Exploring The Abandoned Fukushima Elementary School Frozen in Time Since 2011

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Today we are exploring an elementary school that was vacated after a nuclear disaster and natural disaster
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It took me me over an hour to watch because I kept screenshotting and using google translate. The history timeline was cool. That jet was about the hondajet and how it would be flying in 2012 in the US and in Europe in 2013. This was def. an elementary school: grades 2-5 at least. The tags with the clay art were name tags. I googled some names but they are common names so no telling who was who. Most everything was basic stuff in classrooms. The field trip pics were cool too. Kids talking about what they saw and what they thought about the day. Oh... it also looks like in that one classroom, each kid had their own chore to do. One kid cleans the blackboards. Didn't get much else tho. Really cool stuff.
You should see if there is something with AI or google stranslate to see if it can translate and overlay the translations in the video. THAT would be cool!


Amazing how there's no graffiti on the walls, unlike other countries but these Japanese people really are respectful.


Imagine if they had cheese or meat in their packed lunch box... The cheese and meat would be more toxic than 13 year-old fumes.


Many classroom clocks have stopped at 9.30 - 9.40 hours which could indicate that the earthquake happened around that time. Sad to see all the items the children had to leave behind. great documentary you made of this school. which most likely will get demolished at some stage. Good to see that you respect the school and leave it as it is. Those shoes, perfectly paired up on the shelves impressed me that they are taught basic rules of good housekeeping.


It's amazing how well these Japanese buildings hold up. If this was a building in the USA the roof would have disintegrated and the inside would be covered in mold after 8 years.


Please use extreme caution doing things like this in Japan. Law enforcement is very strict, and those who are arrested are likely to face forced/coerced confessions to crimes the accused never committed...even if the accused didn't know they were breaking the law.


Why is Japan always so clean? It's been 14 years and the place still looks fresh.
Meanwhile anywhere else on the planet buildings crumble apart and dust is everywhere.


I found it surprising they haven't been back for clean up. It's eerie and a reminder of an unfortunate event. Also it seems the kids have a lot of fun and are quite creative in elementary.


The kids were probably told to put their bags on their desk they have to leave its an emergency and someone will get your belongings to you later. Knowing it wouldn't happen.


my best friend was killed on this day Zhong Ling Ping she was only 14 she died in the tsunami unfortunately her body and many others were never recovered


35:55 someone was definitely using that classroom for shelter. The beds on the floor, the clothing hung. The benches placed in front of a TV in the other corner of the room. That is amazing.


Wow I am impressed the building is in pristine condition. No vandalism, no damage of any kind. If this school was in the United States left abandoned it would be in ruins. The Japanese culture is so much different they are respectful and polite they don’t destroy things unnecessarily. I watched this once beautiful Detroit abandoned schools and all of them were vandalized. So sad people just can’t leave things alone. I can’t stand it when people destroy abandoned buildings much less operational ones at that.


Ima just do my thing
6:31 library

14:36 english room

17:12 ill explain because this isnt exactly true. After the earthquake teachers werent exactly sure whether the school was structurally sound. The earthquake happened exactly before the kids were about to leave/preparing bags etc. so essentially nobody was allowed inside, so the backpacks werent taken ps. Sorry for the yappin

21:01 home economics room

22:07 most likely warns people from entering the building

22:30 (correct) its to measure radiation

24:13 principals office (including photos of previous principals)

24:24 Nurses room

25:28 teachers lounge

26:02 teachers kitchen

26:53 lunch preping room

27:03 breakroom

28:06 programming room

33:24 main teachers room


Love the fact you risked going there but don’t be disrespectful and open peoples things 😔 the school bag was heartbreaking to see without it being touched!


Its very interesting to see in the first part of the video the red backpacks they look so heavy especially for the younger children, amazing to see everything left behind. unfortunately they all must have been terrified. Epic Investigation THANK YOU for documenting something we shall never see, appreciated, You guys are AWESOME🥰


The police are securing that area most likely to protect from exposure. I hope you guys will get tested, exposure can damage your health. Not wise to be on private property in a different country. I know you guys are curious, but the laws in Japan are very different than America.


“is still too radioactive to this day” HEY WHATS UP GUYS *with no gear on* 😩🙏🏽

nah but frl, hope you didn’t get sick or anything from it. awesome vid.


Since the earthquake took place at probably the final period of the school when everyone is about to pack their bags and leave, but with the risk of the building collapsing when students go back and reclaim their properties and concerns about the leakage of nuclear products that could harm any living organisms, those bags, shoes, artworks, were just neatly left there, some of them don’t want to reclaim them since this is a place that their loved ones were lost while some of them may not be able to reclaim it forever


The fish tank in the 1st class room dried up. That fish is hard as a rock now


In my country when we have emergency practice, they tell us that we can not bring our things. However i can imagine that the teachers and the kids were both confused, preparing to leave (with their bags, hesitating what to do) but they ended up evacuating fast. No time for bags and shoe changes. I can imagine the kids holding their bags sitting at the desk waiting for orders from the teachers.
