Ultracold Atomic Matter as a Field of Study – Wolfgang Ketterle
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What is the difference between laser and evaporative cooling? What physics stand behind frequency shift? How does ultracooling expand our knowledge of electrones? MIT Professor of Physics Wolfgang Ketterle talks on new possibilities for material scientists.
Ultracold Atomic Matter as a Field of Study – Wolfgang Ketterle
Introduction to Ultracold Atoms in Quantum Technologies - Lecture 1
“Ultracold atoms in optical lattices out-of-equilibrium” by Monika Aidelsburger
Ultracold Atoms
Bose-Einstein Condensates (BEC) & Ultracold Atoms
Superfluidity of Ultracold Matter - Wolfgang Ketterle
Ultracold atoms in optical quasicrystals - Quantum Simulations (...) - Ulrich Schneider
MIT: Center for Ultracold Atoms Demo
Oxford University Physics Society: Péter Juhász 'Ultracold Atoms'
Prof. Waseem Bakr, 'Engineering Topological Band Structures for Ultracold Atoms I', Part 1...
J Ye Quantum Metrology with Ultracold Atoms III July 25
Prof. Wassem Bakr, 'Engineering Topological Band Structures for Ultracold Atoms II'
I. Bloch - Probing and controlling quantum matter with ultracold atoms
J Ye Quantum Metrology with Ultracold Atoms II July 24
Prof. Brian L. DeMarco, 'Ultracold atoms', Lecture 1(01) of 3
Supersolidity in the ultracold: When atoms behave as crystal and superfluid at the same time
Physics 4C - Ultracold Atoms
Frederic Chevy - Conductivity spectrum of ultracold atoms in optical lattices
Topological Phases of Matter with Ultracold Atoms and Photons - Lecture 1
Dan Stamper-Kurn (UC Berkeley): Ultracold atoms as a tool for quantum simulation
Exploring interacting topological insulators with ultracold atoms: the synthetic Creutz-Hubbard...
QIQT 2022 | Directions to Ultracold Atom Research in Presence of External Potential - Dr. Utpal Roy
Physics Colloquium, 'Programmable quantum sensing using ultracold atoms in 3D optical lattices&...
Simulating superconducting materials with ultracold atoms