Can’t Register My Car in California! 😠 #shorts #carshorts

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Register using my address in NJ! 😂 catless downpipes no problem. Just slide a $20


Back in the early 80's in California, I couldn't get my '74 Toyota registered because they said I needed a "NOX" device. However, few people knew what this was and even fewer had one. I made so many calls to parts dealers before finally finding one for $50. I figured this must be some elaborate device, only to find it was a small plastic tube with a simple paper filter inside that took 2 minutes for the guy to install into a rubber vacuum line.

I just checked to see how much my registration would be if I still had the misfortune of living in California, and it was estimated at $564. My registration (different state) just arrived and it is $28.


Register in Alaska! They don’t require much, just a title…. Literally nothing else, and only cost me $170 to be registered for life 😎😎 I moved up here from Colorado (which was also a nightmare to register a vehicle in) brought my title, bill of sale, insurance paperwork, current pay stubs and everything. The lady at the dmv laughed. She just needed the title and my ID (which was still Colorado) and I had already been living here for 9 months with expired tags. No questions asked, she entered the ID info, had me pay $170, and now I’m good for the rest of the life of the vehicle!


Register in SD no safety, emissions, and personal prop tax and they’ll ship the plates to you just need license, title, SSN, and Purchase Slip


When you purchase any car outside of the state it is been a rule and regulation for 30 years that you have to have those three documents. Secondly, thanks to Governor Wilson.... 30 years ao.... Himself a Tea Party elite from San Diego, replanted to Costa Mesa, cut DMV full time staff by 50 percent.... Going back to around 1991, all docs are sent to Sacramento where a clearing house sorts and processes just about all of DMV documents. Unless you are dealing with a DMV investigator, drive evaluator or office management, 100 percent of the other staff at the counter are part time/temp.

Here's a rule of business, 1) always know who you are speaking with before you meet with them and 2), know the rules/laws before you get involved in any financial If you wait until the event happens to find out what you're suppose to do, it's too you're now in crisis And the car dealer absolutely knew all of this when he sold you the


Register in Montana! Honestly if Cali needs you to go thru that headache for a BRAND NEW CAR that is so ridiculous!


I've known this for about 25 years it's extremely hard to register an out-of-state especially if it's not a California compliant from the factory vehicle


Register it right here, in Tucson AZ.


California's government needs to get their sh*t together i'm sick of hearing how sh*tty it is over there when it comes to cars...Makes me never want to go back there again and that's sad


Little do yall know california has a snitching orogram for people who live in CA but have out of state license plates. I always had texas plates on my catless e90 when i was living in CA for two years and moved back to texas. 6 months go by in texas and i get a call from chp regarding how i had two neighbors report my plate. Dude told me to get my shit registered to cali or ill b facing fines and seizure of my car and i told the op to fuck off i live in texas i was only living in cali to help my dad out and renewed my texas registration out of state as i was planning on movinf back. cop laughed and said he gonna launch an investigation to see if i still live in cali. I eventually get a case dismissal letter after 3 months. California is such a fucked state 😂


I bought a Integra from Las Vegas had a nevada title it was only like $28 to register it and make it a Az title here in Arizona lol


Same happened to me here in mesa az my 35 2004 was brought from Washington n they said they couldn’t do it I took it to a dmv a small place in phoenix Az and for 20 more I got the title made from az n with the name


One more reason to get far away from the Cali Cartel.


I got my truck in Arizona as well I had to smog it, get it weighted and they had to verify vin. They also had to verify it was California legal under the hood it has a sticker than states it’s all 50 states emissions.


Dmv worry car is not a car vin number could be fake, they worry its a chop shop i saw on the news lot chop shop out there yeb jyst made sure it legi before youpay my dear if not you stuck in baura thats what they said, you said, dealer said😂😂😂


California law wants people to buy EV that’s why they make it tough on Gas car


RUN. Go back to AZ, FL, or Montana LLC


Move to FL, and remember to vote republican


Register it in SD or Montana from DirtLegal they do all they work.


Be in the car guy and living in California. Would suck
