Retin-A Can Prematurely AGE Your Skin!

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Please watch: "TRIPLE 3 ANTIOXIDANTS TO COMBAT AGING #goseechristy"
What we found out was as a side effect, Retin-A could be used to treat fine lines and wrinkles!

So, Retin-A (also known as Tretinoin or OTC of Retinol) can be found in over-the-counter products, but they have a VERY little percentage in them. The ones that will give you the best results can be found at the Dermatologist, where they have to prescribe it to you. These are more of a purer form and have a much higher percentage of Retin-A in the products.

So, as you now know, Retin-A speeds up the skin-cell turnover rate. In addition to healing Acne lesions faster and preventing more Acne from forming, it can also minimize the look of fine lines and wrinkles!

This anti-aging miracle happens because it forces the skin to shed faster and regenerate faster mimicking and behaving like younger skin. Therefore, it GREATLY reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by making them look not quite as deep.

Now, there is another (not-so-great) side effect of using Retin-A for long periods of time: It can cause a lot of underlying inflammation, which can make the skin look red and cause it to feel dry, itchy, and scaly.

How can you avoid this? If you are already using Retin-A for anti-aging or are thinking of using Retin-A, we recommend to ONLY use it at NIGHT... NEVER during the day.

Retin-A can make your skin EXTREMELY photosensitive, meaning if you use it during the day, your skin is more vulnerable to getting sunburned, which then causes your skin to age faster. (Which completely defeats the purpose of using Retin-A in the first place...)

We also recommend to ONLY use it during the cooler Fall and Winter months. Still, only at NIGHT.

And, like we mentioned before, we recommend to NOT use it for an extended period of time. (Give your skin a rest!) Use it in shorter amounts with breaks in between.

When we have clients come in, and they have been using Retin-A for a long period of time, we can usually tell because they all have the SAME look to their skin: an inflamed redness to their skin.

So, how does any of this potentially prematurely age your skin? With prolonged use, you are constantly thinning out the Stratum Corneum (which is the outer layer / top layer of the skin). This can make you more prone to irritation and redness, and your skin can become more sensitized to the environment and skincare products causing inflammation.

When your skin is irritated and inflamed, your body sends out the white blood cells because it's detecting the inflammation and thinks there's a potential infection. When your body is constantly sending out the white blood cells, eventually your skin may age from the INSIDE because the white blood cells break down the Collagen and Elastin in your skin.

On the OUTSIDE, the Retin-A is making your skin thinner and more sensitized which makes it vulnerable to aging from too much Sun and also dries out your skin.

The way you can treat this is to wear a high SPF sunscreen / moisturizer. We recommend an SPF of between 30-to-50. (If you're using an SPF of 70 or higher they are typically CHEMICAL sunscreens and may irritate your skin.)

When your skin is sensitive or more sensitized, whether it's because your skin is naturally sensitive or due to use of Retin-A, we recommend you use a MINERAL sunscreen.

We also recommend you hydrate your skin as much as possible! Along with increasing the skin-cell turnover rate (which will thin out your skin and may cause it to flake), the skin loses its ability to hold on to moisture.

Therefore, you may experience T.E.W.L.: "Trans-Epidermal Water Loss".

Your skin loses the ability to hold on to and retain moisture because it is shedding so quickly. Which can lead to MORE fine lines and wrinkles!
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What experiences did you have using Retin-A? Write in the comments below. Some people love it, others react to it.


I've used retin a for years and my skin has got younger and younger. Indeed, my skin looks younger than it did a decade ago.


Tretinoin is not the same as retinol. Secondly, it is perfectly safe to use tretinoin long term. Thirdly, tretinoin is proven to thicken the dermis and build collagen, not "thin" the skin. Your information is not valid!


To the person who asked about using glycolic acid vs Retin A. Glycolic Acid is not as invasive as Retin A. Glycolic Acid will not cause as much inflammation as much as Retin A can unless you have sensitive skin. You also asked if there were other alternatives, yes, you can also use products that have Malic Acid. However, the results are not as drastic. It also depends on what you are using the product for (i.e. acne, fine lines and wrinkles). I am so sorry . With all the comments it is hard to keep up. When I went to answer your question, and I hit the button, your comment disappeared. When I searched for you, I could NOT find you. I am so sorry. I hope you see this answer.


She’s not saying it’s actually aging your skin. She said that using it makes your skin more susceptible to environmental damage and being dry. These things would cause the aging NOT the retinal retinA or tretinoin.


In the 70s I worked at a zoo, meaning I was outdoors 8+ hours a day in the weather. I had acne. The dermatologist prescribed Retin-A and did not mention sun protection. It took me a few days to know there was a serious problem! I did a little research and discovered why! When I returned to the dermatologist I questioned his reasoning skills. He didn't seem to understand why I was outdoors all day. Oy vey...


I have been using Retin A for more than 20 years now. I am diligent with sun protection. I use sunscreen & also wear a hat when i am outdoors. Retin A should ALWAYS be applied at night. I look younger than my peers. Tretinoin is the only product you need to use for anti aging.


many comments are so rude.
what's wrong with people?
you can disagree with someone without being disrespectful.


The takeaway is that if you're in a situation or time in your life in which you're not able to properly take care of your skin (i.e. hydration and sun protection), then you should probably stop using Retin-A for a while. Great advice, thank you!


I have used retin a for 30 yrs My skin is


I have been using retin a for over 25 yrs; I just turned 65 and look many years younger; always get compliments on my skin; r u a specialist? I can go without makeup ---my skin is that even toned. Viewers do your own research!!


People are so rude and defensive in the comments. She never said retin a was evil and WILL age you. She said it CAN age you without proper use and precaution and she is giving tips they maybe helpful to SOME. Retin a ruined my skin when my derm gave me a bunch of samples with no instruction and it took using retin a less often and lesser strength to fix the damage.


Darling my mom used tretinoin for 40 years and her skin looks better that mine.


When I was 30, I was working at a university clinic as R.N. there were about 10 other RNs there. Most of them about the same age. Now we are in our late 70s. 6 of them started on the retin A. Several of them are in a senior exercise class. Let me tell you! I wish like everything I could have done this. You walk into class and they are flawless. Look like 50 at the oldest! All 4 of them! Then me who just used ponds or Olay. I feel this is a very misleading video after watching these ladies for 40 years. Would love to have had the opportunity to have used it!


Retin-A damaged my skin severely. And I did everything by the book. Started out with a low concentration, only once/twice (at night) a week on top of a moisturizer to minimize irritation.
I also wear sunscreen religiously.

While Retin a faded some hyperpigmentation it otherwise completely ruined my skin barrier.

I stopped using it when I noticed I had enlarged pores (orange peel skin).

I stopped a year ago and while my pores have improved my skin is now highly sensitive. For example I used to be able to wear chemical sunscreens but now I can't tolerate them. My skin seems thinner and weaker and almost everything is irritating.



I've used Retin-A consistently since I was 19, I'm 47. I use it every 2nd night. I haven't left my house without a heavy layer of high SPF since I started using it. I haven't had any irritation or inflammation since my first year, no redness whatsoever, on the contrary, I'm extremely fair. My skin is very glass-like and resilient.

There are many people who start using Tretinoin at a high strength from the get go, they never get past the inflammation phase. Many aren't consistent with sunscreen, others use other products, like acids, electronic brushes, scrubs, and masks, that are likely to cause inflammation when paired with Tretinoin. People need to be mindful that it is still a prescription medication, even though it's often treated like just another cosmetic cream, it's not.


Thank you so much for this video! Retin A on my undereyes did in fact prematurely age that area. I wore a sunscreen but didn’t reapply every 2 hours unfortunately!


I have been using it since the 1980's and now my 20 something-year-old granddaughters are asking me for skin tips. Who would have ever thought that.


Two years ago I decided to see a dermatologist to treat my mild acne, The doctor prescribed Retin a and told me how to use it, I did everything he said but the results was that retin a RUINED my skin forever.
now I WISH I can go back in time and get my youthful face back.
After using retin my invisible pores became large opened pores, I got hyperpigmentation around my cheek area and jaw area, I got a wrinkle in my lower eyelid that wasn’t there before using retin a and I’m only 25, my skin became dull and looks 30 years older !
People have to understand that what works for you might not work for others, everyone has different skin .


I love Retin A my Aunt is 73 and people stop her and think she is 52 -55 it’s a holy grail!
