John Edwards: 'Say Anything to get Elected'

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The silly season is upon us, as the Republican and Democrats debate each other, which is the equivalent of an intellectual finger painting contest. I was watching the first Republican Debate, and I have to say that the Republican line-up is far from compelling. What's with that Rick Perry dude? Can he really obfuscate the truth three times faster than Milt Romney? Can M. Bachmann bat those pretty blue eyes all the way to the Whitehouse? The answer is like, maybe. As I was researching this video on the Prelinger Archive, I was struck by how the issues haven't changed -- war, jobs, economy -- only the faces have. I think right now we have to sit back and see whose mouth gets them into the most or least trouble. My money says that Rick Perry will implode the quickest, so he can go back to Texas where he belongs. What's my political orientation, you might ask, let me just say that Obama needs four more years cause the first four were funky.

I would think that hiding a love child from you wife and constituency would make one highly qualified for political office (sarcasm). Apparently not everyone agrees.

Yes, it's the 2012 primary (we have to wade throught a year of this muck).

Three in ten Americans take the Bible literally

22% of Americans would not vote for a Mormon - (49% wouldn't vote for an atheist)

University study finds atheists the most despised minority

Rick Perry's army of God

Rick Perry's true ID: Creationism in the classroom

American politics more religious than American voters (Only 93% now believe in God)

The addition of "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance

"In God we trust"
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