TOTAL COST for My Container Home! Grand Total Price Breakdown Shipping Container Home!

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In this video, I'll be revealing the grand total cost for my DIY shipping container home, what the final price was to build it.

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This is the first home build Ive ever seen that doesn't hide anything and actually lets you know what it is and how much. Bravo man.


For 80K, I would be *extremely* thankful to just have a home and not have a ton of mortgage debt.
You managed to buy a house for hundreds of thousands of dollars less than what everyone else around you has paid.
and now because you built the house, you're also going to save thousands of dollars on future home maintenance because you know how to repair it.
Good on you!
You're an example for everyone, in my opinion!


Bought my land for 3 grand, bought a construction office for 5 grand, moved and set it up on my land for 3 grand. Spent another 3 grand for infrastructure. I've been living in it off the grid for free for 25 years now, no rent, no utilities in Hawaii.


For anyone thinking of doing this. Just know that when it’s yours, your build, and your ideas. It becomes more than just a home. It becomes a part of you. Because you had a lot to do with this creation that went from an idea, to something that is now physically there. The feeling is something you can’t describe. It’s amazing


FINALLY.. someone who doesn't beat around the bush.! Like how you laid it out, kept it simple but Informative. Bravo.! Thank you for sharing, and it turned out Beautiful, in my opinion.


Ultimately, you have saved yourself thousands over the life of your home by doing the work yourself. Not only will you be able to repair/maintain the property, but also you building this for yourself you probably have a higher quality build. Having it built by a company you have no control over the quality of the work. By building it for yourself I'm certain that you took the time to do things right and not cut corners to hit some kind of deadline. Having that kind of security in knowing things were done right is absolutely priceless!


Bro, the world needs this information. So many people want to do this, but don't know how to do it. Continue the educate, it's appreciated.


As a dude who's looking to buy his way to freedom starting with a mostly self sufficient tiny home, just the numbers and scale of this provides so much information man wow. Thank you for the time you put in this.


This is why I started watching this video and got the idea to go mortgage free but some of these channels get you deterred from your original plan by spending a half a million or more on there container home like what’s the point . You suppose to be saving not paying more but you got me back on track sir thank you!!!


Just purchased our land and this is exactly what we were planning to do! It's a blessing to watch your video breakdown. We are still trying to decide how many containers we want to go with. Have seen so many designs, but your 3D models are outstanding. Might need to get some ideas and a 3D model for us. Thanks for the wonderful information!


Just came across your channel. All I can say is THANK YOU tremendously for sharing actual real world prices with us. So many channels just get people to watch their beautiful house videos n then act super secretive 🤫🤫 about the price 🤨 Either people can afford it or not but at least you let us see the financial truth of it. 👍🏽


In a sea of YouTube excess. This guy does a great job of being authentic. Super nice and informative...


You should be really proud man, not just cos of your amazing house build, but also for being so far ahead of the curve mentally than most people.


Thanks! I really appreciate your overview. No bs, no gimmicks, just straight to the point and informative!


I may have missed some aspects that seemed to be missing in your breakdown. In Australia, all container homes must be on a full concrete pad. They must also be fully insulated as shipping containers are freezing in winter and hot in summer. Connection to water, electricity, gas, and sewage must be carried out by licensed trades people. All plans must be submitted to the shire council. There must also be hardwired smoke alarms, exhaust fans in the bathroom and kitchen, and any other safety requirements met in the area you want to place the structure.


This dude is the man. He’s so exact in his calculations. This man wasn’t joking around with this


I'm a framer / roofer by trade. I'm starting on my traditional home in spring. Lucky me I basically received all the lumber /shingles, nails and even electrical wire for free. Only took 4 years of taking scrap off job site's.


This video is amazing, and very easy to watch and listen to. You’ve created an awesome home! We did two construction projects ( a new construction entry Foyer and a major renovation of a detached 2000 sf garage) during 2021. We came in just over your total for both projects. The lumber price increase was RIDICULOUS! Even after lumber production started again the prices didn’t fall.
I’m excited to see how the house performs in the future and also what you’ll do next!


In the end, no mortgage... priceless!!


This is a great intro video for anybody interested in container homes. Taking us through the layers and cost steps helps us to envision. I would have to outsource the labour but in the U.K. slightly smaller, probably looking around the same expense. Gonna keep note of your email.
