Squad Terms and Acronyms You NEED to Know

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The sheer amount of new terms and acronyms you have to learn in Squad is astounding, so today we're taking a look at the most common ones you'll run across in-game, so you aren't sitting there without a clue after hearing something unfamiliar. Thanks for watching! Come join the community using the links below.

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As a 3k plus hours player who runs a server, gotta say I loved this video and am sharing it in our discord currently, appreciate you helping explain seeding, cause that’s the biggest question we get everyday during the process. Good video man


I really enjoyed this one even if I knew 90% of it. Had me Rollin 🤣


As someone who started playing Squad literally yesterday I want to say thank you. My first game I was able to keep up with my squad (amongst all the chaos) and was able to get 7 kills all becsuse I watched your videos before I even bought the game. Alot to take in with this game so I appreciate all the hard work getting the noobs such as my self up to speed 👍


9:28 my SL: “alright everyone that can, get into the ifv. Except you blueberry, take a hike” followed by the one single blueberry that we had following us slowly turning and walking away. Hilarious and sad at the same time.


It's less of a thing now, but I love the "It's a ... BTR?!" Meme. The 30mm autocannon on the BTR and BMP-2 (I THINK) used to be the main terror on Squad. All autocannons on IFV really. It was that, mortars or TOW/KORNET (RU equivalent). That and mortars, and the ability to run two MG per squad. That was OP.

Things have gotten better with updates and the labels in the "tickets" menu are really helpful for seeing exactly what vehicles are on a particular layer..and layer is another Squad term for map configuration. Different capture points active on different layers. Same map. Same boundaries.

Squad has kept me coming back for almost 6 years. It never really gets old. I just play a match whenever I get the itch. And I find being a slow reacting adult doesn't hurt. You can usually outsmart the enemy in this game. It's easy to pick the game back up after months of not playing and have a monster round. That's just not possible with games like CSGO or R6. I love the ebb and flow of a good match. It's really intense but easy to enjoy if you can learn to appreciate losing a match. Always put up a fight, I say. You can learn something or improve some part of your gameplay with every match. Some matches are just going to be turds.

Bonus tip for anyone: if you're late to a game and there's no open squad, create one called "Leftovers" or "Defense Only" . Low pressure for you as an SL in those circumstances, and you'll usually just have people spawning on HABS. It's a good chance to learn the SL Kit. Practic building stuff. Setting rallies. Just see how it all works. Practice relaying important info in command chat, cause your squad will probably be less chatty than one made at the game's start. This is how I got into SLing.

How do you translate a really complex situation into a few words in just a few seconds? That's what a good SL does in command chat but also to his squad and any blueberries he finds himself in combat alongside. Be a leader. People get zoned into the combat and just need you to politely but firmly tell them, "hey let's disengage and run west so we can flank them". Being an SL will make you better at the game faster than anything else (note: you will not be getting as much firefight time), but it's also really exhausting and usually only super rewarding when you have dudes that are actually following orders. It's easy to SL leftovers because most of the FOB planning and early game moves on RAAS will have been done for you. RAAS means random advance and secure, the most popular game mode. Second would be invasion or maybe regular AAS where all capture points are visible at the start. Kinda makes games predictable, AAS. Invasion is good for firefight experience among some other things it helps you train. Play what you like, but RAAS is the way the game is designed to be played. It gets the most attention from the devs.


8:23 and a loud YESSS was pronounced. Danger close applies to friendly danger, not enemy one. Thank you for including it in this video


I think you forgot to mention Technicals (Improvised light skin pickups with guns on the back), often shortened to techy/techies, and perhaps IEDs for the insurgent factions. Granted, they are written in the kit descriptions, but unless you are a weapon nerd like me, you are unlikely to look up what these things mean.


Just got a pc yesterday, and decided my first game should be squad. My first games were rough trying to learn to new things at once. I watched alot of your guide videos after about 3 games, and I'm still learning kb&m so my aim and movement, etc are still rough but I can atleast communicate and give percise and useful information to the team thanks to your videos, keep it up man!


Another good one to point out is that people often say "the enemy/our radio is on bleed" rather than "FOB bleedout". I very rarely hear anyone say FOB instead of radio in this context, and most of the time it's "on bleed" instead of "bleedout". That could just be the culture of the servers I play on though!


I'd love to see an explainer on some of the more mil sim tactics players use.

Silhouetting. Defilade. Enfilade. Bounding.

If the AR says to me as SL that they have Defilade, I'm gonna push the objective with the bulk of the squad straight away.


Cool video. A subject for a future video might be "building a HAB using a heli vs using a loggi to do the same". What are the pro's and con's?


I don't know if this is similiar in other countries but for Squad leaders, In the aussie servers were call them "Squadies" And for acronyms like LAT and HAT. We dont pronounce them Lat and Hat, we say each individual letter, L.A.T, H.A.T. However, HAB is pronounced as said in the video aswell as FOB


I habitually misuse “danger close” and have no shame. If the danger is close, no matter what that may be, best others be notified of it by me than by the danger.


"gore lah mee" is the best scene in inglorious basterds and i cant help but appreciate the fact that your entire branding is based off of it


Fun fact: In Finland MT-LB is often calleed "älli tälli" which is kinda hard to make accurate translation. Roughly it means "brain damage" or "brain hit". AFAIK the nickname came from the fact that MT-LB is very low APC and the crew and troops are sitting in very confined space. Combined with shitty suspension and rough terrain people inside often hits their heads on vehicles hull and structure. Also exiting the vehicle is almost a guarantee to hit your head on your way out.


New to Squad. I freakin love it. I typically don't game online anymore because I am burned out by your everyday FPS. Squad has brought me back with how different it is.


The term "blueberries" is also used as slangs for low skilled teammates (usually as antonym to clan members) or people who is not major contributors to a community.


Been playing squad for years and never bothered to ask what MSR meant. Now I know. I knew it had something to do with roads.


Great video & I seriously need to work on my vehicle recognition.


Enjoyed playing with you this morning while you ran around as a LAT/HAT. Hope to see you out there again sometime!
