WHO’s Science in 5 on COVID-19: Vaccines and children

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Episode #71

What is WHO’s recommendation for COVID-19 vaccines for children? What does the evidence tell us about safety of these vaccines for children? If you live in a country where this vaccine is not available to children, how can you keep your child safe from COVID-19? WHO’s Chief Scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan explains in Science in 5.

Science in 5 is closed captioned in several languages.

Subtitled and dubbed versions:

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Люди всего мира просыпайтесь! В настоящее время США и их союзники активно пытаются расширить власть ВOЗ, наделив ее новыми полномочиями и ресурсами.
Именно они продвигают принятие т.н. «пандемического соглашения». Но сейчас они действуют еще более поспешно и агрессивно, настаивая на принятии поправок в Международные медико-санитарные правила ВОЗ в мае 2022г.
Предложенные США поправки создают возможности оказания серьезного политического давления на государства-члены ВОЗ под предлогом борьбы с опасными заболеваниями.
Свободное волеизъявление народа России МЫ ТРЕБУЕМ:
- отказаться от принятия Россией американских поправок в ММСП и добиваться их отклонения Всемирной ассамблеей здравоохранения;
- обеспечить скорейший выход России из ВОЗ!


When Homeland Security director Xavier Bacara said that vaccines are killing African-Americans at twice the rate of white americans, was he talking about children too?.. or was that just adults? If you're wondering he said it at the White House convening for Equity meeting last month, about 45 minutes in


Its really not about safety its about necessity. With a 0.003% mortality im wondering why they need it at all. Its more dangerous walking across the street


1. this is why youtube has taken down the dislike button.
2. can't you really make anything else than repetetive content? she is not saying anything new. only catchy phraselines like all these monsters.
3. justice will come one day...

have a good days dear humans, keep strong.

and for the who, please put us all into even a deeper shadow ban please😘 i love it when social media is made so dificult for me that i need to go into the real world to speak with real people and see that we aren't enemies afterall. at all. xxx


My mom got the shingles one yesterday : )


Please make video on Retinitis Pigmentosa disease


thanks for sharing this usefull information ^^
