XAMPP - Apache Port 80 In Use | Windows 10 Fix
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XAMPP is a set to tools that allow you to set up an Apache server in your PC along with more functionalities. Port 80 is the default HTTP port that Apache uses.
Issues like Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4 or Port 80 already in use occurs because port 80 is already being used by some other application and hence cannot be used by Apache. In this case, we need to either change the port that Apache uses or close the process that's already using port 80. In this video we will see how we can find out which process is already using port 80 and end or kill that process so that you can start apache.
Command to find out process that is using port 80: netstat -aon | findstr "80"
Command to kill a process: tasklist | findstr '"PID"
#xampp #apache #windows10
Issues like Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4 or Port 80 already in use occurs because port 80 is already being used by some other application and hence cannot be used by Apache. In this case, we need to either change the port that Apache uses or close the process that's already using port 80. In this video we will see how we can find out which process is already using port 80 and end or kill that process so that you can start apache.
Command to find out process that is using port 80: netstat -aon | findstr "80"
Command to kill a process: tasklist | findstr '"PID"
#xampp #apache #windows10
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