People think Denji is a BAD Main Character in Chainsaw Man

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Denji is a complicated main character in the chainsaw man anime and manga. especially around his peers like makima, power and aki hayakawa. He's just at the bottom of maslow's hierarchy of needs. I think studio mappa is adapting the chainsaw man manga well enough to show that #chainsawman #manga #denji #tatsukifujimoto #anime


Anime/Manga: Chainsaw Man - チェンソーマン
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Denji feels the most human a shonen protagonist has in a long time. I dont understand why he gets so much crap.


One thing they won't accept is that Denji's background isn't your typical protagonist background, it's unique and it made denji grateful for everything, and that's sad if you think his goals bad, when before he joined the special division he was living off a loaf of bread


Fujimoto whilst designing denji:
"His design is very human"


Denji is literally the most normal/human mc . He doesn't want to be a king or the best in the world. He simply wants a good life.


Denji for me is such a breath of fresh air as a shounen protagonist and he is one of the big reasons why I love Chainsaw Man so much....


Shounen protag: "My dream is to save the world."
People: "So relatable!"


I, honestly, don’t know what the people are talking about. Denji lived his entire life in poverty, so of course his goals are going to be straight forward and basic because he could never dream to obtain them until now. It what makes him realistic.


he was HAPPY that he gets to eat peanut butter jelly sandwich kinda shows how grateful he is


not only is he an amazing main character hes funny asf 💀


Denji has the goal that an average 16 year old boy would have, not every kid wants to be the next hokage or pirate king 😂😂


People completely skimmed over the fight Denji had with Aki the first time they met, where Denji KNOWS his goals aren’t as crazy as everyone else’s, but they’re goals he’s going to fight for anyway. The fact Denji’s goals are so lackluster is what makes him such a relatable and lovable character. I’ll never understand why he’s always ranked so low in the popularity polls. (For context, no, fourth and fifth are not low, but for main characters it is, since they’re usually first.)


Denji can admittedly be quite polarising in comparison to other shonen protagonists.

Most protagonists are worried about the state of the world around them or just doing the right thing.

Denji on the other hand is selfish, but he had to be selfish to survive the kind of life he was living while in debt. He's not a hero, he's not here to teach you moral values or anything of that sort, he's just Denji and he wants to live a normal life.

And I absolutely love him for it


Poverty that’s an insane understatement he was treated less than vermin 😭that’s why I actually like him,


People are used to the same Zero to Hero trope but Denji is different, it's like starting from negative one hundred so even reaching point zero is a dream come true for him


Denji is the purest main character I ever seen, others always have materialistic dreams like some ranks or fame, like being a hokage or pirate king or the strongest, he just want to live.


I actually found Denji surprisingly realistic because of his speedrunning of Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs. I love that more people are finally including the Heirarchy of Needs in their breakdowns.

He's also surprisingly relateable in how he handles certain situations. Ever had a life goal invading your existence, only to finally achieve it and subsequently feel underwhelmed or remorseful...even feeling tempted to immediately go through the whole cycle again?

Another thing making Denji's actions relateable (especially for the younger working adults out there):
- If you've ever found yourself working in toxic/unacceptable/illegal working conditions with zero chances of workplace improvement outside of interventions that would amount to career suicide; its easier/safer to just accept defeat and become conditioned to accept that as norm. Denji had that with his debt slavery. The transition from such working conditions into somewhere else offering the bare minimum (or maybe somewhere slightly less illegal/unacceptable) can feel incredible. Unfortunately this state can make you super vulnerable to further exploitation if you're naive to either your rights or self-worth. Its incredibly easy to be gaslit and even become worse off in the process. Fujimoto nails it.

Chainsaw man has multiple layers and it isn't even THAT subtle about it.


Denji is so realistic if i got some chainsaw powers i fr wouldn’t think I’m tanjiro tryna save the world i would still want booba


i think denji's main arc is becoming a human, finally thinking on his own, building relationships, and finding things that we took for granted, considering where he came from, thats a pretty reasonable goal


Denji is a very relatable protagonist. The dude just wants to live AND he appreciates the little stuff in life.

And its good that he deviates from a typical shonen protagonist!! Its that refreshing to me.


Denji is literally every normal person down on their luck. People who don't understand him never went to sleep hungry, never had everyone around them look down on or straight through them. I love Denji BECAUSE he doesn't have some stupid nebulous goals about becoming the strongest or something out there like becoming a king. The man just wants some goddamned peace. Food, shelter, and a woman. Thats all any man needs.
