U.S. warns full-scale Russian invasion in Ukraine is imminent

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The United States is warning a full-scale Russian invasion in Ukraine is imminent; CBS2's Jessica Moore reports.
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Thanks Putin, putting us back to 1938. Its 2022, economies is what makes countries powerful, not land.


Lets BE SURE TO INCLUDE A COMMERCIAL before getting to the so important BREAKING NEWS.


I've known Russians to be my mortal enemy since the 60's when we found ourselves scared under our desks in the hallway during nuclear attack drills in 3rd grade.


What’s really imminent is DEEZ NUTZ! hahahaha got


"War is rich old men protecting their property by sending middle class and lower class young men off to die. It always has been." - George Carlin


when the mighty brave Lion roars, the jungle trembles. nothing new here. Apparently there is a Lion in the east and a hallucinating, lost mouse in the west and the Lion is very well aware of this fact. accept it and move on


Crazy! We said it many times already! It was last week! Did we say that?


Send me your tired your, huddled masses your Foxy Ukrainian women!


interesting to note that chernobyl is over there. Might have something to do with that.


Well thank god Democrats elected "The adults in the room". We all feel safer.


I’m more worried about gas prices and inflation than some little conflict halfway around the world.


The dictator's dilemma, or why dictators fear democracy?

To explain what's going on in the Ukraine, there are proximate causes and there are ultimate causes and most of the news today is only covering proximate causes, hopefully the following should elucidate what the underlying ultimate causes which are driving this conflict.

The dictator's dilemma describes a conundrum for dictators. They they usually have to do unconscionable and illegal things to get into power, and once they're in power they must escalate the level of repression, jailing and outright murder or genocide to retain their power and wealth.

If they ever lose power they will face trial resulting in jail or even execution.

They even have to worry about neighboring countries becoming democratic, because if this occurs their own people will start desiring democracy, which presents a threat to the dictator, like for some served after the Arab spring and the uprising of the people's desires was met with a brutal response.p

So the decision of a dictator can be viewed in the actions of a sociopath/psychopath, which often is "I will obfuscate, attempt, lie and attemt everything to delay, however once this fails it's 'if I'm going down I'm taking everybody with me".

I believe the above dictator's dilemma describes what's going on with Putin in Russia and in other dictatorial and authoritarian ruled countries and represents a great danger peace in our world.

Scientia Non Domus,
(Knowledge has No Home)



Luke. 10:18 is

our prpblem!!! Instead of mankind fighting mankind. Let us do something new. Let us fight the devil. It's easy. We'll get God to do it. This is it. I call it Kervin's prayer "Dear Lord Jesus, forgive us our sin. Lord, shorten Satan's days. Cast him into hell TODAY!!! Lord, let your kingdom come. In Jesus nam Thank you amen"
All mankind let us not fight each other anymore. Let us love Jesus, ourselves and each other. Let us STOP giving Satan job security. I want Jesus to say "Satan, my children called, and asked me to shorten your days.
So I did. Your time is up. I'm casting you into hell TODAY!!!" No devils left behind.


Ukraine needs more support from the West to put a stop of the Russian invasion. Soon International Volunteers will aid Ukraine as Mercenaries to push the Russian Bear out.


This wouldn't be going on, if Trump was our president in the U.S.... Brandon is so weak..😵


Pretty sure that Russia will not move any further at this moment.. Just trying to stop the suffering of the people in rebel hold area`s of Donetsk and Lugansk. If Putin does move further into Ukraine, then we have a very sad story at our with lots of innocent causalities.
