Bosch 800 Series Refrigerator - Unboxed, Tested and Evaluated for 6 months

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Today we will be reviewing this Bosch 800 Series refrigerator which will be unboxed, Tested and evaluated for over half a year to produce this video. Model number B36CL80SNS is a counter-depth 21sq/ft french door fridge with a bottom freezer and centre vegetable drawer. Aside from the aforementioned, we will also be installing the network software to test it out.

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I'm attempting the set up of this today + I thank you from the bottom of my heart-showing this old gal it won't be impossible😊


One of the best instructional videos ever done! A world of information.


Well articulated information - Thank YOU! I have the same refrigerator with the recessed handles and so far I love it. Emits no audible noise, except when making ice.


Extremely helpful! Thank you SO Almost bought at showroom in Florida, will pass unfortunately. Heartbreak! The ice issue and water is a deal breaker


Great video. You saved me a lot of time. I will still review the manual at some point but the video saved time and was quite entertaining, particularly when you got to the part of installing the app. Hilarious! I'm with you, I don't find leveraging the app all that beneficial. I should add, they may have fixed the flimsy middle drawer you referenced. I don't seem to have that issue. Thanks again for a great video.


This video was awesome. We just got this one and was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you


I just don't need my refrigerator to have wifi and talk to my phone. I'd rather that money was spent on making the item more reliable. I enjoy your channel, thanks.


Just installed mine today, love my water dispenser, huge amount of ice if needed. I like the size of the ice cubes. I’ll hook my water and ice up to an RO system for crystal clear ice and have the best water possible with no chems or TDS.

My Bosch 800 21.5 cubic ft. doesn’t have any installed pull handles they have pocket handles instead, love that too. It’s stunning inside, like you, the one drawer in the fridge was just as flimsy as possible. Looks like it’s bigger than 20.5 cubic ft. But my last one was a side by side- hated it - the whole system is very quiet until the ice drops in the plastic container. 😂 Thank you Costco, I got a good price, 2 year warranty but for the price it should be 5 years, maybe I can buy an extra 3 years - I’ll call Costco as it won’t be cheap if something stops working - Wi-Fi connect with mine, no thanks.


Great video, super helpful
was the fridge noisy


Thinking about this Frig! This wifi is a pain. I don’t want that. Better look around. Thanks! You were very helpful.


Very informative video. This fridge is great and I can definitely see differences in the quality of maintaining freshness in my fruits and vegetables. I was also taking packing materials off for quite some time. On the back wall there are 2 round discs that have areas of film and also near the filter. I can’t figure out if those are supposed to be removed. As far as the app, it’s buggy and you need to have it connect to your 2.4 GHz network on your phone.


Your video is so very well done. Thank you!!


Awesome content! This is an excellent video. Thank you for sharing.
BTW your refridgerator just texted me, there is some more hidden plastic that needs to be removed.😂 If I knew where the wifi card was located in my soon to delivered unit, I would remove it.


Helpful, terrific video. Thanks so much!


Just setup Home Connect for my new 800 Bosch refrigerator and didn’t have any issues at all. The appliance was found within 20 seconds and the whole WiFi setup was done in under one minute.

They must have updated the setup process OR better router might have helped in my case.


Great video sir. Thank you for the info


Good video. My thoughts:

1. Holy crap that is a boat load of creamer taking up a lot of space. LOL. We use just 0.5oz per drink in the morning so that would last us a lifetime (in creamer years).

2. The Sabbath mode is super interesting and reminds me how small the Jewish population is in my part of the country. I only know about the reasoning for that from documentaries I've seen. Also, not sure why a fridge needs a power button right up front at all.

3. I replaced a 17 year old GE fridge with this Bosch 800 (only replaced the GE because all the plastic was old and brittle — cooling function was still perfect), and it's shocking how almost identical the entire layout is. It had the same water dispenser layout, so I was very used to it and I like the design (aside from like you said letting the cold air out, but I don't think its that big of a deal). The GE was push-button only, so the cup button is really nice.

4. Wouldn't be a bad idea to buy a smaller tray for ice. What's also neat is you can clear out that entire drawer and fill it entirely with ice for a party. It might just be because we go through ice faster, but I don't really run into the clumping issue.

5. I didn't have nearly as much trouble setting up the WiFi so possible they fixed something. I agree the app is silly overall, but having notifications when your door is open is really truly worth it. French doors and lower freezers sometimes just don't like to close completely. This happened regularly on my GE especially in later years. Fortunately never lost anything, but wasted a lot of energy sometimes.

6. Agreed on the bottom drawer being a bit flimsy. I generally do open with two hands. They really should have just made it two drawers — that way you could also open them with one door open at a time.

7. My big criticism is the middle drawer not having two separate zones. It's really silly to have such awesome temp/humidity control with one large drawer. I put both fruit and veggies in there, but they require different humidity levels. You're also not supposed to store raw meat in the same compartment as veggies anyway, and that's even a different temp as well. This is really the one major thing keeping me from saying this is a perfect fridge. Ironically, the 3-door version does have two separately controlled crispers — but I do like the middle drawer for organization. It does really help things from getting lost and going bad.

8. Celsius as an American? Heathen.


Nice review, you didn’t mention how consistent and/or accurate the unit maintained temperature assigned vs actual temp from your independent thermometer. If you have that info it would be appreciated, curious if the 2 compressor unit keeps temps better regulated


How’s the anti-fingerprint holding up? Nice looking fridge!


A Great Video presentation Jordan. This Bosch Fridge is on our Radar (actually a different 800 Model w/o the middle drawer). A few things to clarify or enlighten. I saw fingerprints left on the surface as you were Prepping the machine. Isn't the SS finish Fingerprint resistant Brushed SS?; Can The middle drawer be used for food? The one I saw on line [not sure it was the same model Number] shows it to be a wine Cooler drawer ? I don't need that. Why did the Ice clump uplike that? FYI, your reference to LGs and Samsungs is probably not a good comparison ....Both have early Failure rates per reviews on Line and LG is under a Class Action lawsuit for a poor product. Did you tak the Extended Warranty? I would for sure. The other competitors we are looking at to replace our 27 yo Sub Zero (freeezer Drain Tube integral in the right side wall is broken causing it the freeze up !! and The Ice Maker is Kaput.) is a Kitchen Aid and a Whirlpool. Both have Bruhed SS finnish - no fingerprints. On another note, a Whirlpool dishwasher purchased new about 4 years ago - we did take the 5 yr extended warranty offered by P.C Richards Appliance store. After about 1 year, there was upper dishrack issue - a design flaw that was repaired with a new part and just 2 months ago, I detected a rubber gasket seeming to deteriorate / flake apart. When i called PC Richards - they came and ordered a whole new drain / filter module for he floor of the DWasher. The gasket is part of that. The repair Tech - 15 years on the job - told me I was very wise to get the extended warranty. All major appliances are Nowhere near the older quality levels of just 10 - 15 years ago!! For any maker.
