this is the best game I have ever played

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this is the best game I have ever played
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I think as a gamer - our "best game ever played" is always evolving.
Now as a 50 year old gamer-
I think back to my days as a kid, where I'd go down to my neighborhood bowling alley and sink a small fortune in quarters into a game called GAUNTLET...

It was the ORIGINAL dungeon was very innovative for it's time. The first multi-player, top down scroller in which you could play different character classes.

It was the best game i ever the time.


The original Final Fantasy 7 is the best game I have ever played. As a kid, staying up way past my bedtime, on the edge of my seat raging at Aerith’s murder, being horrified at Shinra’s greed and being shocked at Cloud’s story and mesmerized by Sephiroth.


I'm really jealous of the people who played Elden Ring 10 years ago, I only got around to trying it in 2022


I started gaming in 1999... Over the years you lose, unfortunately, that joy of discovering a video game. Basically my most memorable gaming experiences were early 2000s with WoW being the last game that really left that impression. Then Elden Ring came out, and I got that feeling back. It's a one of a kind game


im 37 years old, i kinda had a random reunion with some of my highschool friends cause we all happened to be around at same time. after dinner at the house of this guys parents we found the XBOX we used to spend evening play with Halo 1 still inside boy we played trough entire campain on Legendary difficulty, and i swar it wasnt much about nostalgia, the game felt as good as the first day it came out.


Elden Ring will stand the test of time. We're at the point where games are going to hold up better. It's hard for me to go back and enjoy games on the N64 and PS1 despite enjoying them when I was in middle and high school so I get you on that point totally. However, there's a bunch of stuff out there that I haven't played because it wasn't up my alley at that point in my life. So many games are out there now.


diablo 2 for me. been playing it for 20 years and still love it.


the thing that really clicked with me with e.r. is that it's a game that you actually feel like you're playing. so many other games feel like you're on rails and no matter what you do you're guaranteed to win. but elden ring really forces you to engage with it and learn it before you can beat it. and that if you learn how to play it, you can beat it without optimized builds or gear. you can beat it naked with a club as a level 1, and i know that's true about the majority if not all of fromsoft's souls games, but the added layers of open world and freedom really just blows the lid off of everything else that's come before


"Watching Dad beat Motherbrain" I'm old now.


Final Fantasy 6 (3 in Japan) is the best game I've ever played, I started on a pong console. The story telling, exploration, massive scale, and secrets were top notch and changed gaming forever. If you haven't played it you should.


Yep. It's a game of a generation. I can see myself doing a fresh playthrough when I'm a grandpa. So amazing.


I honestly don’t understand why I still feel so happy (and catch my face literally smiling) when people still finally get around to play Elden Ring and hear them fell in love with it


I went through and played both Ori games.. I was amazed by the quality and had a blast burning through them.


For me, world of warcraft was the best game because it consumed me from launch all the way to wrath. Then I finally started to slow down and take a break. but that game held me entertained for an easy 7 to 10 years. No other game has been able to do that to me. It's a great world to explore a lot of good questing. Raids, dungeons, p VP it had it all and still does. I just can't devote the time to the game anymore. I can't speak to the state of the game today. But back then, it was a great game.


Even though a lot of people seem to make a big deal about saying it was 10 years ago when it was really like 2 years ago, there was this period for like 6 to 8 months when this was literally the only game that like 90% of gamers were playing. The name was on everyone's lips and it will go down in history as an all-timer


Zelda: A Link To The Past was the best game I've ever played.


Now I would LOVE to see a sequel to Sekiro done in the style Elden Ring was done for Dark Souls. Would be freakin amazing as well.


Champions of Norrath 2 Return to Arms stole my heart and never gave it back.


FFX is one of the most nostalgic games I've ever played and I look at it as 1 of the best ever for its time


My favorite game too, it truly is a masterpiece in everyway. I'm so excited for the dlc.
