Surface Go for Artists - first look

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Second test video

First look - full review coming. Hotkeys for artists. Microsoft surface Go for Artists review. Please watch the second test video and the video coming out August 2nd.

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I think note is not ment for artists and probably the pressure sensitivity works better on programms like skatchable


When’s the next test and when’s the next test with the new pen


Doesn't Wacom make a Mobile windows 10 tablet? Though it is likely very expensive.


So my question is i want to do animation. Witch one would be better?


been looking for this! you are god send


Thanks for all your videos. How would you compare this pen in IAF to a Wacom AES or EMR? As a digital artist, I'm used to the EMR pens, was wondering how much of a "downgrade" these pens are vs the EMR.


Would you recommend the surface go over the iPad as an artist


You sold your Surface Pro m3 model, so which model do you have? How many surface devices do you have, just out of curiosity ?? 😊💻


Ouch that’s annoying I’m sticking with my iPad and Procreate. I made the mistake of buying a surface pro 2 years ago thinking it would be good for drawings in Corel painter. I hated it!


I asked to microsoft, the pen isn't new, no new pens on 2018, it's still the same pen of 2017 surface pro, surface book 2 surface laptop. But the surface pro 4 pen is older they say....


Hi Justice. Thx for the video. I am interested to see your tests on this smaller device.
That aside - I'm wondering how can UNDO be more difficult on the iPad Pro? Most ios drawing apps support 2 finger tap to UNDO. I wish I can do that on my SurfacePro 2017. (Is this supported on yr app? Thx)


i do wonder what version this is cuz i think some the display models might be the better and more expensive 8gb version.

what people really are curious about is the base 399 version is like. specially for an artist on a budget since there prob gonna wanna compare that to the new 2018 ipad for there mobile drawing needs.

cuz while in my exp the 2018 ipad runs great for wht it is. if the base go can run equal or better or even if its only say a smidge worse but not noticeably different it might still be the better option for budget artist cause of the choice ya get in terms of programs

especially for someone like meh who uses clip studio. while 24 bucks a yr is fucking cheap on ios since it breaks down to 2 bucks a month. id still rather not deal with tht and use the pc copy i have on something like this if it ran well. and its also just a pc so the learning curve if u never used a apple device just isnt there too.

but since 4g ram is like trash for any serious art doing on a pc, its def kinda leaving me cautiously optimistic of this product.


With procreate on an iPad Pro you can just tap with two fingers to undo


Just get the Galaxy Book and stop suffering with the Surface, the N Trig pens are simply not good enough. I had Surface Pro 4 and now I have a Galaxy Book, the S pen is way better.


You should have brought your new pen before making a video. Also, please test for touching metal offset issue next time.

Also, the performance of Windows S is the same as regular Windows. Regular Windows performance only drops, once you start installing offending apps.


Huge bezels are an enormous let down. Very far behind the competition


Wow, Looks like trash in regards to drawing. from what I saw in the vid the inconsistent thick to thin strokes and gaping in the pen marks is a major deal breaker to me.


Ouch, those bezels are ugly. Display resolution isn't impressive either.
