The Story of Friendship Between Legolas and Gimli

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During the Lord of the Rings, Legolas and Gimli went from being mutually distant and unfriendly to the greatest of friends, whose friendship lasted imperishable in the Undying Lands. Their story of friendship shows true comradery and care that two people of very different backgrounds may have for one another! Thank you all so much for watching, let me know your thoughts about the story of friendship between Legolas and Gimli in the comments below! As always, a great thanks to the online artists whose visual works made this video possible! If you are one of the artists, please let me know and I will post your name and a link to your work in this description!

Thanks to our friends Grant and Otis for their Three Hunters picture (8:38 - 8:44)! You can find their work here:


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Legolas and Gimli articles:

Gimli - Epic Character History:

Prince Legolas Greenleaf, Dwarf-friend - Epic Character History (Updated):

Why Did the Elves and Dwarves Dislike One Another? Middle-earth Explained:

Why did Galadriel Give Gimli Three Hairs (Updated) Middle-earth Explained:

The Fellowship After The Lord of the Rings - Epilogues:

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The new Men of the West logo was created by Raffe - Twitter: RaffetheRandom

The first song was developed and produced by my associate Galafee.

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Many related and/or used art come from these artists and sources:
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Jenny Dolfen:
Alan Lee:
John Howe:
Magali Villeneuve
Mirach Ravaia:
Hildebrant brothers:
Anke Eissmann:
Рекомендации по теме

Gimli: "Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an Elf."
Legolas: "What about side by side with a friend?"
Gimli: "Aye. I can do that."


"And what is this horrid creature? A goblin mutant?"


Gimli:"I can not jump now toss me."
Gimli:"Don't tell the elf."
Aragorn:"Not a word."
Tosses Gimli.


Let's be honest, Legolas and Gimli are pure friendship goals of the legendurium.


Gimli: (Sounding very humbled.) She gave me three.
Gimli: Toss me. Don't tell the Elf!
Two really great moments from the films.


A friendship that carried on into the Undying Lands, I love how their friendship was so deep that the Valar allowed Legolas to vouch for and bring Gimli with him to the Undying Lands and when Galadriel gave Gimli three hairs Legolas smiles when he learns this for he knows how important that is, since Galadriel had even denied Feonir a single hair, finally how both of them viewed what each treasured, how Gimli went with Legolas to Fangorn to see the forest and Legolas went with him to see the Glittering caves.


I thought the funniest part of the Two Towers was Legolas saying the trees had eyes and he had never seen such eyes and started riding back into the forest and Gimli was yelling, "No! No!" cried Gimli. Do as you please in your madness, but let me first get down from this horse! I wish to see no eyes!". He sure as heck didn't want to ride into the trees with eyes. I don't think I would want too either.


Legolas: Final count, 42

Gimli: 42! ohh, that's not bad for a elvish princeling, hm, I myself are sitting on 43

Legolas: 43

Gimli: He was already dead!

Legolas: He was twitching!

Gimli: He was twitching, because he's got ma axe embedded to his nervous system!


“I cannot see anything!”/Gimli- “Shall I describe it to you, or would you like me to find you a box “?-Legolas-


The friendship between Dwarf and Elf
Hadn't been seen since the days of Moria's wealth
A Silmarillion had broken their bonds of brotherhood
Yet this bond would be mended in Galadriel's golden wood.
Between Gimli the brave and Legolas the woodland prince
A friendship formed that wasn't seen before or since
Though battles hard and through normal talk
It all began in Lothlorian with a normal walk.
Whether saving hobbits or helping to regain Aragorn's crown
Their everlasting friendship never let either one down
Deep within Fangorn forest to the depths of the glittering cave
The relationship between Elves and Dwarves these two did save
Each helped out the race of men in their own way
But both knew that in middle earth they could not long stay
So one day Legolas built a boat for them on their behest
And together they sailed for the undying lands to the west
Gimli was the only dwarf ever to come to these lands
For Legolas and Galadriel arranged it as part of their plans
And so ends the story of these odd two
I hope you have a friend just as important to you.


“Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?”
One of the strongest ( and unlikely) friendships in all of literature. If these two very different individuals could set aside differences and find common ground then there’s really no excuse for any of us
Makes me wonder tho if they continued their competition in Valinor, I’d like to think so
The best of friends can compete with each other and at the end still laugh and hug ^_^


There was a subtle moment in ROTK that I thought was signifigant in showing how much Legolas watched out for and cared for Gimli. As they ran for their lives out of the caves of the dead, Legolas stopped, waited for Gimli to pass him, then pushed him further on, out of harms way. Understated, yet profound. Great friendship for sure!


Who else has just finished rewatching LOTR and is utterly ashamed at how they had forgotten how GREAT it is?


If I bring up these dialogues once, I can bring them up again,

Gimli: Could've picked the better spot! What's happening out there?

Legolas: Shall I describe it to you, or would you like me to find you a box?

Gimli: He he he he he he he he he he he


I have always found the friendship between Legolas and Gimli to be the most beautiful and heartwarming element of the entire story! While Frodo and Sam are more soulmates or brothers, of sorts, their relationships stems from one that was already established as kinsman and as neighbors. However, with Gimli and Legolas, their friendship is rooted in their courage to overcome great disparity between cultures and centuries of suspicion and resentment. For such deep devotion loyalty and love to grow and be sustained over a very so many long decades as they did is truly a remarkable and wondrous and beautiful thing. And it is a noble example for all of us to learn from.


Legolas: And who is this horrid creature?
Gloin: Your future best friend and the man who will accompany you to the undying lands.
Legolas: You just blew my mind.


The friendship that only maybe greater than Sam and Frodo.


I have a beautiful image in my head of an elderly Gimli being led into Aman by Legolas, and coming to see Galadriel, just as fair and golden as last he saw her and he would declare no desire to see the marvels of Aman for already his eyes have found the only true beauty that could be found in those lands.


Two enemies finding they have more in common than they thought. Lesson for us all, look at the best, not worst in your foes.


Despite being trapped indoors we will always have a limitless universe and an amazing channel to explore that universe
