The F-16 Block 70/72 is the best option for the Polish Air Force?

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Lockheed Martin has also offered the latest variant of the F-16 (Block 70) as well as the F-16V upgrade package for the existing fleet of the Polish F-16s. The F-16V package offers the same standard of equipment as the Block 70. The new variant of the F-16 will be an interesting option particularly for less-wealthy nations who cannot afford the F-35 but are still willing to acquire a brand new fighter.

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They are the best short term option, it could be done like Taiwan the ROCAF F-16s are upgraded to the Viper level and they bought 66 new ones. If Poland buys 32 and updated the 48 they have it will be a good increase in capabilities. But as there are already a lot on the order book the KF-21 would be a better long term choice if build in Poland. If they buy off the shelf the F-16V remains the best option. The last option would be two batches of 16 F-35A spread over a long time. Both the F-16 and F-35A will have a great spares situation and the KF-21 only if it is produced indigenously.


dunno if you people are aware but Poland pledged to field at least 160 fighter jets as its NATO contribution, 48 F-16 and 32 f-35 would only make half of that number, i dont think the F-50 can be counted into that number either, so that means 80 more aircraft would be needed, best solution would be to double the F-16 and F-35 numbers but that would take like 10 years maybe


Poland needs air superiority fighter jets such as the F15EX in the amount of 24-32 pieces.


Maybe we should buy 100 planes and licence, then we will build planes in Poland without limit 🤔


In my opinion PLAF should bring the current F16s to V standard, place an order for 18 F15EX, increase its F35 order from 32 to 64 and wait for FA50s


How hard is to understand, the producer told Polish defense minister about delivery time 5-10 years!?


Upgraded to f16v could be the best option which has the newest radar and computer system. I heard viper was able to send out signals that there were ten f16 out there but it was only one f16v.


Best option would be (have been) to order another 3-4 squadrons of F-16s in 2015 in what is basically CURRENT CONFIGURATION + AESA radar (two drop in replacements are available) and updated software for latest weapons like SDB new AMRAAMS and JASSMs, then bring existing ones to the same standard. Also include FAQTON of training, engine and parts package, bring up flight hours to 200hrs on F-16 PER PILOT, have 5-6 bases protected by 35mm guns and NASAMS, invest in own rudimentary AEW&C (Wedgetail, Erieye on EMB-145 serviced by LOT Polish Airlines) and 3 converted MRTTS from 767 ( KC-130 doesn't seem to support probe refueling) as well as Israeli buddy-buddy system. TRAIN and integrate F-16 through Link-16 gateways with TOPAZ, ICBS costal defence missile batteries.


Note: ROKAF spent about $1.2 billion upgrating 133 KF-16s to F-16V specification, and is expected to be completed by 2028.

The Polish military is bound to pay to the army due to geopolitical conditions, and should consider the maintenance costs for the enormous amount of weapons introduced in South Korea in the future.

Poland, which introduces a huge number of high-quality army equipment to the high-end maintenance-effective F-35, must consider maintenance costs, and the increased military spending is a guarantee of the people's tax burden.

The nation's army is not a weapons exhibition hall.


I think JAS Gripen D is a much better option and also cheaper !!!
Gripen can land and take of on a shorter distance and do it from any road !
Gripen is handled by a very smart computer system that makes upgrades and new weapon systems very easy and fast to integrate
Gripen will winn every dogfight against Viper
Gripen has lover maintenance cost, and a lover price each flight-hour
To build airplanes is so expensive and take such a long develepment time that it is not a good idea to start this in Poland right now
it will cost much more than to buy them
Canada bought a lot of Gripen because they have proven they work well in very cold environment


The USA in now an unreliable supplier due to high demand and focusing on F-35. Poland doesn't need F-16 in say 2050, they are required today. There was ample supply of secondhand F-16 when countries, including Poland, were buying F-35 toys.
F-35 are good but complex and expensive. Poland needs something to blow Russian tanks not to play star-wars, as Russians don't have that level of sophistication. Since Korea could supply only 4th generation, then F-16 would be a better option.


Of course the F-16 is the best option to replace the Mig/Su family. We will get Chicken (FA50) instead Falcon (F-16). All due to lack of the decissions in the past years.


Lockheed Martin could produce more F-16's... .


F-16 is not being produced right now nor it's gonna be in the near future. That's official info polish Ministry of Defence got from Lockheed Martin.


better just buy a cheap fa 50 and buy more f35 with the remaining money.


This heavy metal music is terrible it is horror to the viewer, please change the music


Nie najlepszą opcją dla Polski jest ujednolicenie floty do F-35.
p.s. osobiście uważam że kupujemy FA-50 tylko po to aby podtrzymać nawyki pilotów F-16. Uważam też że to Nasze F-16 pójdą na Ukrainę 🇺🇦! Zobaczycie! Pójdą w zamian za zwiększenie zamówienia na F-35. Do tego czasu Air Policing na F-22 przez siły zbrojne US.
