A Small Tractor that Packs a Big Punch - LS MT125 Review

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LS MT125 tractor Review

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Rockhill Farm is a daily equipment and rural living vlog. We mainly focus on tractors and working outdoors.

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There is hate on utube for LS tractors. It seems to be the owner experience largely depends on the dealer and the pre purchase preparation of the tractor. This is the case for purchasing all new tractors. For example my Kubota tractor was very well prepared by the dealer. I met the mechanic as the tractor was being set up. He was halfway through installing a second set of hydraulic remotes. The mechanic was friendly, knowledgeable and took pride in his work. I thanked him for what he was doing.

I’ve seen on another video a LS tractor owner complain about the dealer the tractor was purchased from. The dealer was not an ag machinery dealer and did not employ a mechanic to prepare new tractors.


The tire weights plus a lot of rear ballast makes a really big difference on these little tractors. It also improves the ride. They are so nice because of their versatility, maneuverability and ease of transport and storage. I have a 1025r and have a really hard time justifying anything bigger for my 45 acres.


Great reviews on the LS tractors. I have a LS and several dealers close by with a great reputation. I have not had any issues with my LS and I do USE it. Like all brands, proper maintenance is key.


Fluid and wheel weights work wonders for these small tractors. My Lx2610 without fluid was really unstable when using the loader. Once I filled the tires and added some wheel weights the stability and feel was so much better. Another great showcase Brock.


That's a nice machine. And a good size for smaller jobs. Thanks for sharing 👍


Howdy Brock! Nicely done review. I can certainly relate to the rut issue... it is why I made a ballast box instead of filling the rear tires on my Mahindra, as it is my primary mower. Thanks to Scott for letting you run his equipment through the paces! Thanks for sharing and have a great (and safe) holiday weekend 🤠


Nice video Brock! Running a business based on my 1025r, the price on that LS is stuck on my mind. You can do so much work for $14k it’s insane. Especially once you fill the tires and add some wheel weights. I use my backhoe a lot which changes the numbers, but man it’s nice to think about half of the overhead on the machine itself.


I have a LS MT125 with backhoe, boxblade, 4ft woods bushhog, love mine backhoe is a big plus for me.


Load the rear wheels and I put 2.5 inch wheel spacers on my 125 and mad a big difference.


Strafford is a way point for me. It's the halfway point (435 miles) on my yearly journey to the family farm.


As I watched this video, I was thinking something was missing when you were just driving the tractor and not narrating. I then realized it was the music. Now I'm humming "small fish in a big pond" in the back of my mind as I continue watching. Just wondering why you eliminated the music. I don't know when you did, but I just noticed it. Your videos have reached the point where I automatically watch them no matter the subject matter. Well, I have habits that are a lot worse, so I'm not complaining. I like the way you add in different people, locations, and machines. The variety keeps me on my toes. I'm the kind of guy who thinks knowledge is knowledge, and I'll watch for just that reason. It may not be handy immediately, but I store it away in case it's needed somewhere in the future. Keep up the good work!


Im jealous you guys have so many options in brands. Down in Alabama we pretty much just have JD, Kubota, and Mahindra.


My grandpa bought an LS XU6158 a little while before he passed away and we've had it on the farm for a little over three and a half years now. It's been a solid machine, especially for the price point. But how a dealer treats you really is the most important thing. My grandpa had a great relationship with our LS dealer and the owner, and had for decades, even before the started selling LS. But whenever I go there, I do not recive good treatment at all. They wouldn't repair a weed eater they sold under warranty and every time I've gone there to talk about possibly buying attachments or other machines they constantly try to sell me on other things and talk to me like I have no clue what I'm talking about. Part of it is probably because I'm a lot younger than most people in this field, but I don't think thats any excuse. I went there to look at a compact tractor and the owner spent more time trying to sell me a zero turn. So unless something changes at that dealer, unfortunately I probably won't buy one for myself.


It seems that LS has found a niche and has hit the mark with their products. I am looking at getting an LS tractor possibly down the road.


This video is why I bought my 125 and why i bought it from WCT.


Seems to be handling that box scrape pretty well, though I'm concerned about the lift height watching you clean up the brush. That's box scrape was skimming the ground unless you purposely had it low.


Land plane for fixing driveways baby. They'll shave the grass out, pull up the embedded gravel. and leave it dead flat behind it.


That dealer is 3 hours away from me, too bad. I have 3 LS dealers within 50 miles so maybe I will check them out when I'm ready.

I was worried you were going to scalp his lawn with that box blade so low. Then again if he's had time with two tractors his lawn is probably in better shape than mine :)

If you can see if you can review some Rural King tractors. I am curious how another budget brand compares.


Another good video guys. I'm liking the different color.
Gotta love the box blade.

I'll be box blading my service road Sunday. Long story, but it hasn't been busted up for around 15 years and has had tractor trailers on it, should be interesting.
