What Do Your Intense Pluto Transits Mean?

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Pluto Transits are life changing events. Here we study Pluto square Pluto, and other such transits - Pluto Sun, Pluto Moon, Pluto Ascendant, Pluto Midheaven, and others - to discover what we can gain from them, and how to successfully navigate through these times of radical change.




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I have absolutely no fear of Pluto transits. Pluto is my ruling planet and I have Moon square Pluto in my natal, and I'm a Scorpio rising. I even have Pluto Square my north node

I die a little every day, and I am reborn every day as well. It's been this way my entire life and up until about the age of 40, just five years ago, I let myself get lost in the turmoil.
But, the more I studied astrology, the more I came to understand that getting a hold of my most turbulent emotions and resolving the issues with my mom that show up with Pluto square moon, was the key to integrating the tumultuous Pluto energy .
It was isnt easy, and it's still a struggle ; but, learning to hold onto things for as long as they're mine, and when the time comes to let them go, to let them go, has been changing on a soul level. Ascending .
May we all find the grace and ease, to navigate the birth chart we volunteered to come back in this life with, while we were still on the other side .
Doing so, is our purpose


When I was 17 (1994) my mom committed suicide, I have been trying to find astrological signatures around this event. After watching this I discovered that Pluto was squaring her Pluto during this event.
Thank you so much for this talk 🙏💜


Pluto square my Sun almost killed me, but I survived and thrived.


Pluto conjunct moon is seriously heavy, if you don't put your energy towards consolidating your emotional and real world security. Pluto in Capricorn has been utterly relentless in the financial, ecological and political challenges it presented to the world. In my personal life there were many times in this last 15 years that were total upheaval...no money, no home and no job and the loss of all my possessions. The problem was that I was putting all my energy into trying to sustain a situation that was unsustainable, but I was always thrown a life-line when it got seriously grim. Another family member worked on consolidating and reinforcing her stability and had much better results, in spite of the instability in her career. That's the key with that transit. Another factor is the kind of people who will be drawn to you. If there's any mental health problems with your mother, it will be reflected in the behaviour of the people around you. You need to decide once and for all if you really want to deal with everyone's unresolved issues, or leave them to resolve their own issues. That may be especially relevant for people with Aquarian moons, and particularly with groups or collectives.


My sister passed on 1/2/2024, she was only 42. She gave me permission to look at her chart years ago— but I had the time of birth incorrectly.

She was a Cap rising & Moon. Pluto has been conjunct her moon for years. The depth of her soul is unbelievable. It’s so fresh and new for me, I had no idea she struggled as the eldest daughter/first granddaughter born in America (we’re from Ireland). We were all so aware of our da’s drinking during our childhood that I was almost so sure that my two sisters and I would never allow it to happen to our children. As I struggle to have a child, she was suffocating with them. Drinking didn’t ::kill her:: but she was much sicker than we thought.


I have a zero degree Aquarius moon, Aries sun 16, Cancer rising 21. I have a T-Square - Saturn and Pluto conjunct squaring my moon, and Mars and Mercury on the other side also forming a square to my moon. Pluto is squaring Pluto (born in April 83) and Pluto is on my moon. Chiron is on my sun. I have never experienced such dramatic changes, disappointments, grief, mental crisis, etc. It's neverending. The only way I can get through it is to make a very focused effort to stay healthy and take care of my own needs, and really focus just on my very closest relationships. My boyfriend just ended things with me after professing his love and encouraging me to move to a new country to be with him. My cousin has gone missing and his house was burned beyond leaving any evidence. Every day, it's something unpredictable and I think I won't make it. I have to connect with my own energy a lot and remind myself that I am worthy of love. This is brutal.


Pluto has been squaring my Pluto for years now. 27 degrees Libra. Life changing would be an understatement. Challenging. Getting in touch with my soul, speaking my truth, and becoming my authentic self has been my saving grace. I’m a completely different (and better) person. Coming up at 0 degrees Aquarius, Pluto conjunct natal Venus. Yay 😂


At 84 years I have to deal with a Pluto/Pluto-Opposition. Not easy!!! But soon Pluto will transit my sun at 2, 5° in Aquarius.


Wonderful video, thank you ❤ Pluto has been square my asc, trine my sun, conjunct my moon and MC all at once lol. Its been wild, painful and transformative


Thank you so much for this wonderful video. Pluto has been conjunct my anaretic cap Venus for some time now and I am also in my Pluto square. Pluto in Aquarius will bring conjunctions with my mercury and sun, eventually. Practicing gratitude for this process and submitting to the beauty and truth of what emerges is difficult and wonderful, too


Pluto transiting my 4th has been devastating beyond words. Complete loss of power and stability, which lead to severe health issues. Somehow I managed to make it to Pluto in my 5th and I intend to rebuild my life based on my specific creativity. So little matters to me, but what does matter feels urgent and healing.


Please do more videos on pluto transits


Thank you! Pluto was squaring my Mars, Saturn and Pluto from 2017 onward, while being on my South Node since 2018, and then on my Venus from 2020, and now squaring my Moon.. It's been a really constant revisiting of old wounds and ways, lots of pain and letting go.. nothing is achieved straight away, even if I was willing to do the work, my therapists, for example, weren't. One catharsis is not enough, you have to really work it through again and again, catharsis and work, catharsis and work, crying on the floor with you heart shattered and rising from ashes in a nonstop cycles. You are right of having to claim you power - it's been the most difficult thing to do, as everything and everyone around you and within resist it. Now I am with a strong enough therapist for a year already and it is another deal!


Empowering A Life of Non-Resistance!
I'm Loving ❤️ 😍 mine! My Pluto is 13° Virgo w/ Mars 10° and Uranus 10° Conjunct w/in 3°. I've already been through all of that before that you speak of and No parents or family involved! I feel Pure and Empowered. Just those positives you Speak of. Feels really great today!👍 I claimed my Power! Thank you James for your Insight! Always on Par! It is always a pleasure and honour. 🙏 ☺️ 😊 🤗


Pluto in my 1st house of ♑️ (I'm a ♋️ sun) says ok, you're not going to have a proper place to live, little money to buy food, no support system, no close friends... have fun for the next 20 or so years! Hope you survive!

Just kidding. I know the universe couldn't care less. It is impersonal.

I keep hearing about a regeneration or rewards after we survive.

Well, I'm on the autism spectrum and have been in "autistic burnout" (it's at least twice as severe as a person without autism) for at least a decade.

I'll believe that regeneration & rewards when I see it!


Exactly what's happening with me 💯 Pluto opposing my natal Moon. Issues with my mom growing up. And now, she's sick and I'm learning to release or trying to at least negative emotions towards her.


Wonderfully constructive dispensation of strengthening assistance toward embracing inner powers, James, Thank you!!!!


Pluto transits are so grueling. Long lasting. I'm going to have an long and sustained opposition to my Leo moon (exact 5 times!) then I get about a year break and another opposition to my Leo Saturn. Nearly a decade of Pluto oppositions. I'm nervous I might not make it.


A great video, my thanks ... purification is a great word for this long slow pluto transit, on top of the pluto square pluto!


Thank you for sharing! Was waiting with bated breath for the Pluto conjunct Nadir/ IC. My I/C is 18 Cap and I'm still trying to figure out Pluto's (3xs "the goodness") effects. It's been very lonely being dragged down to Hades. :)
