Protestant (Dis)Unity - A discussion with Trent Horn & Barely Protestant

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I and my friend Fr. James (Barely Protestant) responded last month to a video by Trent Horn on how Protestants allegedly cannot uniformly answer the key question of what beliefs are essential to Christianity. We reached out both in our responses and via email to him to have a back and forth on the issue, to which he quickly replied, agreeing to a discussion hosted on my channel. So, that's what we are doing in this stream; discussing the issues of essentials in Christian faith, Protestant agreement/disagreement on the issue, I and Fr. James' objections to Horn's arguments, and anything else relevant to the issue. This is a truly momentous occasion for the channel, and will God-willing bring unparalleled precision and clarity to this topic.


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I've been excited about this since it was announced and these great gentlemen did not disappoint! Thanks for hosting this excellent discussion, Paul. While I found myself agreeing mostly with Father James (I am an Anglican after all), Trent brought a lot to the discussion and I greatly appreciate all his contributions to the world of apologetics. Now we just need a debate between Father James and James White on infant baptism. James vs. James, let's make it happen!


Roman Apologists might be convincing if the only other option was low church Evangelicalism... It's often that I "like" the neatness of the presentation they offer and it _sounds_ a lot better than the absolute chaos and crisis of authority we see now...

... Until you recognize that church history is hardly as clean as they make it out to seem; the incessant refrain of the Orthodox and historic Protestants since the beginning. It would seem that, ".. To be acquainted with history is to cease to Evangelical, but to be _deep_ in history is to cease to be Roman Catholic."


This man is a troll with the James White clip 🤣 I thought the video ended and changed to a Dividing Line episode ☠️


Why does no one ever list Tynedale? He was the greatest martyr of the Anglican church. He made sure all the people of England could read God's word. And he also wrote works on the Christian faith, and on the sacraments.


I've listened to a lot of this kind of conversation, and I'm at the point where I just feel jerked around by Christianity. It's not good enough anymore to believe in and follow God, but now you need to be highly educated in these various positions and denominations and histories, and even if you learn them there's no theological position one can be secure in because someone smarter than you will just come along and prove why you're wrong anyway. My Christian walk has become an experience of constant confusion and frustration, and I just can't trust anyone or anything anymore in these matters.


I can't wait to watch this. I'll toast two cups of coffee to thee.


I was a bit surprised that Trent actually made a distinction between "once saved always saved", eternal security and an Augustinian view. In my experience with Roman Catholicism and its apologists I think this is literally the first time a Catholic did not lump all Protestantism together (among those that hold a version) with "once saved always saved" and its always seemingly been used as a pejorative against Protestants!


2:02:20 "Just because the Jehovah's Witnesses have a Magisterium & it is incorrect..." I am afraid Trent is begging the question here. How does he know that the Watertower isn't divine authority, while the Roman Catholic Magisterium is? Either Trent doesn't understand my question, or he does understand it & knows the problem, and is simply submitting to the authority HE recognizes as being divine, which is being circular. Because the Jehovah's Witness could reverse it and say "Just because Roman Catholics have a Magisterium & it is incorrect, " and then go onto say they have true divine authority in the Watertower. I notice when Trent is asked questions like this, he often argues around the question, rather than directly answers what is being asked.


And great job to you as well the other Paul



"Peace always in Jesus Christ our great and kind God and Savior whose flesh is true food and whose body is true drink" doesn't really mean much when a person acts out of blatant disregard and slanders others.


@The Other Paul, you should read John Davenant on the Atonement. He is thoroughly refromed and atrended the synod of dohrt, but holds to hypothetical universalism meanin the atonement is universal in its offer but limited in its aplication.


I'd also say that the most damning case that both sides have to answer is their Ecclesiology. Protestantisms almost idiosyncratic view of the Church can be problematic, while Rome's view of the Papacy is most emphatically a make or break for their system.


Hey Other Paul, is Mr. Broderick going to debate you?


Catholicism is not a denomination, Roman Catholicism is.


I can't handle Trent horn, he always changes the subjects on real questions that beat his argument, by the way great job father James, and he simply makes stuff up to justify the errors of Rome.


Here's a question that may have been answered, but I might have missed it:

In 2018, the Vatican announced that it had formally changed the official Catechism of the Catholic Church on the death penalty, calling capital punishment “an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person” and deeming it “inadmissible” in all cases. Would this mean that the Church admitted to having wrongly attacked the human dignity of person until this change? Thanks.


What did Paul teach in Romans 1-5 that would cause him to anticipate an objection of licentiousness in Romans 6:1...I.e what then shall we say shall we continue to sin that grace may abound, certainly not...


That's a lie. Laymen are theologians. Theology is Latin for the science of studying God


Trent Horn's diction, inflection, cadence, etc. is wildly similar to Richard Spencer.


Good stuff.

I noticed in the comments of the live feed that people like Pfrogger seem to act like "Matthew Broderick." They come across as trolls who slander and misrepresent others' views for their cause.
