Why I Choose Icom For My Ham Radio Shack

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Icom recently asked me to provide my thoughts on their products - particularly the ones I use in my shack everyday - and the ones I'd really like to have in my shack!

0:00 My thoughts on the IC-7610
2:58 My thoughts on the IC-906
8:37 History on HF
11:39 My current shack
13:22: My channel's goal
13:54 Why is Ham Radio so great?
14:30 My future in amateur radio
16:00 Who I am

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A 7610 will be my next rig. I also have a 7300 and a 705. It's nice that you only need to learn one to know them all. Out of all the brands I've used over the years, Icom just works. It's realizable and easy to learn. Good support as well. Plus Ray Novak is VERY active in our community. I've never met or seen a single person from Yaesu or Kenwood in our community like Ray is. Now if they can just give me an updated 7100 with color screen and ATU, I'd be over the moon.


Great video ! Please keep making them. You are helping HAMS all around the world ! I keep hearing about the Sherwood list. But that is textbook and lab tests. But the real world is different. Look at the Sherwood contest station. What radio does Rob Sherwood use himself. The menu system that ICOM uses is much better and easier to use. I do love Yaesu radios and many others. This is great for our hobby ! The man that put yaesu at the top of the list, uses a ICOM 7610 himself. The common complaint I hear is with the Yaesu menu system. The radios do work great .I have worked many on the air. Yes 20 meters in the US for POTA. 73 from USA !


Thanks for the video hayden 👌haven’t done my exam yet to busy with daily life unfortunately but haven’t lost the spirit 🥵looking at a ic 7300 and start listening that would be already a lot of fun cheers from Pete at Waaia victory


Thanks for the great video. I love ICOM.


In the western US, 20 meters is the most heavily used band -- then 15 then 40.


Thanks for your rundown, very nice,
about operations in Australia.
The Icom's are good rigs and innovative.
The ic 905 is very interesting too, for
an all in one VHF and above.
73 de W2CH Ray 😊


Another great video, Hayden!! Cheers from another Icom fanboy... 🙂


When I started out in HAM radio I wouldn’t have thought I would be primarily an ICOM guy but after a few years of buying radios I just ended up acquiring more Icom radios than any other brand……. ( 7300, 705, 7610 and 5100) it’s just the way it went! And I have no regrets as I love them all! Cheers 73


Great stuff, love me some ICOM rigs.. In the Caribbean there are several IC-7300.. The 40m band is heavily used as well. C-ya on da bands, 73


I'm an Icom fan boy myself. Started out with the ID-5100A, then the IC-705, the IC-7300 a year and some change later finally the ID-52 for a while before I got the Kenwood D-75A on trade. Recently picked up a used IC-706 and IC-7100.

What Icom did correct was making the menu structure mostly consistent with a few minor differences. Yaesu, on the other hand, has a new menu structure for every radio, which makes things difficult. With the IC-7100, 7300 and 705, the built in sound card makes working data modes plug and play.


Looks like you're currently knocking on the door of 60k subscribers. You'll have to have a TimTam giveaway. 😉


I studied for all three levels of US license using hamstudy. When it came time to select an HF rig my decision was greatly influenced by what name appeared on that site as a sponsor. I live rurally and didn't have an Elmer to teach me the ropes, and the layout of my 7300 itself taught me a lot about HF operation. I wonder what kind of op I'd end up as if I'd gotten a Yaesu.


I've pretty much been an Icom person from day 1 as a Ham. I have owned and used other radios from Yaesu and Kenwood but I always find myself going back to Icom. I'm not knocking Yaesu in any way but I just find that they are too menu driven and I need to keep going back to the Manual just to make simple adjustments where the same adjustments can be found on the front panel of the Icom.


The 905 is so tempting, especially with my preference for portable ops and being up here with active VHF groups in western NY and southern Ontario.


Its awesome to still have some major manufacturers still innovating and competing. But still in the end you here the same signals 😊.


Great video…I have over $10k invested in ICOM over the last 30 years….and will continue to. Hope all is well Vy 73s 🎙 Don


Good point on the 905. My fear of getting one where I live is that I wouldn’t have anyone else to operate with and I can’t afford two! I think it looks fantastic though.


Excellent video Hayden. Keen to understand how you got your Shure mic to work on the 7610 and also if you have a button/key that triggers it


I will stick with my Aussie radio. I almost bought a 7610 but fortunately, we had a presentation from Flexradio so I bought one of those instead. Extremely happy with it. But about a year later, I found the Hermes Lite 2 via a friend in VK. Loved it and ended up going with a full blown Anan when I was able to. The Aussies make great radios and great amps (VK3AMP). Should really look into them.


Im an Icom Ham as well, I found Yaesu not to be as user friendly as Icom, . They are all super radios but Yaesu is a bit more confusing and you must have the manual to operate, where I found Icom can be figured out with out the manual, Just my opinion..after being a Ham for over 40 years
