Unlock the secret code! The Question Mark/Brazilian Kick decoded #tutorial #kicks #fighttips #shorts

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Ever heard of the question mark kick? AKA the Brazilian kick, it's one of the sneakiest moves in martial arts, and today we're breaking it down for you! 😎
Let's get started! 🚀 First up, raise your knee straight up like you're marching in place. The secret sauce? Keep the heel of your kicking leg turned inward. 😉
Now, it's time for the grand finale! 🌟 With a swift pivot, extend your leg out like a switchblade. That's right, you just executed a question mark kick!
Sounds tricky? Don't worry, with practice, you'll be throwing question mark kicks like a pro!

🎯 Knee up, heel inward
🎯 Pivot and extend

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