Best Mouse Trap – Best Bait

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The Victor metal pedal mouse trap is still the most effective and cheapest mouse trap on the market. With the trap properly baited this trap can be used over and over. For myself, dog food has proven to be the most effective bait in catching mice.

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Glueing dog kibble to the trap... that's genius. Thanks dude


Thanks for being concise and not wasting my time. This is good advice and camera work.


Thank you for not wasting our time and bringing value!


I have found about 10-20% of my rats are too smart to approach a regular trap of any kind, I found that by covering a Rat trap with blown in attic insulation to camouflage the trap, I get them all. I only leave the peanut butter on the trigger showing. That hides the mechanical trap and they walk right onto the covered trap and it gets them. I discovered this with a surveillance video camera I used to watch. I had seen that the smart ones could distinguish any trap type. When I hid it with insulation, it fooled them every time.


This works brilliant....I use hard candy sweets know as M&Ms here in the UK... I use the old fashioned Littler Nipper traps without the plastic paddles...I heat a small pin, and melt a hole in the M&M to fit over the bait holder spike on the trap, and then super glue it in place...if you want to freshen up the bait a bit, paint the M+M with soft peanut butter, chicken fat, ketch-up ect...Another tip is if you are using the old style traps where it is set by placing the tip of the retaining bar (?) under a wire staple, use a junior hacksaw to put some shallow grooves/striations on the end of the bar where it touches the staple. This provides a little extra friction between the two parts so the trap can be set very fine, but avoids many of the false triggers....lastly it's a good idea to a attach a foot or so of string to traps so they can be tethered...That way if you catch a rat, it won't drag the trap off and die some where unseen, only to stink the place out as it rots....


Thanks for the tip! I set two using your advice and caught 2 in the first hour or so. Had used peanut butter before and while it works have too often found the trap with the bait eaten but no mouse. Either a smart rodent or roaches, but now I have a way to catch mice that actually works.


Let me suggest... that setting up the typical Victor mouse trap in a hard to reach place, such as way back under a sink, to set it on paper plate... then place it all in that hard to reach place. No more stringing fingers!


I used kibble too, but didn't think to glue it on! Thank you!!!


Saw this method on another channel and it Does work! In my case I was dealing with field mice(size between rat&mouse) I believe this one was mature as the various cave traps I tried were too much effort& hid bait scent. I used a dab of gorilla glue with half dime size granola bar within 24hrs caught.
**make sure the placement of trap is against wall with trap side against wall that way the bait is isolated and prevents mice from setting off trap from other side.


Genius! I've been trying to get rid of the mice in my garage by feeding them peanut butter off of my traps in the hopes that they will die of coronary artery disease. This definitely looks faster.


Appreciate this! I caught several with a snap trap, however they started to figure out to just kinda stick their head in and lick the peanut butter and not set trap off. I'm going to glue a peanut or kibble down, great idea! Thanks!


I bought some spray cheese and a little more pricey but they can pull ral cheese off, the spray cheese is sort of like gluing it to the yellow tab. Best part, mouse sniffed the cheese and his nose set it off, reset same cheese on their now. Waiting on number two.


Yes!!! I just wanted to come on here and say this really work! I set a trap 🪤 earlier today and the mice fell for it tonight!! Thanks for posting this video!!😊


Trying it out tonight thanks for the honesty!


Excellent idea on the kibble, I have used peanut butter but this is even better and glad to see the promo for the old fashioned trap, works every time.


My Victor mouse traps are 75+ years old and my Victor rat-trap is OLDER than that! My grandparents brought the rat-trap from their farm in Arkansaw. Breath on any of mine, and they'll trip. I us pork bacon or pork sausage for bait and always get my house-mouse or garage rat. I was rather sad when I caught a tiny brown field mouse.


Ive had good luck with putting trap on a bunched up towel or old t shirt...puts them on unlevel footing and seems to work good


Best bait for a snap trap is gooey caramel covered with peanut butter. Squish the caramel in well, works every time.


Thanks, I'm gonna give it a try. I tried just about everything with no luck. It's like living in a Tom and Jerry Cartoon movie. You can't catch them.


Some of mine won't set without using the other slot making it stand almost straight up.
