8 Reasons Why I Love Living in Australia

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If you are about to move and migrate to Australia, you'll probably enjoy this video, as I give you a sneak peak of all the amazing things you'll experience when living in this country. These are the reasons why I moved to Australia and why I love living here.




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My wife and I left Melbourne last year and moved to Vancouver. This was a bad move. Life is much better in Australia in general.


I hope I never take my country for granted & I am certain that I don't...but when I hear how new Australians talk about my country, I realise that I have so much to be thankful for. I am so glad that you like it here...you are one of us now. Cheers from Sydney ✌😎


I have recently moved in to Australia and trust me I definitely agree with you. Australian people are just lovely ❤️


I like the fact that you're giving your perspective as someone who's been to other places and can compare. It's interesting to hear from a different perspective.


As Australian born, and having travelled overseas, I agree with all of your points. I’d add a couple of points: yes, it’s not perfect, nor are Australians. Australians like anyone anywhere complain about the quality of life, prices, housing, etc. But by world standards we are very fortunate here. Australia is very British in its traditions, but since the late 1940’s very multicultural, but there are some conservative elements who wish it otherwise - they are wrong. I am first generation here and both my parents emigrated from the UK and Europe so I can well believe that 25-30% of the population were born overseas. My mum, who came from the UK, has said that this country’s immigrants made this country what it now is. Thanks for a great video.


Hello everyone
Love you Australia ❤️


I love your enthusiasm for our country


Left Aus for 14yrs to live/work overseas. Loved the experience but it gave me a huge amount of appreciation for this country when I moved back 2yrs ago. So many little things I now don’t take for granted. It’s not perfect, but I must say am very proud of this great southern land.


Thank you for such a lovely review of our country...yes we are blessed to have such a society other country's would be envious of. 👍🤗


In regard to young people working in Australia, the majority of them are in secondary or tertiary education and do this as a part-time job to earn some money and gain some valuable and character-shaping experience in the business world and wider society.


I travelled the world and spent two years in American and three in Britain, I've been to Canada, New Zealand and western Europe. As an Aussie my opinion is biased but I personally think Australia is the best country in the world in terms of lifestyle, weather, healthcare, longevity, freedom and safety. All the first world democracies are very similar in lifestyle and the differences are tiny but to me Australia is number one. But there are things we need to fix so here's some things that Australia could fix or improve -
Drug laws - Australia still hasn't legalised weed even though people want it, it's only a small fine if your caught with it but it still sucks!
Its Gigantic - unless you live in a major city with urban transport systems your gonna need a car! It takes forever to get anywhere once you leave a city!
The Dead Heart - Australia has the largest area of deserts in the whole world! The Dead Heart refers to the fact that from the centre of Australia moving outward to the coast there is nothing but baking hot dry deserts, sometimes it doesn't rain in years and daytime summer temps hit 52 degrees Celsius regularly! It's impossible to farm this land or build new cities due to the weather.
The Wildlife - the top end of Australia is full of giant crocodiles but that's an area with extremely low human density so attacks are rare. We have some of the biggest most aggressive great white sharks swimming the coast but attacks are still rare. The biggest threat is snakes! Australia has so many deadly snakes it's insane! They are deadly but also everywhere! I've had two brown snakes in my yard before and its not a weird thing here? The spiders suck too! I've been bitten a few times myself. Then there's the deadly jellyfish, deadly tiny octopi and deadly shells all at the same beach!
Tobacco and Alcohol Laws - Australia has the highest tax rate on cigarettes and alcohol in the world! Both major parties are fine with it too. They openly state the extra tax put on the items is purely designed to force people into quitting so they won't burden the free healthcare system.
Isolation - Australia is basically the most remote major nation in the world, it takes forever to get to Australia from North America and Europe. It's very inconvenient for a regular traveller, it feels so remote and isolated that it's like another planet!
Arrogance - much like America but to a lesser extent Australians can be overly patriotic and arrogant about how great the country is. As an Australian I'm proud of my country and support them whenever we play sport against other nations but anything beyond that is obnoxious and ignorant.
Mans Best Friend - Australia has been involved in more wars and conflicts than any other western nation over the last 140 years! Australians make some of the best soldiers on earth and they have a surprisingly large and well equipped armed forces.. We have pacts with Britain and America which essentially states we need to follow them into any conflict they ask for help with. Since the Boer war in South Africa, Australia has been in every major conflict that Britain or America asked us to help with. We fought in the Boer war, WW1, WW2, Korean war, Vietnam war, both Iraq wars, Afghan war and East Timor. Australia is like Britain and America's little pit bull they unleash on nations! Our allies respect our history and our numerous victories on the battlefield and we always feel obliged to enter any war our allies ask us.
Cost of Living - everything is slightly dearer in Australia due to its remote location but things like petrol and property are way too high! It's been a boom cycle for the Australian housing industry but it's been this way for over twenty years and now house prices and rental prices are outta control!
For every one of these critiques I could name three good thing's about the country! For me it's the best country on earth but as I said I'm very biased! 🇦🇺 🦘 🕷 🦂 🐜 🐍 🦎 🦅 🐬 🦈 🐊


New subscriber here.. I'm born and raised here in Australia. Yes, I definitely agree with you, we Aussies are so blessed to be living in this country. People often take this for granted, we really should take a look at how other countries have it.. We have the best healthcare system in the world, our government gives us welfare benefits, until we find a job.
We have it soooo good here.. the only thing right now that's hurting is the cost of living is getting worse, and the rental crisis aswell.. people are struggling to find a place to live.. let's hope with our new government things will be better! 🙏💜


You are very welcome here. We Ausies know that we live in the best place in the world. Great to see you spreading the word.


Um, Aussie here - I would NEVER leave my door unlocked at night. Please don't do that! But yes, Australia is a great place, not perfect, but pretty bloody good! Glad to have you with us.


Hi, I'm a Malaysian with Australia PR. My family and I will be relocating to Melbourne in early 2023. I'm new to your channel and I find it informative, especially to new migrants to Australia. Will continue to follow the channel for more interesting news and facts of Australia, particularly Melbourne.




As an Aussie born and bred I know it’s hard not to be a bit biased but I have seen quite a bit of the world so do have something to compare Oz to. Yes, there are plenty of other places I’ve enjoyed visiting but every time I step off that plane in Sydney I’m grateful for all the things we have. And no, I don’t take them for granted. I’m glad you enjoy living here. There are plenty of far worse places to be and none that I can think of that are, overall, better. Enjoy and make the most of it.


If you come over to WA you will never want to leave :) lots of places to explore and plenty of sun!


What a fine young woman. With people like her moving to Australia our future is assured.


If you haven't done WA you really need to start at the bottom and work your way up, it's probably the most diverse state environmentally
