Mixed Verb Tenses in English: Conditionals and IF clauses
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So here are the four main types of conditionals you learn: "If I won the lottery, I'd buy a house." So this, just so we are clear, is "would", I've contracted it to "I'd". "If I won", I have simple past tense, plus "would" in the second clause, in the condition clause, in the result clause. "If I had known she was coming, I'd have come too." Okay? Here I have the past perfect, plus "would have" plus PP, past participle verb. Now, these are both unreal, mean... Meaning that they are hypothetical, they are imaginary. This is about a future or present unreal situation. I didn't win the lottery, I'm not buying a house; this is all just imagination. This is about the past. Now, the reason it is unreal is because I can't go and change the past. So, this didn't happen, and so this didn't happen. This is, again, imagination, but we're looking at the past. Okay?
"If you boil water, it evaporates." If you notice here, I have simple present verb and simple present verb. This is a real conditional. It means it's true. Whenever you have a fact-okay?-a result is based on this condition and it's always true... By the way, "evaporates" means becomes steam, it goes away. Right? If you boil water, eventually you have no more water in the pot. So this is a real conditional, always true. Simple present, simple present. Lastly: "If you study hard, you will pass the test." Simple present verb, "will", verb, like future. So, again, this is a real situation, because this is true. If you do this, this will happen as a result. So these are the ones that you mostly learn.
Okay. So now we're going to look at a few different types of mixtures, if you want to call it that, with the "if" clauses. But before I start to show you these examples, I want you to understand that these mixed conditionals are all about context. You can generally understand what is going on, what the relationship between the two verbs are by looking at the context, looking at the time, looking at the place, looking at the situation that's going on, and should... It usually should be very clear, but in case you're wondering how to construct these so you can use them yourselves, I'll show you with a few examples. Okay? These are in no particular order. They're just examples, and we're going to look at them individually.