Daniel and Johnny's Kids Post Poke Confrontation | Cobra Kai: Season 2, Episode 10 | Now Playing

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Decades after their 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament bout, a middle-aged Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence find themselves martial-arts rivals again.

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Daniel and Johnny's Kids Post Poke Confrontation | Cobra Kai: Season 2, Episode 10 | Now Playing
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There's one thing about Daniel that hasn't changed that is being a hot head.


I get why Daniel was angry but his behaviour so unreasonable. Mr miyagi would've been very disappointed


It's amazing how far Daniel and Johnny have come since this scene. Their friendship and rivalry really help drive the show, even after 5 seasons


4:42 you can see the pain in Robby's eyes after Daniel says that to him... Poor Robby


In an alternative universe after Johnny close the door in Daniel face..
Daniel breaths and then say "ok Johnny, I already cooled off, I'm sorry, you can open the door now"
Johnny opens the door and Robby apologize and Daniel congratulate them to starting to get along and takes Sam back


Painful to watch because Johnny and Daniel finally made amends the night before. Johnny was scared at first because he knew how much Sam meant to Daniel. But he became the bigger man and let Sam sleep it off and told Robby he would have his back meaning he was going to try and explain the situation to Daniel like a father to a father. Too bad Daniel overreacted and kicked his door down and almost hurt Johnny after he took care of his daughter for him.


Johnny did have a point he had to tell Larusso regardless. Because that’s his kid. What if it was worse and something happened to Sam and Johnny didn’t tell Daniel about it! He would’ve been upset


Guys none of you are seeing this from Daniel's perspective. One- that's his daughter. Two- she is in someone else's house and didn't return home after she got drunk at a place where cops ended up. Three- she is in Johnny's house who is leader of Cobra Kai, daniel clearly has unresolved problens with cobra kai as seen in this scene. Four- he is worried for his daughter, he is panicking(as any father would). Five- Johnny didn't explain the situation to daniel, in such times you let the father go to his daughter, instead johnny closed the door on daniels face because he was agitated. Which father would'nt be agitated?
I would have kicked down the door as well. If i am worried for my daughter who is missing, i get a lead, i go there and get confirmation she is inside and then get the door closed on me? No i am kicking it open and fighting anyone who stops me from getting to my daughter


I understand Daniel being scared not knowing what happened to his daughter, but if I was in his position I’d be SO happy that she was safe and ok! I’d hug Johnny and thank him! She could have been dead in a ditch somewhere!!!


Daniel and Johnny was just getting along just fine everything was just good and fine until that fight happens at the school fights


I'm glad they stopped teasing the rematch and actually had it later on in the series. Too bad they copped out by having it end in a tie.


3:38 I feel like I’m becoming Johnny here, like if my sister overacts to something I say, “I don’t need to do anything until you calm down.”


If i would be in Johnny's place i would say "Calm down LaRusso, come inside she is now sleeping and is safe" instead of closing the door in Daniel's face


Here Daniel is going Cobra Kai on Johnny


Everyone's talking about their relationship all I can think is damn that's a durable door it still closed after being kicked in 😅🚪


Imagine if Daniel went to Terry Silver’s house instead it would’ve been way worse!


Tbh im on Daniels side here, u not finna have me stressing abt where my daughter is and I find out shes at a grown mans home and he tells me I cant see my daughter until I calm down😂


I don't blame Daniel or Johnny. I blame Sam for getting drunk.


I like to see Daniel and Johnny similar to their children. Sam is daughter of Daniel. Robby is son of Johnny. Do they hate each other like their fathers?


It was all sam's fault. Robby and miguel are such patsies for always placing her before themselves
