How To Wire Air Horns / Air Horn Install for automotive and marine use

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Of course this video does not do justice to just how loud this horn is

Can be Mounted in Engine Compartment or under Chassis

Perfect for Cars, Trucks & SUVs

Great for UTV, ATV, Golfcarts, Motorcycles

Specs on this kit I used:
DB: 135

Tone: Dual

Trumpets: 2

Trumpet Diameter: 3.0''

Trumpet Lengths: 6.6'' , 8.25''

Trumpet Material: CHROME Plated Zinc(non-corrosive)

Compressor: Heavy Duty 12v

Air Tube Length: 10"

Mounting Hardware: Included

*This system will give you the best BANG for the Buck!!

*Mirror Finish-Will look like new for years to come.

*Works on any 12v system.

*Dual Tone Trumpets.

*Easy to fit in small compartments.

*Includes Install instructions.

*Easy Hookup.

*Up to 40 Times Louder than OEM Horn
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How to you hook this up to a switch in your car?


Almost everything that any person would need from a video about hooking up air horns is done right out the side of the screen. Good job bud You really helped


It would be most helpful if what you were doing was captured on screen.


wau the cornets I love them thanks for your videos


Hello im trying to hook up my air horns, the wires comming from the stck horn has two wire, white and black do i just use the black only


Is the horn button not 12v? I've never installed one of these but I've always wondered why you need a relay. Why can't you just take the wires off of the existing horn and put them on the +/- of the compressor? Thx!


as the clock is counting down . . do i cut the red wire or the blue one ?


I'm guessing the horns can only be as loud as the compressor is that right so what compressor would you recommend for very loud horns?


I have a 2013 Sonata Limited and I replaced the horn with a small compressor horn from Marco Automotive called Tornado. Purchased on amazon. It came with a 4 point relay. Following is the hookup for the relay and horn. I had to take a picture of the relay and then zoom the pic to see the numbers on the terminals.

87-Is fed from the positive 12 volts on the battery terminal. Install an inline fuse.

30- Goes to the positive terminal on the horn

86- Goes to chassis ground

85- Is fed from existing wire that comes from the steering wheel. This is one of two wires that are part of the harness of the original horn. The black wire has a constant 12 volts on it. The green has 12 volts applied when the steering wheel button is pressed.

When 85 is energized from the green wire from original horn, it energizes the coil which lets 12 volts flow from 87 (12 Volts from battery) to 30 the positive on horn.


so the red wire is, "protecting the circuits" an is also hooked to the main hot wire?


More visible time on the relay less on the compressor will help.


BigDave may of been trying to ask the same question (bad English) and I've got to ask - years ago I fitted a set of theses to a car and just used the wires + & - from the old horn and seemed to work just fine. I'm about to fit a set to my MX 5, the new horns didn't come with a 'relay' nor have I got a clue what a relay is - do I really need to bother fitting it the way you have? The horn I have bought says its 12 volts...


@ 8:00 I'm lost from then on u wired the fuse n never used it


I would just put them under the hood right next to the air box, perfect spot for keeping them out of the weather.


hello, how can i keep my OEM horn and use this a secondary horn? i guess i will need an extra switch which will be inside the car but where should i get the power from to the switch then to the relay?


sir excuse me ...I live in Austin Texas where i can get that ....wish store ...


i want to install a train horn in my 2008 honda civic coupe but... idk how to go about it. rn i have a squeaky sounding horn that doesnt fair well when i need it vs a-holes on the highway or something...


Nice tutorial. Not much of an electrical person, but how what kind of wiring would I need to toggle between the air horn and factory horn while using the factory horn button on steering wheel


Does the output from the relay to the horn go on the positive or negative terminal of the horn? Then the other terminal from the horn would go directly to the chassis ground?


roger s did you get an answer?i also want to wire up a second circuit air horns, keeping the car horn.i want to wire a separate circuit with its own switch preferably off the battery.without touching the car wireing.did you get any answers.thanks.
