Should You Buy the ZX6R for Your First Bike? #ninjazx6r #zx6r #motorcycle

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I agree with you. Too much power for an inexperienced rider. There’s always gonna be people who say “I started on a 600 and I did fine”. Good for you, but that’s one person’s experience. Just compare what you pay for insurance on your R3 versus what you pay for the ZX-6R. It’s probably something like 10X more.


My minds tellin’ me NOOO…..but my BODIEEE….MAH BODIEEs TELLIN ME YEAAHHHAAhh!!!


This was my first bike. Almost a year in and haven't crashed or died yet. If you know how to operate a manual transmission you'll be fine. My first truck was a stick shift and knowing the basic concepts allowed me to focus solely on riding the bike. Good luck.


It's my first bike and its amazing. Just take it slow and respect it at first. Rode around my neighborhood all evening after work for 2 days. Then went to bigger roads the third day and practiced launching and sharp slow turns in a big parking lot. Now on my 6th day, I feel very comfortable with it but still respect the hell out of it.


Took the full course, bought a 650, was bored out of my mind in 3 months. Got a 2016 ZX6R and I love it. The 650 is a nice bike, but the top end was lacking, I didn't like the upright position, hated the 2 cylinder putter sound sound, I would have quit riding if I didn't get this bike. I do agree that its not a beginner bike for most, self control is the big issue, I haven't even pushed into the bikes power band yet, I know my ability and limitations and still have a lot to learn.
Also im 5'5" and have no issues.


If you have no experience at all and have never ridden a bike before then don’t even think about buying this.


This is my first bike. Got it two weeks after I learned to drive the bike. Did the course after I got it, it is definitely fast and torquie but I respect it. Soo much fun!


I went from a rebel 250 to a 2002 zx6r and the first time I fully opened the throttle I got sent into warp speed teleporting through time, the first thought in my head was distinctly “how are these bikes legal”


I went from a ninja 300 for 2 years, then on an MT-07 for 4 years. I now ride a GSXS1000 and even with 6 years of riding and even took an advanced riding course on a race track I was still very uncomfortable my first few rides with the 1000. Throttles on bigger bikes are just hairs away from taking flight. But that's why we buy them. Can't say I've had a boring commute in a long time.


Depends on the person. For 20% yes for the other 80% no.


I picked up my zx6r after only having my ninja 300 for 1, 100 miles and has been on full power from the word go. It is sooo fun


A brand new R3 and a 25K miles 636 in my country have a difference of about $1200. I think the obvious choice here is the 636 bc I'll be able to grow into it. And just looks way cooler.


Started on a 2021 zx6r. As long as you’re not an idiot and have common sense. It’s simple. Had it for about 7 months now.


Kawasaki Zx6r 2021 it’s my first bike
I really love it
I was ride it lowly for safe first make sure I can control this bike after I feel good with it and then upgrades speed up.


Why not, I did and I’m jus fine. If ur disciplined enough u can. I had ZERO experience riding and got it. Now I have this exact bike and a jus got a zx10r


in my opinion The story you described was very helpful. But for anyone who wants to start riding with the ZX-6R can do so too. As long as you have the ability to balance when riding a bicycle. This is enough to go to study with many institutions teaching safety driving courses. I believe it will help people get a good start with the ZX-6R as well.


A first time rider gonna end up upgrading to this bike anyway, just learn this bike and practice with it, grow into it, won't make sense getting something smaller spending lots of money for mods & tuning & end up wanting more & better later on,


I wish you could rent an r3 for like 2-3 months since that's how long it takes to get bored of it.


I bought this as my first bike, no matter what the bike is its about the rider


Started this year on a 2020 650 1700 miles later got the 2020 krt 636 couldn’t be happier
