The Chosen Cast Religions In REAL Life!

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Many of you must have wondered whether the cast and the crew of a show about Jesus actually follow Christianity. Since The Chosen is a TV production, working with an all-believer cast and staff is impossible. But still, people are free to expect a cast that believes in what their characters represent. Wouldn’t it be surprising to learn the guy who plays Jesus is an atheist? He is not, but that would be considered disrespectful by many viewers. I don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t have a discussion about this subject. Are all The Chosen cast members Christians? Let’s analyze it in detail.

#thechosen #thechosenseries #thechosenseason4

00:00 Intro
00:50 Jonathan Roumie
01:29 Giavani Cairo
01:39 Shahar Isaac
02:09 Lara Silva
02:50 Elizabeth Tabish
03:30 Nick Shakoour
04:00 Luke Dimyan
04:30 Paras Patel
04:37 George Xanthis
04:48 Noah James
05:02 Vanessa Benavente
05:05 Reza Diako


05:32 Dallas Jenkins
05:46 Is The Chosen Mormon?
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Let’s pray that they come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.


Don't assume anyone's faith. Dallas has said that "quite a few" of them have accepted Christ since working on the show. Dallas is a very strong evangelical Christian, as are many others I've seen discuss their faith. God can use those people to influence everyone on that set at any time. I have noticed changes in a lot of them in the way they respond in interviews- they may just not feel comfortable discussing it publicly. A person's faith can change in a heartbeat.


Remember the series is not the real apostles. They are actors.


There is a difference between "feeling close to God and having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


Their role playing will lead them to God☝️🙏😁 and accept Jeus Christ to their life😊 it's God's plan that they will learn and know Jesus Christ.🤗


Im Catholic and my fam is Catholic and Evangelical.. I trully thank God for this show bc it has helped strengthen my faith thru a very rough time Im goin thru right now. Knowing Jesus is by my side and and what he did for us gives me peace and hope. God is in control and he never fails us💕🕊️


we are all sinners in need of Christ, I pray these people truly come to know Jesus


I kind of think it's beautiful that non-Christian followers are so talented that they are able to honor the spirit behind the show- regardless of their beliefs. That's glory to God.


A little bit related, in Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ, an atheist name Luca Lionello who played Judas Iscariot, he converted to Catholic after his experience in the film itself. It was heavy.


May they hear the gospel in their work


I love this show so much! It is helping me excited about being a Christian again!! God Bless Dallas, the cast and crew, and anyone who has helped make and distribute this series!!


All of the not so religious cast are very open to the story, when you hear them talk they even recognize that the story is real and these were real people, that’s a win already


I’m Roman Catholic and I love the cast diversity, it reaches more people this way. I’m glad Roumie is Catholic though 😊


I hope the ones who don't yet believe come to believe!! Praying they will!!


Thanks for the video. I believe that Alaa Safi (Simon Z) is also Muslim (or at least brought up as that). I think Abe (Big James) is Christian. Jordan (Little James) I think doesn’t have a faith (yet) and Noah James is a secular Jew. I don’t think he has a faith (yet). Kirk Waller (Gaius) is Christian.

I could be wrong about these but thats what I’ve picked up in various videos.


I'm evangelical Southern Baptist who is very interested in apologetics too. Personally, I don't think it matters what religion the cast members are since they should be hired based on if they can play the role as well as if they look the part (Romans should look more Roman, Israelis should look Israeli, etc. as well as around the correct age). God works in mysterious ways, so working on the show can lead people to Christ. Hopefully, that happens for everyone. It's happening to some viewers, so that's excellent.


Hope the legal circumstances resolve soon keep praying 🙏!!


Paras Patel is a Christian. Jonathan Roumie was Greek Orthodox which is one of the largest sects of Christianity in the world and now is he is part of the Roman Catholic Church. The Coptic Orthodox Church is Christian as well.


I could feel that Mary's actress was not Christian, there's something missing in her interpretation


It's really special to know that the actor who plays Jesus is an actual Roman Catholic! Also lovely and wholesome to know that a few of the actors have been converted to the Faith whilst working on the show. Love The Chosen, only up to the 6th or 7th episode, but have been and will continue to watch a couple of episodes each night. The show has certainly given me a better perspective of what the Scriptures say, and I have to say that The Chosen is officially my favorite show. Have to also say that Jonathan depicts the character of Jesus so well, I almost believed that Jesus Himself played Jesus, before I found out its just a man who portrays Jesus just how I imagine Him to be.
