Why NO ONE Plays: Jarvan IV | League of Legends

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Jarvan IV used to be one of the game's premiere junglers in the early years. But as time progressed, his once iconic engage potential has been passed over in favor of champions with more carry potential. Today we're gonna discuss Why NO ONE Plays: Jarvan IV anymore.

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#LoL #WhyNoOnePlays #Jarvan
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I remember when his ult was actually useful for trapping people, now everyone and their mother can get out so easily.


You know what he needs? A totally obscure 3 hit passive


He is too fair compared to the new abominations Riot is adding lately, passives with more words than an entire old champ kit, resets everywhere, free damage, penetration or true damage for no reason, there is no way an old champ like him can compete.


I can imagine if J4 was released today he'd have his E+Q reset every time he gets a takedown. Oh, and he rushes Duskblade for the invisible dashes.


It's not an attractive playstyle to dump all your spells and die half of the time, but nothing is more fun than knocking up your enemies on repeat once you get absurd amounts of ability haste.


I rmember when this champ first came out. Dude had wild mechanics, dashing through walls/ champs followed by a knock up, etc people immediately screamed OP. Oh how times have changed


Riot can easily make jarven great again by buffing his W's scaling based on how many it hits.


I had been stuck in the silver to gold range since I started playing League around 10 years ago. But just a few seasons ago I managed to hit Plat by exclusively spamming Jarvan, cheese ganking level 2 and then spam ganking for the rest of the game, acting kind of as a second support, even building knights vow second (when it was stronger).

Quickly though, the next season I started playing other junglers because Jarvan was just boring and does not have all that high of a skill ceiling. Champions like Graves, Lee Sin, Kindred, Kayn just had more nuances, more stuff to learn, a higher skill ceiling and were more fun. But I still have a special fondness for Jarvan, who was like my gateway to a higher elo and jungle.

Tl;dr Jarvan was like the Annie of jungle for me


I think he's due for a mid-scope update, like Olaf, Talyah and Swaim.


A midscope update for J4 is what he needs. His flag and drag into cataclysm is so iconic I cannot imagine him without it. Maybe giving him some sort of sustain into his passive or changing his W making it a completely new ability, Imagine if you move the shield into his passive and you give him a new utility or damage spell to work with.


J4's overall damage is fine, fair and balanced compared to other champions. His W is just abysmal. Like, increase the base shield; 100 base to 200 would be better. or increase the max shield per champ hit up to 1.8 or something. Is not like you'll hit everyone with it every time. At most 2-3 people. If you're lucky with R, all of them, but that's kind of rare considering every new champ can dash out (or flash)


He needs a midscope update and a godking legendary skin


Yes, W needs a buff they gutted that ability...
And do you remember when the E passive also gave you bonus armor?
Also his Q hitbox was wider
And the EQ pull combo couldn't be cancelled with any type of cc (like Malph's R)
And the R was targeted in such a way that you followed the champion half the map until you landed on them if they tried to scape with dashes or flash (like Vi's R)


His w is like half an ability while his q e really feels similar. Gotta make the dash one ability and maybe have a ranged poke slow to replace


It just came to my mind but its a "solution" to fix J4 biggest issue: What to do when all your habilities are on cd, well what if riot made that applying his passive reduces cooldown on all basic habilities, like ezreal q for example obviously they would have to reduce some numbers and such but I think it is a pretty cool idea :D.

Nice video btw


Doesn't help that it's pretty easy to completely dodge the damage from his ult by just timing your dash/flash.

I dont know why Camille can lock someone down guaranteed with her ult, but Jarvan cannot.


1:37 actually he's king now in the lore


Once upon a time Jarvan's flag used to grant bonus AS AND ARMOR. Those were the good ol days for J4 mains


I want to see more vids on the four horsewoman of the baron lane: riven, camille, fiora, irelia. There’s this trend of polarizing skirmisher/diver/assasin like champs in the baron lane. I find it so coincidental that they have so much in common: they’re highly skill expressive, they’re all extremely mobile, they all have a high skill floor, they all have consistently high winrates.


I think it would also be interesting for you to do a why no one plays for xin zhao though he is very similar to j4 so their weaknesses might be very similar
