Student Left Speechless By THIS Question (Exposing The Atheists Mistake)

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In this video, we string together a Big Think video, a Frank Turek Q&A & a Reasonable Faith explainer video... The thread that connects these pieces is the all too relevant question, "Does morality actually point to God"?
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I'm working on this part of me, so I feel the want to say Thank You to God first, and all the people involved putting out these vids. Baptized this past Sunday after 40 years of picking on and picking apart Christianity and religion in general. All the clichés, good arguments, I've made them. And by the grace of God I was given opportunity to find Him before life ended here. That is a miracle to me. I now see so many things... they themselves clichés. God is indeed real. Jesus is exactly who He says He is. As hard as it is to grasp in a modern world, it is the truth. It's not that hard to believe or see... you just have to take your blinders down. We are here. From an infinite nothingness? Nope. Life gives life. Our Father is real. Love is real.


I am not a good person. I've been born again for going on 50 years. Only the blood of Jesus washed away my sins and scripture teaches me how to live holy. If I fail, HE lifts me in His forgiveness. I need HIM daily. ❤


Hey Brandon,

I just wanted to say thank you for your content. It’s been a real blessing and encouragement during tough times of doubt and uncertainty. Keep up the great work, brother. I really appreciate the effort, time, and dedication you put into every single video. God bless you.



Everyone can be a nice person in day to day. What really separates nice people from the rest is when choices becomes involved; if you don't assume anything you will not be disappointed.


That guy talking at the start is implying that religion is only 2000 ish years old as if ancient civilisations didn't believe in god(s).


HEY Brandon keep doing the good work moderating these topics SO it doesn't unwind into accusations and resentments


A key difference I observe between self proclaimed atheists and Christian’s is that the atheist is chasing morality, the Christian chases forgiveness. This might be causing Christian’s to look as though they aren’t trying to be good, it is just that they don’t believe morality is the purpose of life as Dr. Turek says.


Thank You for these always interesting videos.


I am really enjoying your videos, Sir. They're not only making me a wiser Christian, but a better person, too! Sending much love your way! God bless you! ❤💜🩵


I love Frank Turek! I have listened to a lot of different apologists, but never have I found someone who recognizes the fallacy to the other person and refutes it as fast and briliant as Frank Turek. Hearing him for the first time was a big changer for me. It went from God is something you can't prove, and just have to believe in, to there is undeniable proof that God exists. I have just started reading his book "I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist". And piece of advice: read it...


Everytime there is a question, the answer is already written in the Bible. But the people are still trying to be smarter than God.


They actually don't think about these things. Deeply!!! Before they speak.


If someone refuses to follow the social rules that are inconsistent, incoherent, unfair, unreasonable, and fake, that someone will be ostracized from the group. That someone will be mistreated for going against what the masses think is right because that someone chose to defy the system, that someone chose to break the rules. And it makes sense.

However, before the masses made those rules, someone else did: God. And when you break His rules, when you go against the system He set in place, you will suffer the consequences. And it makes sense.


“It is hard to imagine how free will can exist if we are only a result of natural processes” - Stephen Hawking

In naturalism, we are warm robots. No independent mind to make choices. It’s all predetermined.

If it’s all predetermined we’d not even engage on a philosophical conversation. And if we did, even in light of everything being determines.. it’s pointless warm robots arguing with pointless warm robots.. having a predetermined conversation.


No one has ever been left speechless by Frank.


This is such a shallow argument from Turek that gets repeated over and over. The whole assertion about justification is quite vague and it's concerning that he'd believe you can't justify (trying to align with how he uses it) doing good things unless there is a magical being looking down.
So the most evil things you can think of, I don't type an example because those posts get blocked, they are not bad unless you bring in a magical being? That's actually a horrifying worldview.
Turek's argument is actually very concerning for good people who really care about morality.


Thanks again for sharing more of Frank's work 😅


On YT you can find a zillion clips of animals behaving morally towards their own kind, different species and us humans. So it must stand to logic and reason that they all gather together in some underground cave on Sundays to engage in biblical study.


Human freedom makes a person a "moral subject" or agent, able to judge the morality (goodness or evil) of the acts which are chosen. The morality of human acts depends on the object(or nature) of the action, the intention or end foreseen, and the circumstances of the action.


Inevitably we will be tested when our moral compass tells us we must be good even when the world tells us we’re wrong. Can we stand for goodness when threatened with death for our beliefs? God wants to know, and wants us to know if we’re like Christ, or are we like Judas?
