best of øneheart // ambient mix

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best of øneheart // ambient mix

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00:00 øneheart x reidenshi - snowfall
02:02 øneheart - this feeling
03:30 øneheart - apathy
05:17 øneheart - watching the stars
6:50 øneheart x reidenshi - distorted memories
08:37 øneheart - outside
10:19 øneheart - nostalgia
12:17 øneheart - this feeling (remix)
13:22 øneheart x swerve - last breath
15:00 øneheart x ashess - rescue
17:02 øneheart - homebound
18:56 øneheart x james king - wistful
21:30 øneheart - your hands
23:15 øneheart - hide away
24:48 øneheart - ennui
26:35 øneheart, antent - rain inside
28:21 øneheart - lost dreams
30:00 øneheart, inertia. - fading lights
32:00 øneheart - insomnia
34:00 øneheart - wanderlust
35:50 øneheart - dreams come true


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2:02 I listen in my car when I got my two kittens. Sadly one isn't with us anymore. The music reminds me of her.
edit: her sister had to be put down in April of 2024. It took me awhile to heal but I can't ever forget.


This is what it means to be human. To be able to experience this kind of deep emotion is incredible.


The fact that this dude was only like 15-17 when he started making this kinda music is just astonishing to me


This music makes me feel something I can only describe as like, unfamiliar nostalgia, like I’m missing a time I wasn’t there for or a place I’ve never been, it feels so empty yet so comforting


For anyone feeling pain or hurt or suffering and don’t understand why. Just continue to fight. We will get through this


øneheart is a type of artist who can make tracks that connects to every moments of my life. When I’m going outside, I feel the sound of the “outside”, when it’s snowing, I felt the calming sounds of “snowfall”, when I’m thinking about the old memories, I felt the bright melodies of “nostalgia”, when I stared at the night sky, I feel the vibe of “watching the stars”, and when I’m listening to dreamscape, I felt “your hands” coming to the “rescue” my mental health from stress.

Dreamscape is the reason why I have no “lost dreams”. Man, “this feeling” was pleasant.


This music feels like the end credits of your life.


To anyone who is reading this. Please if your mom is there hug her. Tell your dad I love you. Call your brother or sister. And Most importantly create memories. I will pray for you🫶


I am two and a half years clean from drugs and 3 months sober from alcohol... thank you Jesus for delivering me! Thank you for bringing me out of the trenches!!!


It's been 2 years since the last "best of" video. Time goes by so fast..


i listend to snowfall while it was snowing at 4 am it was most beautiful moment of my life


i listened to this playlist at a very dark point in my life. i was very depressed, never got out of bed, didn't keep up good hygiene from a lack of motivation, and avoided all my friends and family. this past year has been hard, and i ended up going back into that place for a little bit. i lost alot of people, and couldnt really find a reason. im still fighting it but tonight i feel like i did back a few years ago. its hard. it really is. but what else is there to do other than keep going? it may sound corny but really all you can do is continue. keep going.


This is truly the most soothing and nostalgic thing i've ever heard and right now its making me cry happy tears knowing my life even with some downsides can prevail through. The living in the house seemed so conferrable and this music puts in a mindset to not forget about the past but look forward to the stars and the future. The house is truly dreamscape and I would love to dream about this cozy untouchable home where nothing can touch you physically or emotionally. This is the thing to look up in the ever-going sky and think whats out there and when will we find out. This proves you do not need any beats or rhythm to enjoy the music, You just need to sit back, and remember. Remember the good times and the good times to come while you are in this home where nothing matters and you can look off into the distance and see the evergreen trees swaying in the snow, a silent night. I'm sorry if you don't want to read this long message its just truly how I feel about this content. Thank you for delivering me this first hand.


To whoever is listening to this. I wish you God's blessing. May you be healthy, happy, and safe.


Oneheart is comfortably the best musician to ever live, being the only one to provide us with so much positive emotion. thanks man.


I’m currently sitting in a field. I’m listening to this playlist and I’ve spent the last 45 minutes scrolling through each and every one of these comments and their replies. I look at everyone’s usernames, their profile pictures, what language they typed their sentences in. I don’t translate them. Just look. It both warms and saddens my heart that none of us really know each other. Everybody here is being so kind to each other and it puts me in tears to know that some people here, as I’m reading their words, may be crying, or dealing with something rough, or if it were night and I looked up, maybe I would see them. What makes me happy is that maybe they’re okay. Maybe they have found peace. I don’t know where I’m going with this, but I love you all and I’m so proud of you. If you’re crying right now, I still love you. Crying helps. I don’t care if you’re a woman or a man or don’t identify as binary. You can cry because you’re human. And you deserve so much love and I wish I could give you a hug, just so you know it’s okay and I’m here. Remember that you are a human being, trying to live like everybody else, and it might be really, really hard sometimes. It might not seem like it, but you are amazing and beautiful and authentic and I love you for you, not the way you act for society. Stay strong, and maybe one day we’ll meet in the stars.


I lost my father the 31st of October of 2023. I listen to this to remember all our beautiful moments… I miss him more than ever… I hope we will be together again, someday...


I love this type of music when I look out into space. My story of how I started to listen to this playlist was when I first started listening to this back in December 2023 when it was the winter night sky, and I just got into astronomy and astrophotography. I did some timelapses on my phone of the night sky and used some of Oneheart's music for my timelapses. I started to listen to this playlist so that I could listen to some music while looking at the stars. The music complimented the curisosity and awe that my mind was experiencing looking at Orion the Hunter or the Pleadies. The cold nights, the dark night sky, and the calming music cemented this experience in my mind of what it should feel like when you look at the stars. Since I live in the city, the night sky is not that very beautiful. But it makes me wish that we could see what a true night sky looks like. All of the beauty that is above our heads is blocked by light pollution. With the idea of escaping light pollution, this music has inspired me to go out into very dark skies and listen to this playlist looking out into the cosmos and think about our existence on this tiny ball of rock we call home. This music has changed my life so much, and thank you for creating this playlist.


i’m currently sitting outside in my aunts back yard at 10:52pm. it’s warm outside and it’s windy. it’s about to storm. i love life. but sometimes i do not want to be here.


It’s been hard to calm my mind from the overflow of life but listening to this today helped me to put things into perspective and settle my mind. I thank God for another day and for bringing me into a new beautiful day.
