Slow Dancing In A Burning Room (Live in LA) - John Mayer - by Jamie Harrison (Lesson In Description)

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The lesson includes videos on how to play this song, understanding this style of guitar playing, chords, lyrics, note for note instruction, my studio gear, my microphones, detailed info on my guitar and amp, my thoughts on tone, and tonnes more info.

Just me, my Strat, and a little bit of looping action. My cover of Slow Dancing In a Burning Room from Where The Light is (Live in L.A). **This video isn't shot live in L.A :-D
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I purchased this lesson from Jamie’s website a few days ago and just “finished” learning the intro. As an intermediate guitarist, I assumed I would just download the tabs and ignore the video lessons. I was wrong.

Jamie is a PHENOMENAL teacher. His explanations of both the techniques and individual notes are slow enough that you can easily follow along without being too long that you find yourself skipping through the video. Each lesson is also broken down into easily digestible sections WITH the corresponding section of tab below the video so you can see both at the same time. Not cheesy scrolling tabs within the video, but the video and static tabs for the section on the same page. Genius.

If you’re on the fence about buying his lessons: do it. You will not regret it. It’s clear how much time and effort he put into them. I can guarantee when I finish this one I’ll be buying more.

I know this sounds like a paid promotion, but I simply cannot get over how surprised and impressed I am with the format, content, and quality of this lesson. We’ll done, Jamie. You have a life-long student.


*devil* : you can only become a god with the guitar if you trade something valuable with me
*jamie* : take my head


No intro, cuts right into him playing. Plays an insanely difficult songs flawlessly for about five minutes, ends with a link to his website. No words at all were spoken, not anything. That, is what I call great branding. Now I'm going over to your website and if I could manage to learn this song remotely similar to how you played it, I could die feeling accomplished.


Who else dream of nailing this solo in the future as a beginner-Intermediate guitar player ?


This is the definition of perfection. YOU ROCK.


if anyone has any doubts as to how incredible of a guitarist/artist john mayer is, he not only played this song incredibly well live.. he did so while singing.


This song personifies every aspect of what a great Stratocaster is supposed to sound like. Well done, Jamie. You've certainly got this tune dialed in.


Love him or hate him,
John Mayer is a guitar legend.


This tone is like being hugged by an old friend. It's so warm and full.


When a fretboard looks like that you know it's gonna be good.


That tone is like a warm blanket next to a fire with it cold and raining outside.


I think the reason why you didn't show your face is that so people wouldn't know that you are John Mayer covering your own song. God damn, dat tone.


Every time he kicks into that solo over the loop I have tears stream down my face. So much soul in that solo. His lessons are really good too. Well worth every penny.


I've often been puzzled how people leave thumbs down on any musician performing. Let alone one who's mastered a style to perfection. These people can only be jealous. Certainly not other artists. Nailed it Bro... Always amazed by your perfection of the smallest details


That amazing solo at 3:00 gets me every time ❤


Because of this cover, I went from having no interest in learning the electric (I'm into acoustic and bass) to buying a new Strat and getting Jamie's course. And yes, it's well worth it. What I like the most is his broad view and detailed approach into teaching. Thanks Jamie for this.


If anyone is hesitant to buy the lessons from Jamie, then take it from someone who was in your place a week or so ago.. JUST DO IT. I, like many, believed that I already could play Slow Dancing in a Burning Room quite well and that I didn't need lessons. That said, I decided to purchase the lesson anyway, and was immediately floored with how precise and technical his lessons were. There are hours of videos filled with a comprehensive analysis of every note in the song. Not to mention, he throws in some invaluable tips as well to improve any level of guitar playing. Tips which are easily transferrable to numerous other aspects of guitar playing.. this guy is the real deal. He breaks down the song and shows all the subtle tricks that really gives JM some of his tone. I highly recommend his lessons to anyone who wants to improve their guitar playing and learn some of JMs subtle tonal features.


What makes this cover special is his dynamic playing. Breathtaking at times


Still the best played version on the internet. Well done.


Thank you, almighty YouTube algorithm, for bringing me to this channel.
