$28 Mouse VS $128 Mouse. | Does expensive mouse make a difference? | My own experience.

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#gamingmouse #gprowireless #g102

Fair comparison of G102 Prodigy vs G-Pro wireless and cheap mousepad vs Zowie GTF-X Large. I share with you my own experience of using cheap and expensive gaming mice and ansewer the biggest question: Does it really make a difference in gaming. Does G-Pro wireless worth buying or you can use cheap gaming mouse like Logitech G102 Prodigy and still be good at FPS games like Valorant, Kovaak or Apex. This video is not sponsored, so this is my honest review. Hope this will help you make right choice!
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Music: The Happy Choice by CheeseCakeDude is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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I agree. I was surprised when I went to a cheap mouse from my corsair mouse. Although the corsair is much superior in terms of comfort and quality, my literal gameplay wasn't affected by much.


I totally agree with you, the cost of the mouse is either Features or Quality of Durability. May be DPI might be different, But it doesn't change our gameplay.


you can get better when you get a new mouse because its all about comfort nowadays. hero sensors and all that are just marketing scams basically. who needs 20, 000 dpi??? (for ex.)


goes like this:
-gpu and cpu that can handle 144/240 fps on low demanding games like csgo, valorant, overwatch. (if u budget is higher, try to get gpu that can pump 144fps+ on medium demanding games like apex, warzone,

-144/240hz monitor

- >81g mouse

- mousepad


It's very simple really. If you are bad at the game, buying a better mouse won't change anything. Raising your ceiling wont do anything when you weren't reaching it anyway. Better mouse, pc or monitor will change a lot only if these things were the limiting factor at the first place.
Things like high max acceleration, IPS (malfunction speed in inches per second) and pooling rate are extremely helpfull for hitting fast flickshoots even if you suck at the game. CPI/DPI (counts per inch) is harder to "detect" by bad players, but still. Mostly because in many games - anything higher than 1600 dpi doesnt make a difference because of the game's engine. Try playing space enginners, hard locked at 251 DPI. Even most of pro players don't understand how DPI really works and set it to 400-800. High DPI and low sens is always better than the opposite.


important note.. (if ur high sensi player pls ignore this comment) if ur a low sensi player.. u cannot even move 180 properly with cheap mouse.. expensive mouse matters!!!.. its important for better aim and flicks.. ur aim will also improves.. if u want to improve ur aim.. u have to swich to a better sensor.. not just standard sensor of mouse.. pls be sarefull. this type of videos will not get u any results..


when you see someone in kovaaks you know hes telling truth


Yoo my mouse g102 prodigy it has been 3 year and now im still using it no problem about button and click its still good for budged mouse gaming👍👌


Look like i find my answer with my
2 dollars full desk mousepad(80 Lengh 40 hight cm)
8 dollars gaming mouse
And my 20 dollars chinese brand mechanical keyboard lol


I've tried a few different mice: Zowie S1, G403, G502, Deathadder Elite, Mamba Elite, G Pro Wireless in almost 2 years of gaming on PC. A few of them I modded, usual stuff like paracords and hyperglides/corepads... I've used my G Pro Wireless exclusively for about a year now, then I started getting curious and also a little bored. Ordered an Endgame Gear XM1 the other day and I love it already, I knew my old bungee would come in handy once again... I think shape and size is much more important than weight (up to 90g is fine) and whether its wireless or not. For example, I hated the S1 because of the hump and it actually ended up causing cramp in my hand after a little while of using it, the XM1 is kind of similar in design (catering for more of a claw or fingertip grip) but I don't have that same issue and I think it's because it's a little bit wider overall and just flatter.
So, does a more expensive mouse make a difference in my opinion? Not really. The G403 is a great mouse that I got for £24 brand new last year... You can get a Viper Mini for £40, a Model O for £50 or an XM1 for £50 like I did. Sure, it's nice to get an expensive mouse. But with all the great mice (top sensors and great shapes, something you wouldn't have seen years ago) you can get today for £60 or under I'd just stick to those... Also means you can experiment more with that 'saved' money lmao :)


shape and weight are preference and the difference between a good sensor and the best sensor isn't huge. But what does make a big difference imo is a paracord cable or wireless. I started using a paracord on my g403 a couple months ago and since then i learned to use my fingers for precise aiming. The stock cable has so much inconsistent drag that is was impossible to precisely aim with the fingers so before i just used my wrist and arm. I did't really notice how bad the stock cable was for my aim until i swapped back to it and was a lot less precise because of the cable drag. The crosshair basically did not go where i wanted it to go. It's probably not necessary to replace the stock cable on every mouse though but the g403 has an extremely stiff and heavy cable.


bet mouse i ever used is the Rii M01 if you live in a country that still has them get one. they stopped selling them in USA luckily i bought a backup and still using the first on 4 years later.

really just get one that fits your hand good. and remember, the expensive mouse cost just as much money to make as the cheap ones and you are getting ripped off by buying expensive one.


I'm using 13 year old iball 5$ mouse and thinking 12$ mice are expensive


I buy random mouse play valorant couple months. The spec is 60ips 20g, hard to fast swipe aim enemy flank behind you, had to put more efforts aiming enemy head. The sensor malfuntion glitches whenever i do fast swipe.

I thought all mouse is same, but i was wrong.

I decide to buy Razer Deathadder v2, ohhh boy it's lit ‼️ 650ips 50g i can fast swipe whenever i want, easy to track enemy head horizontally without jittering up down.

Yeah mouse does matter, it probably i already training with cheap mouse and improve when i changed to good mouse sensor.

I guess different game need different mouse, if you play FPS game like valorant apex csgo you need 400ips 40g minimum mouse for better tracking and fast swipe.

for mmorpg, rpg casual random cheap mouse is fine.


G203 owner here for 24€
Works and rule at fps games!


But I wasted two mouse just thinking all mouse are same. now I cannot even move my croaahair fast it just make the sensor glitch on both mouse😭😭


i was looking for a video like this!, thank you, i'll take you word upgrade to a 144hz monitor from a 720p and 60hz display, hopefully ill be able to see what im shooting at .


What's that training thing he is playing anyone pls tell me :3


Bruh for us g102 is top level mouse just think how bad normal gaming mouse is


I have the same mouse pad and a a4tech bloody v5 . Recently I play with my laptop and with a free mouse pad an very cheap mouse I can say if the mouse is very cheap you can't play good of even play at all but the mouse pad is ok but I prefer the my original setup over even more expensive ones and my original setup is not that expensive
