Why do WOMEN have STRONGER IMMUNE SYSTEMS than MEN? The COVID-19 example...

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The truth as to why we have observed this pattern over the last year-- may be closer to simple nature, biology, and evolution-- than we think...

#nature #biology #immunity #covid19 #pandemic
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Sounds logical. I think the reason for the stronger immune system is to provide support for themselves and possible pregnancy. So basically a system to support two or more beings.


We have to be strong, our bodies are made to grow life in us!!


All your short videos are very interesting and logical. Thank you.


Dr. absolutely can probe that! In March /2020 my husband got really sick with the virus, I took him to the hospital and Thanks God they send him back home. He was told in 3 days he will be fine! He almost die, I take care of him all the time, I didn’t wear mask, we sleep in the same bed, I didn’t isolated him, nothing happened to me 🙏not even a runny nose. This year on March, I didn’t taste o smell anything for two weeks I asume I got sick because most of the time I don’t wear the mask. I ask my Dr to have the antibodies test and became positive. Yes, we have a strong inmune system and I’m 54 years old lady, the best medicine: good diet and some exercise. Always waiting for you videos. Stay safe


Very interesting perspective. I also think that women tend to take better care of their health than men and we have internal controls that work very well when something is off (most likely an evolutionary advantage as well).


Thank you for sharing . I agree with you and I love the way you present and share your wisdom with us ...it’s much appreciated .👍🏻💛🇬🇧


In an undergrad immunology course I took, we had a lecture by a prof who does research on sex differences in immunology. Her lab was mostly looking at the role of TLR7 (toll-like receptor 7) -- the protein for which is encoded on the X chromosome*, and is responsible for detecting foreign nucleic acids in cells (like from viruses) and firing up an immune response. She found that females have higher expression of TLR7 in the blood, and that female mice mutated so that they don't have TLR7 have similar propensity for infection as male mice do. (I can't remember what kind of infection, though -- so it might only be for a few types of pathogens.)

I think it might be evolutionarily driven in part, though I think this TLR7 thing might just be the molecular/genetic underpinning of the evolution thing.

Also, though females tend to be better at fighting infections and cancer, they get more autoimmune disease -- so I guess you could say having a "stronger immune system" is a double-edged sword.

*If you're a non-biology person -- a chromosome is a piece of DNA. Humans have 46 chromosomes per cell, so 46 pieces of DNA in each cell (or at least most cells -- there are exceptions). A section of DNA that codes for making a protein is called a gene. In the case of TLR7, the _tlr7_ gene codes for making the protein TLR7 -- it's the protein that can detect foreign nucleic acid in a cell and "let the immune system know."


Great vid doc! Where has your video talking about why you haven’t gotten the vaccine yet been taken down? Did you end up getting a vax? If you did and you’re comfortable to talk about that experience we would love to hear it.


Females are more strong emotionally, they are called weaker sex but actually, every month they go through a cycle, that has not only physical effects but also emotional effects on her. We deal with whole lots of hormonal changes throughout our lives...unlike men. May be that adds to our stronger immunity.


I believe Doctor, as I am 42-yr old lady who recently was admitted with Sepsis and my infection level of 302. I survived by the Antibiotics given to me.


I agree with you doctor. Women are the ones who carry the next generation of humans Nature has provided women with more immunity in order to protect them during their childbearing years. As they lose estrogen they lose some of those benefits, such as lower glucose and cholesterol. I wonder if the immunity women enjoy lasts throughout their life. Nature is only concerned for the continuation of the species. Once that duty is done, is the extra care still available?


What about cofounding factors? Smoking, stressful work environment ..etc are these being considered when it comes to this theory?


Makes perfect sense. A lot of things in living beings can be explained with evolutionary biology. Small differences often end up getting enhanced into bigger ones over millions of years due to positive feedback. It is likely that if there were species with males having a stronger immune system, those species would've died off at some point as females are more vital for continuation of the species as in most animals they don't only care for offspring during pregnancy but also after it until the offspring grows enough to fend for itself. If females have lower survival chances, so would the offspring.


I thought that Darwin‘s theory of evolution… Survival of the fittest was relegated (in the same way that Newtonian physics has been since quantum physics arrived) and that species evolve with cooperation (look at the examples scientists have described with trees and mycelium)
I’ve worked in the healing field for over 4 decades and I see that women are better at asking for help, at coming forward when there is a problem and generally taking care of themselves … Whereas, I see many men not asking for help, just as many men don’t like to ask for directions when they are lost. Then, when it is almost too late, they finally “give in “...it takes strength and humility to reach out and recognise we all need each other… As John Donne said “No man is an island “. And this pandemic is showing us how very connected we all are to each other. Thank you for your amazing videos and the work you do. Namaste and blessings 🙏✨


This is very interesting and somehow it makes sense of course.
It also makes me think about that women seem to be strength dominant in their lower body muscles. Easier to grow strength in squat exercises etc rather than for example pull ups and push ups. In general of course...


Hi Doc, I am from India and suffering from Covid.
I have a very strange symptom called Parosmia. I am unable to eat most of the things. Can you please make a video on this very little known topic.
Lots of love and support from India.


Doctor, look forward to your addressing the so-called Indian Variant?


Couldn't agree more thanks for your great videos really enjoy them!!🇬🇧


Great content Doctor 🤗 thanks a lot for your efforts


I think you’re officially my favorite doc
