Why Luke Was RIGHT to Let Grogu Choose His Path! #starwars #lukeskywalker #grogu #themandalorian

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In legends. Luke allowed attachment in his Jedi order. Hell luke was even married and had a son


One could argue that the thing that stops Luke from falling to the dark side is compassion toward his father


He gave grogu a choice. None of the other Jedi had a choice but to join the order. Luke giving grogu a choice is what makes Luke drastically different than the old Jedi.


He also says a very lovely thing when he says that a short time for Grogu is a lifetime for someone else. He's pointing out that Din Djarin will die. Allowing to Grogu to "give in" to his attachment here, is probably okay in Luke's mind because once Din is dead, he won't have that attachment and will be able to train then. (Luke, of course, assumes his school will be successful.)

I thought Luke was showing a lot of compassion for Grogu. He grew up without his father (though he had his Uncle and Aunt). Grogu doesn't HAVE to grow up without his. And he realizes that's important. It's against Jedi rules so he can't train him further, but he understands.


i’m glad they had him go w mando bc it was more realistic based on his attachment


Attachment doesn't lead to the dark side. Passion does.


I definitely think that they could further develop this in future shows/seasons too. Luke didn’t give him the choice because of the problem of attachment, he gave a choice because it was both the right thing to do and what would actually further develop Grogu’s abilities, as Luke said in the episode, Grogu knew most of the training already, it just needed to be reawakened, by having the choice, he effectively discovered what way Grogu could/would go that would inevitably end up with him developing faster. I would almost bet Luke will return at some point and train Grogu more just like he was taught by Obi-wan, and Yoda which did something similar. Yoda actually did the same thing, just a lot more subtly in Empire.


The old Jedi order would of taken Grogu without giving him any choice at all.


When you realize that grogu is 20 years older than Luke💀


Attachment doesnt necessarily lead to the dark side Plo Koon had a wife and kids and when they died his control of his emotions and his Jedi training helped him overcome it


I believe that it was the ban on attachment that caused Anakin to turn. He could not seek help from others about padmes death because it had to be a secret


Attachment itself doesn't lead to the dark side, but the ability to let go and properly deal with feelings is how to prevent going to the dark side. Not properly dealing with emotions is what leads to the dark side. Plo Koon proves this point if anyone every really paid attention to his story and that's something Luke did in now Legends teaching how to deal with emotions properly


I love this take. After rewatching the series and considering the attachment thing, all the subtext that points to anakins turn starts being the center of the story of the prequels. Luke would be aware of his fathers turn and wouldn’t want to be as cold as the Jedi by turning someone away for having attachments. Like you said, he gave Grogu a choice, showing that Luke is trying to change how the Jedi act, as well as letting Grogu find his own path.


The Jedi feared all attachment. Their belief is that if one is attached to something it is the catalyst that will push you into the dark side. Luke had to free himself from this ideology. The attachment that he had to his friends allow him to overcome the persuasion of the dark side. It made him more powerful than what the emperor had expected. This is a valuable lesson that he passed on to grogu. As we saw in Luke's later life he did not understand that every person has to make their own choice. You can see this and how differently the outcomes were for his own nephew and a descendant of palpatine.


This is actually a really good point
I had serious issues with this scene, it made it seem like Luke was making him choose between attachment and the order (going against everything he should stand for), but yeah, he's actually just giving him the choice to follow the path he wants, to follow his heart as Luke did
You have saved this scene for me, thank you


Grogu has a thousand year life time. Din jarin will be gone in less than 50 years


Plus in the Actual Canon Luke did allow attachments and while it did come with some Falling there were hundreds more who were even stronger than the Old Republic Jedi because of it. Classic case of Removal vs. Control of Emotions


You can have compassion without attachment.


I would say that attachment in Star Wars is something that can pull you to the light side or to the dark.
True love is sacrifice, you either chose to sacrifice yourself for something or try to forcefully take that something away from you.


Well said, I for one LOVED that Luke gave him a choice. The former Jedi had no choice at all, if you showed aptitude for the force they scooped you up. I cannot wait to see how Grogu grows up!!
