Lecture 4

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This lecture in Real Analysis covers the epsilon criterion for supremum and infimum. Examples of proofs about supremum and infimum are provided.
00:00 Introduction
00:24 Review of the definitions of supremum and infimum
02:24 The statement of the epsilon criteria for supremum and infimum
06:38 Example: proof of the statement sup{(n+1)/n: n \in N}=1
13:03 Example: proof that the maximal element is the supremum
Related lecture:
Axioms of Real Numbers | Part 3: The Completeness Axiom | Sup and Inf | Real Analysis | Lecture 3
All lectures in Real Analysis:
00:00 Introduction
00:24 Review of the definitions of supremum and infimum
02:24 The statement of the epsilon criteria for supremum and infimum
06:38 Example: proof of the statement sup{(n+1)/n: n \in N}=1
13:03 Example: proof that the maximal element is the supremum
Related lecture:
Axioms of Real Numbers | Part 3: The Completeness Axiom | Sup and Inf | Real Analysis | Lecture 3
All lectures in Real Analysis:
The Epsilon Criterion for Supremum and Infimum | Examples of Sup and Inf | Real Analysis | Lecture 4
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