INFP vs ISFP - Cognitive functions in their songs

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With the INFP lyrics the meaning is in the Si experiences and explosion of abstract ideas it conveys, with ISFP the meaning is in the pure adrenaline sensory exploration that the music creates, and the inspiration to follow a path towards a singular future that is desirable causing a hopeful glee at what could be around the corner. Very relatable


Paul McCartney it’s my favourite beatles and he’s the first persona that comes to my mind when I think of the ISFP type. He helped me understand that type better. I’m definitely INFP and Lennon lyrics are way too relatable and familiar, they almost feel a little redundant to me.


Thank you so much for correctly pointing out Paul is an ISFP!


I love the editing, the colourfull background. Well done sara 👍🏻


INFP John Lennon's "Strawberry Fields" describes an INFP's world quite well. Check out my analysis of the lyrics below to see why:

Let me take you down (affiliative asking permission)
'Cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields (no logical explanation or Ti demon)
Nothing is real (Se trickster)
And nothing to get hung about (Fi-Si comfort zone)
Strawberry Fields forever (Prefers Ne focus on eternal unchangeable ideas as opposed to Se temporary reality)

Living is easy with eyes closed (Ti demon)
Misunderstanding all you see (Ti demon)
It's getting hard to be someone (Te fear of being judged)
But it all works out (Si optimism that the past worked out)
It doesn't matter much to me (Opposes other's Fe caring)

No one I think is in my tree (Ti demon creating its own delusional thinking)
I mean it must be high or low (Se trickster not certain of external reality)
That is you can't, you know, tune in (Se trickster inability to tune into reality)
But it's all right (Fi optimistic hero)
That is I think it's not too bad (Ti angelic/optimistic Fi hero)

Always, no sometimes, think it's me (Ti demon mode is intermittent.)
But you know I know when it's a dream (seems to recognize when Ti demon is operating out of fantasy)
I think I know I mean a yes (But Ti demon is in itself deceptive so not sure)
But it's all wrong (Gets wacked by Se reality saying otherwise)
That is I think I disagree (Stubborn Ti demon and Fe opposing unable to agree)


What a lovely video! As an INFP, I relate much more to John’s lyrics, but I love Paul’s songs more, lyrically and musically in particular. I find Paul’s lyrics more novel and interesting. I didn’t know much about ISFP before, but I’m suddenly a lot more fascinated.


When I listen to a Beatles song, and because I can't always tell Paul's voice from John's, I listen to the lyrics and my intuition and interpretation tells me who wrote the song and therefore who is singing. 😊


I'm a sucker for a clever pun, and although I'm fairly certain I'm Ne, I find myself drawn to music with Ni inspired metaphors. I think I envy how concise and cutting they can be, compacting so much meaning into so few words, unlike my long, rambling explanations. For example, there's a Stone Temple Pilots song with the lyric, "Too much walking; soles worn thin. Too much tripping and my soul's worn thin." I can't even describe how much I admire how they compacted two double-meanings ("tripping, " literal vs figurative, and "sole"/"soul"), a play on words with homophones, and a deep metaphor, all with parallel structure, into just 16 syllables. Maybe some of you may disagree and think that's indicative of Ne, but the more I thought about it, the more I came to the conclusion it was Ni/Se. I think it's for that reason the metaphor "but tomorrow may rain..." clicks with me... good use of Ni just makes it "pop" and stick in your head, and conveys meaning with a visual. I also love enneagram 4 artists, but that's a different topic. Do you think this is a common phenomenon? For Ne-users to admire Ni artists/lyrics? Or do you think I'm mistyped? Any other thoughts welcomed.

Btw, great video. I had an idea to do something similar (though not with the Beatles, specifically), but I lack the follow-through to actually make anything more than a comment a reality 😅


thanks sara.. i think its the easiest method for me to understand mbti, i learn the theories but still confused.. hopefully you make this kind of video for other types..


Omg this was so interesting!!! I love them so much!!!


I agree Lennon was an INFP. But I would be extremely surprised if Paul was an ISFP. George Harrison was an ISFP. ISFPs are behind the scenes types, and don't like exercising external control. Paul McCartney was the one extroverted Beatles that had no problem taking the leadership role. If I had to bet I'd type McCartney as an ENFJ. But definately not an introvert. And definately not an ISFP.


Sara what is the difference between Se and Si?


I am an INFP. Maybe that's why I always connected with John's songs better.


I think the cognitive functions have been assigned incorrectly here, or rather, I think you get Feeling from Sensation, Intuition, etc. largely right, but I think that your interpretation from there of what is Fi vs. Fe, or Se vs. Si, doesn't make much sense. Saying that, I don't think you are uniquely wrong. It's a general MBTI problem when people try to describe things using the cognitive functions. The definitions just aren't rigorous enough, so X when drawn blurry enough, gets read as Y.

I'd put McCartney as very likely an ESFJ rather than ISFP, what he's writing here makes sense as Fe+Si, rather than Fi+Se. As for Lennon, I think ENTP works very well for him after close inspection. Lots of Ne, but also Fe, can't see really any Fi to him. Surprisingly good Thinking. I've explored ENFJ as a possibility too, but I don't think it works as well, even though it would seem more fitting at a superficial level.

For what it's worth, I think these two definitely fit the profile of Extroverts, while the two Introverted Beatles were Starr and Harrison.


Hi Sara, Excellent video. Very interesting and engaging.

-INFP Btw.


Aw I'm INFP and I find Paul's lyrics to be so romantic. I feel like I can SEE what he is feeling, and that's so lovely


PLEASE give us more INFP analysis’ . The main character from ‘Eternals’ is one(the asian girl). I’d literally pay for you to analyse her. People tend to analyse INFP’s in movies as sort-of weak seeming but she’s not like that at all. Cmon cmon PLEASE? 🥺🥺🙏🏾


In My Life and Across the Universe are the most INFP songs I've ever heard. Love The Beatles.


Typing by songs isn't the smartest thing to do. Crippled Inside is an INTJ song, is John now INTJ? Imagine is INFJ, so he's an INFJ?


And i know why i love John Lennon's artistic personality ...cause we are INFP's :)