What You Must Know About Angels And Demons | Pastor Allen Nolan Sermon

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Prepare to be captivated by Pastor Allen Nolan's profound insights into the celestial and infernal realms in "What You Must Know About Angels And Demons." With unparalleled clarity and biblical wisdom, Pastor Allen Nolan unravels the mysteries surrounding angels and demons, offering invaluable understanding to believers and seekers alike. Through compelling storytelling and deep theological exploration, Pastor Allen Nolan unveils the intricate dynamics between these celestial beings, shedding light on their roles in the spiritual realm. Join Pastor Allen Nolan on this enlightening journey as he reveals essential truths that will empower you to navigate the unseen forces shaping our world today. #angelsanddemons #biblestudy #biblefacts

0:00 Angels and Demons
5:13 Why This Is Important
7:33 Genesis 3:1-5
8:20 Genesis 3:14-15
10:24 Ezekiel 28:1-10
14:08 Ezekiel 28:11-17
19:14 Satan Is Still Active Today
20:08 James 1:13-15
22:20 Matthew 8:16
23:29 2 Kings 6:8-17
27:05 Colossians 1:16
30:38 Flat Land
32:36 Daniel 5:2-6
36:05 John 20:19, 26
39:17 1 John 3:2
42:00 Adam's Death
45:00 Science and the Bible
Welcome to the Cornerstone Fellowship with Pastor Allen Nolan YouTube channel! It’s all about
Jesus! On our channel, you’ll learn about the Bible, faith, and practical Christian living from
Pastor Allen biblically based sermons. We cover topics such as the end times, angels & demons,
Jesus and his role in our lives, Christianity vs. other faith traditions and many other in-depth studies of Scripture!

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I have never heard a better in depth Bible study! The holy spirit shines through every message you teach Pastor Nolan. Thank you for sharing your teachings with us.


In 2012 my ex-husband walked away from our marriage so I moved back to the town I was born in. It is a small town on Vancouver Island on the west coast of Canada which one only passes through from one city to another but only people who grew up here and stayed here in this Valley are really here. Otherwise it is filled with drug addicts and drug dealers and every evil that goes along with it. There is no church here that is 'alive' but rather just the Institutionalized Churches & denominations plus a couple of non-denominational churches that still follow a very old charismatic routine. Worship is lacking but in some the worship is simply an excuse to still 'rock it out' but call it Christian. There is no place to be mentored. There is no place to function in the gifts we each have been given and there is no teaching at all. Please know that when I say I am BLESSED by Pastor Nolan's teachings I REALLY MEAN IT!! I MISS THE FELLOWSHIP of the Church but at least I am getting good, solid teaching and I enjoy every minute of it. He is so easy to understand and I find I am constantly being affirmed in what I have learned on my own and also learning new things in every video I watch. Thank you Cornerstone Fellowship for airing your services and thank you Pastor Nolan for the time you have taken to learn what you teach and to pass it along to everyone who wants to learn the Bible.


I have an obsession with finding depth in the scriptures, deeper meaning and understanding. It is a hard challenge to find pastors who have knowledge beyond the fluff. I am so thankful I found you and your teachings. You make the most difficult scriptures seem easy to understand. God has blessed you please keep making videos. I love your teachings.


Pastor allen has the gift of preaching the Word to make it clear as day to us who listen 🙏


You Are the Best Bible Teacher Pastor Allen. I Have Never Never Heard It Explained So Well. God Bless To You And Your Family.


Your Congregation is very Blessed to have Pastor Allan. God Bless from Kentucky


When this pastor speaks I'm gripped. I can't focus on anything else but what he says. I just spilled my porridge all over the place. 😳


Wow! I love it, it explains so much. You’ve got a believer in me. The Lord is calling me to learn more and I think I’ve found my teacher. God bless you all.


I love this man he’s gives some of the best preaching I’ve ever heard


What a great series! Thank you for all you do!


I just wanted to thank you for your sermons/teachings. You are an excellent teacher and I am binge watching as many videos as I can. It's so hard to find teachings that stick with the Word, exalt Christ, teach...deeper? More in depth? topics that help me grow.

At some point in my walk I discovered I had relied on others to teach me and I did not spend enough time doing my own study and was led into Calvinism, extreme charismania, and I was totally off track. Praise God He is faithful to keep us on the narrow path and if we are listening/paying attention He will bring us back to Him.

All that to say I am grateful for these videos!


Thank you for sharing the word of God!!
Always interesting, educational and fascinating!! ❤


He is the best pastor I have ever seen, I have seen and heard all of them and I mean all!
He is so in depth with all of his teachings, he is without a doubt a man of God, holy spirit filled to the core! I love this man so much, I'm so blessed to have found him:)I can't and won't stop watching/ listening to his teachings/ sermons! Thank you God in the name of Jesus! God bless him and his ministry!


Man this bible study is deep so deep my God you don't hear these kind of bible studies in the churches I enjoyed it and learned a lot.
Thank you brother Shalom.


I love these stories to help instruct us along the way. Thank you word.


I really enjoyed this sermon and I’m looking forward to watching the rest. This topic is more relevant than ever. As someone who has experienced the unseen world I know that there is so much more than what we can see through our five senses. This series is going to help j my e as a soldier of Christ and I look forward to watching it.


Wow what an AMAZING AMAZING teacher you are! I am BLOWN AWAY with the wonderful way you teach!!! Thank you SO much for helping me as a complete new beginner to religion at 50yrs old( i am SO ashamed to say) but i had NO IDEA this is what the bible was about, I thought stupidly that it was prayers and hymns 😞 i am now SO interested thanks to you and i am trying SO desperately hard to get my 14yr old and my 19 yr old kids to PROMISE me that they will please listen to your channel and do something NOW and to believe in Jesus and god NOW! It is ALL so very interesting, i can’t believe i had no clue it was about so many things. If only there were trillions of teachers like you then there would be SO many more believers! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work 🙏🏽💙❤️💙


🦋🌸👸🏽 Your dad took the time to explain about God and the Bible, how Beautiful is that which I think, I’m right it starts from home 🏡 It all begins at home how you educate your children. I’m going to continue to proceed watching, Thankyou 🌸🦋


This is awesome teaching and Biblically sound! Great stuff!


Thank you for this teaching. It may have been done a year ago, but the Word of God is truly not void and right now in May, 2021 it is accomplishing something in my life. God bless you.
