What Is Autoplugin? PS Vita/PSTV Homebrew Guide! (3.60-3.73 FW) #Autoplugin #HENkaku #PSVita

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Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel for today's video I'll be talking about Autoplugin and showcasing some of the cool features you can do via for this homebrew. If you guys did enjoyed this video please be sure to leave a like and subscribe to my channel for more daily tutorials just like this!


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★ PlayStation Vita Hacking Playlist:

★ How To Hack Your PS Vita On 3.71/3.72 FW! | H-encore² | #TheFlow #HENkaku (3.65/3.72 FW)

★ What Is VitaShell? PS Vita Homebrew Guide!:


★ Prerequisites:

• A Modded PS Vita that is already hacked *Trinity/HENkaku/H-Encore/H-Encore²*
• 3.60-3.73 FW
• Latest build of Autoplugin
• VitaShell
• Wi-Fi connection
• USB Charging cable


★ Downloads/Useful Links:


★ Credits:

➤ TCB for suggesting this topic!
➤ TheHeroGAC for Autoplugin


★ Video Credits:

➤ Nagato Revenge: For making this guide and tutorial!


★ Music Credits:

➤ Nagato Revenge - I Am Nagato prod. Terio


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#Autoplugin #HENKaku #PSVita #HackVita #HEncoreExploit
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Nagato is the only guy who makes console modding easy to understand for people who wants to get on the modding scene, Thank you


Hey Nagato, your videos helped me alot, thank you!
I am hoping you could help me with something. I downgraded my vita from 3.73 to 3.60 and prepared everything for playing FF:CrisisCore (installed adrenaline etc). Everything works fine and as expected.
My problem is, that my 15gb Memory Card seems to be full now. My games, apps, documents should only amount to about 9gb. With the VitaShell I searched my Card and found multiple 1gb files in /pspemu/PSP/GAME (named "eboot.pbp") - are these mandatory or some by-product of the installation? Also, previous to downgrading and hacking I had FF7 and Persona3 installed, these games simply vanished. Is it possible that these "dead files" were not deleted and still occupy my disk/card?

Again, thank you very much for these videos and any future help!


New meta: I installed autoplugin using autoplugin


I saw this video and I Installed this plugin and my PsVita is dead, It is restarting all time restart.
