WHO’s Science in 5 on COVID-19: vaccines and children - 11 June 2021

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Science in 5 series - Episode #42 / Why does WHO recommend at this time, in June 2021, that vaccinating children is not a priority? When would their vaccination be prioritized? How is safety of these vaccines ensured? WHO’s Chief Scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan explains in Science in 5.
Science in 5 is closed captioned in several languages.
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Who the hell are these parents that are allowing the testing to happen on their children! Shame on you … honestly you need to re-evaluate your life choices!


WHO wants that people are healthy, just like weapon manufacturers whants peace in the world.


I had to watch all the way to the end (to stick with Science) and still no mention of deaths! 😕


We know kids get myocarditis. Unless you do biopsy or contrast MRI with echocardiogram, then you have absolutely no idea how much scarring you’re causing to the heart. Kids will have to deal with it when they grow up. This is just so incredibly insane… basic health science.


This is crimanal organisation is dangereouse for humanity


The devil walks amongst us. Be strong and do not take a mark of the beast


Remember when covid was know as the common cold? Good times. Good times.


WHO is succumbing to Romans 1:24-28. Made clear when they declared gender dysphoria no longer a disorder. Romans 1:24-28 spreading like fire especially in the liberal left. But you can Romans 10:9 and remember 1 Corinthians 10:13 when temptation comes. Love y'all


What is the goal of vaccinating the least predisposed population for COVID-19 complications, hospitalizations and/or deaths ? is well known that incidence rate among children and adolescents is by far lower than among adults, furthermore compared with adults, children and adolescents who are infected with SARS-CoV-2 are more commonly asymptomatic (never develop symptoms) or have mild, non-specific symptoms (e.g. headache, sore throat); children are less likely to develop severe illness or die from COVID-19, in fact only 271 COVID-19 deaths among persons ages 5-17 years and 120 deaths among those 0-4 years was reported to the National Center for Health Statistics through July 7, 2021, also the COVID-19 complications on kids are extremely rare (statistically unclear) including MIS-C, which has more in common with others inflammatory conditions as Kawasaki or TSS than COVID-19 itself...as per pediatric hospitalizations, is also well known that with universal testing for SARS-CoV-2 upon admission at most hospitals, the rates of hospitalization for SARS-CoV-2 in children may be overestimated if hospitalizations for SARS-CoV-2-related illness are not differentiated from hospitalizations for other reasons (eg, elective surgery, trauma) with incidental detection of SARS-CoV-2. In two single-center studies of pediatric hospitalizations during which SARS-CoV-2 was detected, SARS-CoV-2 positivity was considered incidental in 40 to 45 percent. Regardless community transmission level, outbreaks in schools can occur, however multiple studies have shown that transmission within school settings is typically lower than – or at least similar to – levels of community transmission, when prevention strategies are in place in schools. Currently COVID-19 vaccines, as most of the historical vaccines, don't prevent the viral infection and/or its transmission effectively, so stating that vaccinating pediatric population is going to prevent the viral spreading among adult population, is not scientifically accurate...there's more valid arguments against the pediatric vaccination program than in favor. Pediatric stats and data don't support the need for this madness.


Whether Ivermectin prophylaxis worldwide could be a game Changer for the covid-19 pandemic?


Fuck the stress I'll kill it with Xanax.


Its not safe for nobody n people not saying the true 🧐


Ми, громадяни держави Україна, заперечуємо пандемічну угоду та відмовляємося від її прийняття та ратифікації.Діяльність ВОЗ несе пряму загрозу людству в усьому світі!!!


These people are the most evil corrupt ever!


Protect your children...

Isaiah 47
8 Therefore hear now this, thou that art given to pleasures, that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children:
9 But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the 👉loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries, 👈 and for the great abundance of thine enchantments.


My dad thought it was safer because he had a reaction to johnson hohnson dont takr the poison.


Children can be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 and can get sick with COVID-19. Most children with COVID-19 have mild symptoms or they may have no symptoms at all (“asymptomatic”). Fewer children have been sick with COVID-19 compared to adults.


children contact with positive patient are shown tested rapid antigen to be positive 8 yrs 5 yrs 18 month and 8 months presenting fever, ' diarhoea, ' sore throat, vomiting pity to see them sufering


I vaccinated my healthy 5 year old and scared to my life time with what's gonna happen in future. I am feeling guilty everyday for not researching better. He is upto date with all the vaccines. I thought the covid vaccine is going to protect and safe for him. There are lot of negative reviews on the vaccine. Please help me and also may I know your response on future effects. I couldn't eat or sleep, stressed all day. Did I do a right thing vaccinating my child?


So, it's not a priority because we don't have enougth resources and we still don't known if it's safe. They're not saying it's not necesary. In my country the gobernent is trying to force children back to school, but we just have vaccinated the 16% of total population...
